Tuesday, December 31, 2002

My posts are posting now. Good! I had a good last few days... we went to the mall of america. It was fun. OK that's all for now... my grandpa and his wife are here and we are going to have dinner and then I don't know what I am going to do for the final 6 hours of 2002. But happy new year! Next post will proabaly be in 2003.

Thursday, December 26, 2002

My latest posts aren't showing... but ok. Christmas was great. I GOT WINDOWS XP FOR MY COMPUTER AT SCHOOL!!! I am so excited about that... windows Me sucks. I also got some flannel pants... I love those things. They are so comfortable. And some other stuff. Fun times.

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I got the vespers CDs today.... OH MY GOD. They sound SO GOOD!!! So much better than that bootleg copy of last years vespers I got... Lux Arumque gives me shivers every time I hear it. I'm still listening to it right now. I gave Mrs. Mac hers and she was so happy to get it!

Friday, December 20, 2002

OK for some reason my latest post isn't showing up anymore and also my counters are gone (although that could be the work that bravenet, the website who hosts the counters, is doing some maitenence.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Well, I'm home now! I'm so glad to be home. I need to do Christmas shopping though. That's pretty hard to do when you are broke. But I'm getting excited because of the concert tomorrow night and I'm getting mad at classical archives because my compositions aren't up yet and it's been almost a week. I hope they are up soon!

I just found out that my mom has to have a historectomy next month. :( Please pray for her!

Monday, December 16, 2002

Oh yeah, how could I forget? I'm a poster child for Millikin now! I'M ON THE MILLIKIN WEBSITE!!!!!!!!! YEAH BABY! It was during the cookie party. I saw that and I'm like Woah! Awesome!
Well in less than 36 hours I WILL BE HOME!!! YEah.. I can't wait. I have 2 finals tomorrow and I need to pack and I'm all set. Awesome. Talked to Tember online and she said that Grandma loved the movie and that everyone cried when they showed her the scrapbook. I SO WISH I WAS THERE!!! Damn, you Millikin, for scheduling finals after yesterday. OK I'm going to study or pack now...

Sunday, December 15, 2002

I want to type a really long post for some reason so here goes:

Why is there no snow in Decatur? I just seems like it never snows here, whereas it snows north of us, or south of us, or west of us ( I don't know about east of us; oh wait that DID happen once) and it just takes a break as it passes over Decatur. Sure we had a few flurries one day and another day it was an icy mix that left the ground semi-dusted with the white stuff. But hey! I'm waiting for the foot of snow that better fall while I am at home. I have been snow deprived. Last year it didn't snow much at all here, and it didn't snow much while I was home. Ironically enough the day I leave back for school last year, we are in Illinois and Molly calls home and they are having a blizzard. That ticked me off. We didn't get our first real snow until like March and it was like 70 degrees in January. Well I hope we get tons of snow this year. I hope that when I get back to Decatur that it will be covered waist high with snow. OK I know that is kind of a high expectation but who cares. I should get it to make up for all the snowless days I went with last year.

Only 4 (or is it 3? I don't know whether to count today or not since it is 1 in teh morning) more days until I go home. I leave on Wednesday morning. I miss Aria's Christmas concert but that's Ok I saw it last year and anyway I'm just glad I'm going home! What's weird is that anytime I'm at home now the time goes by so fast. And a lot at school time drags on. Why can't it be the other way around? I mean pre-college days I couldn't wait to come down here. Now I go home every chance I get. It's weird.

I taught a song to 1st graders yesterday and it was SO MUCH FUN! I had doubts about teaching elementary children but they had so much fun! They loved the song. Everyone says how I'd make a great elementary school teacher. And I probably would love doing it since I get along well with kids (especially younger ones:)) But I want to keep my options open. High school might be great. And I really want to conduct. I mean teaching college choir would be awesome too. Each setting has it's pros and cons. When it comes time to find a job, I probably won't have a hard time finding one (the general consesus is that there is a major shortage of music teachers (hopefully no one will cut music from their school that would be a GRAVE MISTAKE just throwing a random statement in about my beliefs but that's another rant), the hard thing is just CHOOSING what I want to do. I mean take Ms. Kuo. She was a student teacher at Preble when I was a Junior, I believe. Maybe a Senior. But Mrs. Mac says that she is teaching elementary music now and loves it. But she would have made an awesome high school teacher as well. So I want to keep my options open. In time I know that God will guide me in the right direction.

OK That's it for now.
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! MY ARCHIVES ARE NOW MONTHLY!!! That is AWESOME! It only took like what, 3 weeks? But hey I am psyched!

It doesn't take much at 12:50 in the morning does it? Oh well, I don't have any finals tomorrow so I am taking advantage of staying up late.
I changed my comment above and listen to it. No one has ever left me a message on the comments. I feel neglected :(

Saturday, December 14, 2002

LOL I just found out that there was a Japanese animated series called "Torappu ikka monogatari". Guess what it is? THE SOUND OF MUSIC!!!!!!! OK maybe not the sound of music, but it is the story of the Trapp family singers (whose biography I saw last night was VERY interesting!) and from the few english reviews I have read, it is strikingly authentic. If I can find it anywhere I'd rent it or get it and see it.
I wrote my best two part invention last night. It is in 7/8 time and sounds awesome. I can't stop listening to it. I also had a nightmare last night which my alarm clock woke me up thank God. I dreamt that on the news they were showing pictures of this guy who sliced his son and his wife in half and the faces were still like normal; it was freaky. Like their eyes were still open and there was a lot of blood and it was scary. And they showed other nice pictures of them and I was crying. And then Aria called and left a message saying "My God. Spence pick up the phone." Then the alarm clock woke me up.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Well the party went well. I wish more people could have come and stayed longer; the majority of the people had to leave at 7 and Garrett doesn't like Jakes pizza. Oh well. It was still fun. Garrett gets to leave to go home tomorrow. Lucky. Oh well. I have juries tomorrow and a lesson plan to do for teaching at the LSA tomorrow and I can't post on the Homestar Runner message board because I can't get to the page it says it can't find it whereas other people can. What gives?
Our party is in 3 1/2 hours and we can't watch movies in the lounge because of dead hours so we don't know what to do.
I had the weirdest dream last night. I was at this mass christmas concert with lots of choirs there, including UChoir. I went with Garrett and we arrived on time, but Garrett was in the wrong place because he began singing and everyone around him was a bass. After this one big chord the floor started moving in a circle. When it reached stairs I went down them, and then I noticed all these kids floating and I wanted to float so some kid began carrying me and then I started to float and fly through the air!!!! It was awesome. Then Dr. Forbes saw me (he saw me last time I levitated in another dream) and then I started to go down because floating I guess makes you dizzy. And then when I was on the ground I swore him to secrecy.

Why do I have these weird dreams?

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

WHY IN THE HELL does the stupid counter keep changing the option NOT TO COUNT MY OWN HITS BACK ON?!?!?!? It is really annoying.
I haven't done some of these in a while so I thought I'd do a few!
You are Civilian Calvin!
You don't get to travel much outside your neighborhood, but you still manage to get in plenty of trouble. When you're not acting up, you like to wax philosophical.
Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by contessina_2000@yahoo.com!

Ahh Calvin!!!

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I'm Grover on Ecstacy. lol. I think Grover is the best Sesame Street character anyday. Grover can kick Elmo's butt. Elmo is just annoying but Grover is awesome (Cookie Monster is a close second)

which song describes you the best?

This is interesting... I think this song is OK but I don't like it that much....
There was another one that described your musical genre but none of the questions fit me! Like "Who do you like out of these people" and they had aaliyah, britney spears, blind guardian, eminem, linkin park, daft punk. I don't like any of them (I have no idea who Blind Guardian is though so maybe I like them but I don't know.)

Which Magical Order Are You In?

brought to you by Quizilla

This is interesting.... I don't distance myself from others though I am not very social...

Which Season are you?

Even though the question about makeup through me off I love winter :)

You are 27% geek

You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.

Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend.

You [to Geek]: We need more than that, Scotty. You'll have to stay until you can squeeze more outta them engines!

Geek [to You]: I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!

You [to Normal]: He wants to know if he gets overtime.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

Lol this is funny. I guess I am a little geeky but not a lot I'm pretty normal.

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!

I actually played around with this a little because I wanted to be Frank. I haven't yet seen a room he did that I didn't like and my mom remodeled the upstairs bathroom after his Mexican kitchen (the one with the sarape on the ceiling).
Just got done with barriers so I am happy. But now for a rant and rave.

Why did I even put the comment things on the board? No one EVER leaves a comment. I put them up there so people can leave comments but no one ever does. Same with my guest book on the other site. No one ever signs it. Why? It makes me mad. Grrr.... Oh well. I guess I can't help it.

6 days
5 finals
Tomorrow is the party
9 days till I go see Chapter 6

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

I saved Jenny's life (or at least I saved her $1) because after many tries by her friends and herself, I took a hanger and got into her room where she locked herself out. ON THE FIRST TRY! Awesome awesome awesome. Fun stuff.
Well classes are finally over. So the countdown begins:

7 days
5 1/2 finals
0 papers (thank God I had like almost no papers this semester :) I am lucky

I'm really annoyed of two things:
1. the homestar runner message board won't work AGAIN. What is the deal with that? Why doesn't it ever work? It's weird. There must be something wrong with it or something because it happens ALL OF THE TIME!!!
2. I really hate those stupid popups that take up almost the entire screen and fool you into clicking an ad with an x in the corner when there is a button that says "close window" and when you click it nothing happens so you have to right click it on the bottom of the screen and say close. Those things are annoying and I hate them.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

All righty VESPAS IS OVAH!

I am SO mad at Garrett right now he makes fun of my Wisconsin accent in his Christmas cards he is sending to all of his relatives. Grr. Oh well. I can't help it. He has an accent and hates to admit until he is trying to prove a point so he looks like he is right.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

Garrett keeps making fun of my parents for saying "Clean up before we come because your grandparents are coming." I don't blame him. I mean was our room ever really messy? We don't have (much) crap on the floor like in most dormrooms. Oh well they are coming today. So I guess I have to "Clean up".

Vespers performance @3 today wish everyone luck especially on Præludium Noël because we keep forgetting the words (Arise used to be just as bad now it's OK.)

Friday, December 06, 2002

I'm hungry.
Well, tomorrow my family comes and is Vespers Performance #1. Tonite is the dress rehearsal. I have a piano final in a little while and stuff..... I am so overwhelmed again and I have to take 20 credits again next semester. AHHH!!! I have decided that if there is a likely chance that I don't have to take that many credits next semester I won't.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Also, and I'm not sure if I will do this yet or not; I might move this over to another blog site or something... I see so many other sites that are better where you can enter your mood and what music you are listening to and stuff but i don't know if I will do that yet or not.
This is making me mad;
I wanted to observe the nursing home today but I was too late to get a ride.
I was late to recital attendance I probably won't get all 14 (I have 12 that really sucks if I don't get them all)
Blogger is not changing my archives to monthly. I still have a huge list of weekly archives.
I don't know. I'm having a blah day even though I have no vespers tonite.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Hell week day three:

Actually this rehearal wasn't so bad. The funniest thing was seeing Giovanni go nuts because we had to go back and forth practicing the logistics. Actually he and Kurt were standing on the edge of the risers where two risers met and he's like "OK, I'm standing on the riser's buttcrack." And I said "Well Kurt is straddling the riser's buttcrack." And it was so funny.

The highlight of the evening was when everyone sang happy birthday to my great-grandma on camera!! Last night when I asked Dr. Holmes said "Let me think about that" and earlier when I told Chris he said that, he said "which means no." I brought the camcorder just in case and he did it and she is going to love it!!!!! I can't wait. Well off to class. I can't wait until this is over!

Monday, December 02, 2002

Hell week day two:

Funny thing happened during Concert Choir rehearsal. Prof. Hesse was like " I have faith that you can move the audience with this song and it will come" and then Nick says loud enough so everyone could hear "everywhere all over the audience" it was kind of sick but it was so hilarious because he said it so loud.

Yet another vespers rehearsal finished. Mostly we worked on logistics. I am going to be toast after vespers and stuff. I had my voice lesson today and I didn't work much over the break but I need to work on my songs and it is going to be almost impossible to do that because of Vespers taking up pretty much all of my vocal energy. And juries and barriers are right after vespers is over. Great planning, Millikin.

Sunday, December 01, 2002

Hell week begins:

Vespers rehearsal was exhausting. Much more exhausting than I had anticipated. And it's going to get worse. Oh well. I hope my voice doesn't fail me.

Thanksgiving was fun. I was so glad to go home, but it seemed so rushed. It went way too fast. Wednesday I went and observed 3 hours for intro. And worked. On Thanksgiving I went to grandpa's and had prime rib. Friday I DID NOT SHOP, I worked. We had turkey at home. Saturday we got the tree. 14 footer. Great stuff. Sunday I went home. Sad. I wanted to stay. But it was vespers time. Vespers. Plus I'm seeing my family on Saturday. SATURDAY?!?!? Vespers is this weekend ALREADY?!?!?!? Holy crap. I hope I can survive. Luckily most of my classes are taking it easy on us Vespers kids.

Saturday, November 23, 2002

This was my away message last night:

Dude I just got back from James Bond. Holy wow. Awesome movie and it was so hilarious. The funniest line was when Halle Berry was looking through binoculars and then she sees vehicles and says "Vehicles." And then Erick leans over to Brad and says "Boy, that's obvious!" Or something like that. HAHAHA!!! That was awesome. Have a good night I don't know what I am doing now. I could be sleeping. I could be at the computer. I could be watching infomercials on TV. Or watching another movie. Who knows? But fun times tonight.

OK. Then I went to sleep. I had this weird dream that I went to jail. I don't remember how I got in there, but Emily bailed me out because she was now a big broadway star and could afford my bail. So I go up to the desk and ask what day it is and it is June 10, 2005 or something like that. And I was in shock. I was 22. I wasted 2 1/2 years of my life in jail. And I cried about that, not because I was out. Weird stuff. Anyway the world had completely changed and Emily had this huge convertable that fit like 12 people in it, two in each seat. It was weird. Ok well there's my weird dream for this week I guess...

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Funny thing happened this morning in conducting. I forgot to do my lesson plans for Elementary Methods and so I was talking to Cory and Jake and here is the conversation that happened.

Jake: Just tell her your dog died... no better yet, tell her your mom died.
Spencer: Well, my aunt is having a hysterectomy..

Lol. Well, I don't have Jazz anymore and now I barely have conducting anymore until the final. We got our final today, so we only meet to discuss, I guess. Classes are almost over!!!! I can't wait until Christmas. I hope it snows this weekend like they predict.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Wow. I'm starting to get run down. I want to go home. But only 6 more days!!!!! YEAH!! Sometimes i feel like I can't remember anything I need to do... I'm actually doing a lot better with that than last year... but I always forget to write stuff in my planner. What good is a planner if you forget to write in it? Oh well. I got an 83 on my Physics test... which is really good after I heard some of the other grades on it. That was a hard test because there was SO much information we needed to do... And my piano test was fine.

I'm starting to get ready for Christmas! I got a christmas desktop theme on my computer and lights on my tree and listening to Christmas music.

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO:Three Ships by Jon Anderson

See? I love that album by Jon Anderson. i also like Mannheim Steamroller and jazzy Christmas songs like "Christmas Is Coming" by Vince Guaraldi. But it's like 50 out right now. I want snow.

Busen brought his snake to choir today. It was sweet! It is a baby python. It's 2 feet long now and when he got it in the summer it was like a foot long and it will grow to like 8 feet. It's so cool. I wouldn't mind having a snake for a pet.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Well the Vocal Jazz concert is tonight and so I am currently getting all decked up. The monitors have issues! They kept squeaking and giving feedback and my ears are hurting... anyone who knows me knows how I get when I hear feedback. I either cringe or scream, literally. I hate that sound and my poor sensitive ears hate that sound even more. Hopefully it will all get worked out. Well wish me luck! Be back later.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

There was a fender bender in front of Oakland; the car behind wasn't paying attention to the other car who stopped for someone crossing the street at the crosswalk... it happens. And then I saw a meteor. It was cool I saw it breaking up in the air! It was really bright. Very close. I wonder if any of it hit the ground.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Just got back from the MVOP concert! Wow it went so well and everyone sang so great and it was just awesome!!!!! I am so proud of everyone I am on a natural high right now :):):) I love these natural highs!! And another good thing! IT IS SNOWING IN DECATUR!!! Ok so it's not a blizzard, just a few flurries, but still, we didn't get anything like that until march last year. YAY!! My hope of having accumilated snow on the ground by the time I leave, after having gone down with a reality check with Garrett earlier today (was about 40%, went down to 15%), is now 30%. So I'm holding on to hope. But snow kicks butt!!! Now I need to make some food.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

I am feeling much better after that hell of a day! Wow. I was so exhausted. Today wasn't as bad, but tomorrow when I get back from class at 12 I am free until 4, so during that time I am going to nap or somethign.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

In less than 7 hours the busiest day of my life will commence... busier than that 11 hour day of work I had at the music festival because that was only in one place and much of it was stuff I knew how to do. This is running around all over the place almost 12 hours of work with only a couple of tiny breaks here and there...... I'm going to collapse after MVOP tomorrow night.
It's 1:28 in the morning and I am still working on my paper... I'm almost done thank God. If I am in bed my 2 I will be OK sleepwise I think. I still don't know whether I'll shower tonight or not. Anyway back to work I'm almost done!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Well, the grinding week began yesterday fairly normal. Now starting today and going on until Thursday, with the climax being tomorrow, here is my schedule for the next few days.

12ish-2 sit at MVOP table
2-3 Masterclass
3-4:15 break, which means work on my paper
4:15-5:45 Vocal Jazz
5:45-8:30 break, which means dinner and work on my paper
8:30~9:30 MVOP rehearsal
9:30-? Finish paper

9-10 Observe (?)
10-11 Survey, turn in paper :)
11-12 Physics of music
12-1 Break for lunch (?) and start on lab
1-2 Intro to Music Ed
2-3 Class Piano
3-4 Work on lab
4-5 Choir
5-5:45 Dinner and get ready to help Shanan
5:45-7 Help Shanan on stage crew for the recital
7-8:30 MVOP rehearsal
8:30-? come home and collapse, then when I awake, work on 2 observation reflections and a lesson plan and other various stuff for Elementary methods

9:30-10:45 Conducting
11-12:15 Elementary Methods
2-3 Recital (?)
4:15-5:45 Vocal Jazz
6:45-7:45 MVOP Rehearsal
8:30-10 Final Contagious Christian bible study meeting :(

At last a normal day (I Think...)!!!

5-? MVOP Concert

7-9 Vespers rehearsal

? Vocal Jazz Concert

I can't wait until I go home for thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 10, 2002

AFter a beautiful weekend of fairly warm warmth, it's starting to get cold again. And another weekend gone by with not much done ;). I did some stuff but I was going to work on my paper and never really did; that shows how much willpower I have. I did go observe at the nursing home, and sang with MVOP at a church, and VESPERS REHEARSAL #1. But that's it. Except for going to Kroger twice; once at like 5 and once at like 2 in the morning with Bobby. The grocery store is so weird at 2 in the morning. There is like no one in there! bobby was afraid of the lady behind the counter because last time he went at 3 in the morning and she was really crabby but she was nice this time so that's good. Dad finds out tomorrow if he is one chosen to sing with Ray Charles tomorrow! That would be so awesome if I could do that. But vespers will have to do. And we are singing Eric Whitacre and they are not :). OH MAN this song Lux Arumque is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I want a copy to keep forever. Now I know why Cory is obsessed with him ;). OK well I'm going to work on my paper now.

Thursday, November 07, 2002

OK. I am having this MAJOR craving for Steak and Shake. I don't know why. But I want steak and shake. It sounds so good right now... maybe after Lighthouse tomorrow they'll go to Steak and Shake. I hope so.
Having a MAJOR craving for Steak and Shake is NOT good when:
A. You don't have a means of transportation
B. You don't have money
C. You don't have someone to go there with.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Another weird phone call happened since my last entry... this time it was Bill Clinton urging us to vote Democrat. Yeah, too bad that both me and Garrett are both Republicans and that I already voted absentee....

I'm glad I voted absentee mostly I guess because then all the people who lost would have lost by more. Man. Jim Doyle won for governor over McCallum. I was so mad when I saw that this morning. Also, the lady who was running for attorney general won over the republican guy. The other people I voted for won, like Mark Green and Judy Krawchik. But the big one makes me mad. What's weird is that Illinois had the same thing happen to them. Rob Blagoujech won over Jim Ryan, and Lisa Madigan over Joel Burkett. Same parties, same seats, even same gender! Weird... Jakes blaming the democratic thing on Chicago... I can see why because Chicago voted like 500000 votes for Blagojevich and 125000 for Ryan... I'd like to see if Madison and Milwaukee voted for Doyle. Yep same in Milwaukee and Madison... Man southern Wisconsin is totally Democratic. That's the same it was for 2000 as well! What's the deal with that? Why does everyone in big cities like Democrats? Green Bay won Republican. That's comforting.

Saturday, November 02, 2002

I had an AWESOME practice earlier for singing. But anyway, I just got this weird phone call and the girl is like "Who's this?" and I'm like "Spencer" and she said "Hi Spencer" and it sounded like Vanessa. And there was another girl in the background laughing and sounded like Aria. And she's like "Is Eric there?" and I thought Vanessa messed up Garrett's name. And I'm like "There's no eric here" and she all of a sudden says oh no I'm sure I dialed the right number and I thought Aria was going to say "Garrett" and she didn't and then the girl is like "well I just made a new friend my name's Becca. Well I'm going to let you go have a nice night." That was weird. That was my weird phone call of the semester. Last semester was Sunshine Magazine lady.

Friday, November 01, 2002

Garrett has to accompany Tartuffe for rehearsal tomorrow and he is practicing it and it sounds horrible.... it is so atonal and it sounds like someone is just banging on the piano.... wow. I haven't eaten dinner yet so I am going to eat it now.
I have been feeling so burned-out lately.... I have so much to do in so little time!!! I hate stuff like this...

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Wow it has been a while since I have written in this thing... I went to the choir concert tonight it was good. I have to do this paper but I get sidetracked. I am doing a lot of stuff with geneology lately... I have found tons of info. That's about it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

I think I got a bad case of Fanta.... I got some fanta grape at the store and iut is really gross. It tastes like something was added that wasn't supposed to be added; it doesn't even taste like grape! Yuck. It doesn't taste remotely close to Fanta in a bottle. I hope I can return it or something.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Still suffering from post-home depression. Tomorrow I'm going to this festival with millikin men so I am happy, because I don't have my busy Wednesday! YEAH BABY!

Sunday, October 20, 2002

I'm back now... I don't want to be back. The weekend went by WAYWAYWAY too fast. Oh well.

I got sick on the way home. Like puking sick. It was not fun. Poor Molly had to pull over off teh interstate like 3 times for me to vomit. And then on the way home from Molly's I puked up the Sprite I drank. But for the stomach flu do you know what works? WARM COCA-COLA. It can't be cold because it will make your stomach contract and you will throw up again. And it can't be Pepsi or generic brand or whatever because that isn't as acidic... Coke will kill the bacteria. And it works wonders I attest to it.

Friday I visited school and went to a musical rehearsal because I most likely won't be going to the musical... I am still clinging to the 1% chance that I can go. I will look everywhere for a way to go. But I got 2 of my observation hours down!

Saturday night we made a power run to Door County because Aria wanted to go to this dance in Sister Bay because these 3 boys she met at Marina Fest wanted to see her... I don't know but Vanessa went along and they had fun.

And the way back was much better than the way up. I was not sick. But I wanted to stay home! I still want to be at home. Oh well I'll be home in a month for thanksgiving and shortly after that I will be seening my family for vespers and like a week and a half after that is Christmas break. OK I have to finish unpacking and then I have to eat and then study for midterms.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Last day of class before fall break!! I can't wait to go home.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Today has been a good day. I saw the opera it was good but Garrett was supposed to be in it and I saw him for one second and that is when he was moving the throne... I don't know. Anyway I got an A- on my conducting lab from FORBES!!! That generally means I did pretty dang well. Good. Then I find out I don't have to teach for music ed! At least not by myself... the whole class will be there and Dr. Shields will do most of it!!! And I sang in Masterclass and did well, and he did well in Vocal Jazz. Good day today. I'm happy. Tomorrow will be awesome because tomorrow I don't have choir! The only problem with that is since I don't have choir after about 4:30 (pending how long my lab will be for physics) I will have nothing to do for about 14 hours until I leave to go home with Molly at about 6 in the morning Thursday. I can't wait to be home!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my Bernstein CD yesterday and I can't stop listening to it!! Especially The Masque. That is my favorite part of the entire Symphony #2 (the age of anxiety). Awesome song!!!

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO: Leonard Bernstein, The Age of Anxiety, The Masque

Monday, October 14, 2002

Well, I just had my first Krispy Kreme donut. I thought they would be long johns but they are just regular. They are really good! Not what I expected exactly, but good just the same. They do indeed melt in your mouth. Good times.

Sunday, October 13, 2002

I told Garrett my dream and he's like "Oh, my word!" Like he always is lol :) He also asked "Where was I?" when I went over to the Golden Girls house.

The Choir was good at church again... I want to be in UChoir so I can sing "Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of Creation" that is SUCH AN AWESOME SONG!
I saw Red Dragon last night with Don... it was very good but it gave me a weird dream, of course lol. This was my dream. I dreamed that people started to act really weird; it started small, like I was in a chemistry class and the teacher said "Move this to the right" and I said "You said yesterday to the left and only to the left!" and he got all mad at me. Then people started saying sex was awesome and stuff... people were saying "sex sex sex sex sex!" So I went over to the Golden Girls house (I knew them apparently and they also lived in Decatur even though they are a walk away from the beach!) and Betty White was weird but the rest were fine and the one lady said that Revelation was starting. So I thought yeah it all adds up. But then I went to Mills Hall and it was totally different; There were no doors there were curtains on the doors and it was totally different! And everyone was crazy! So with some other people's help I was going to blow it up because everyone in there was weird or something and so I rigged a wick that would last a half hour so I could get everything I needed out. Clothes, books, other stuff. The thing that would blow it up were Two tomato slices and close to the end someone yelled "Hey I'm not eating these tomatos!" or something. But I just got out in time when it blew up and it was totally weird and I would never do something like that in real life. Bizarre.

Now I'm going to church. And then I will be watching the Packer game!

Saturday, October 12, 2002

I went to the game for a while... the first 5 minutes of the first quarter were awesome Millikin was up 17-0. And then it went downhill from there. I left after Wheton scored again to make it 39-20... middle of the 4th quarter... First homecoming game I have ever been to where the home team lost. Crap. Oh well it was still fun. Shanan sang the national anthem that was awesome.

I'm getting over my cold finally, I guess.. I'm a little less stuffed every hour. my nose hurts though... it's tired! It's tired from all that blowing. I can't help it if my sinuses are stuffed up!

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

I had this weird dream. Brad Holmes told me I had to do a speech. There were like 3 people doing one. Well I was gone when it was my turn and then I showed up so I stood on a car and did a speech, but it was really stupid like "hey, I'm cool!" Dr. Holmes got really mad and it made the national news there was like a helicopter view of me standing on the car, and then my choir teacher from high school wrote this essay that was published in all the newspapers and magazines. It was weird!

Today was weird too with my sore throat... I can sing bass it is that bad. Oh well I'm not alone, both Christie and Jason have sore throats too so I think it is going around... I'm drinking Lemon tea and eating salty foods and stuff... salt is supposed to kill the bacteria in the throat that's why people gargle salt water with a sore throat but I can't it's gross and my sister puked once while doing that. SO I'll just eat a salted pretzel. And lemons i KNEW were good for the throat so Lemon Tea is it.

OK I"m eating now then I have MVOP... my movie is not here yet hope it comes tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

I have a sore throat and I hate it. It hurts when I talk and sing. Blah. I think I am getting a cold. Just my luck. But the Packers won!!! Yay!

Saturday, October 05, 2002

Something interesting is going on! I tried WinMX yesterday and I got on the actual network!! And I did it this morning too and it works! Even though downloads are slower than a modem, I'm on WinMX so that is awesome! I am excited. I downloaded quite a few songs yesterday, and I have quite a few that aren't done.

Candide was so funny last night. Garrett's line as the priest saying the boy could add to their services (using a lisp on the s on services giving the stereotypical implication that there was more behind that, adding to the recent events in the Catholic Church and boys being molested) had the hugest laugh of the night. Also Katie's line "Many years ago while they were eating my buttock" was hiliarious. Man. That was a great show.
I saw Candide tonight it was awesome but I am really tired so this is going to be short bye.

Thursday, October 03, 2002

It's been a good day. I went to the recital because I knew everyone who was performing except for the low brass group (but I knew one of those people too). It was good. But I was really hyper today. It's one of those days.

I'm talking to Mike right now and he says that the dances for West Side Story are really hard, but it will be great. I wish I could go see it. It doesn't look good so I will have to settle for going to rehearsal.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Well I got my timeline back and I got a perfect score on it! 200 out of 200. Then it was worth all the hard work on it. Well, today begins the busy day of the week that I absolutely LOATHE... wish me luck.

Monday, September 30, 2002

This is going to be one of those LOOONG weeks, I know it... I'm not excited. I'm already burned out from this timeline; I think I worked WAY too hard on it but it looks good so I'm pleased. I'm just tired. I have to learn a song for MVOP so I can have it ready for the musician's rehearsal at 5. Long week... stuff after 7 every night except for today... Tueday is cornerstone Wednesday is MVOP Thrusday is MENC meeting and Friday is Candide. If Candide wasn't this weekend I'd go to the Fall Retreat with Lighthouse but I promised Garrett I'd go to this like the first day of school. OK time to learn this song. It should be kind of easy it is "I'm going up a Yonder" and Aria sang that in high school.

Sunday, September 29, 2002

Well, I'm getting there on my timeline; I'm up to 1600. But I just lent my piano book to Christie, and she said that when she had to do it she was up until 3 in the morning. That doesn't make me excited. Thank God I don't have class until 10 so if I am up that late I can still get a semi-decent night's sleep. But yep, back to work on that stupid timeline. I'm getting a headache from doing it.

Saturday, September 28, 2002

What a long day, and it isn't over yet!!!

I've been working slowly on my project since late morning or early afternoon (I can't remember), and I still have tons to do. I'm determined to get at least some more done tonight. But It's looking all right so far.

At about 3:30 today, Garrett and I went to walmart. I needed supplies for my project. While I was there, I wanted some popcorn. So Garrett directed me there, and it turned out to be a supercenter. I'd never been in one of those, it's like a supermarket! Anyway, I get the popcorn, and then I decide to see if there was fanta there. I saw 2 liter bottles, and then... an amazing thing happened... I SAW FANTA!!!! THEY HAVE FANTA AT WALMART!!! FANTA HAS FINALLY COME TO DECATUR!!!! YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA!!!! I was so pumped! Awesome. That was the highlight of my day I kid you not.

I worked on my project some more, and then I went to the collage concert. What an amazing concert. everyone who performed was awesome. The only thing I didn't like is when UChoir performed and my usual bitterness came back. But that was it, it was less bitter and everytime I see them I get less and less bitter. Everyone rocked. Good job to anyone who is reading this and was in the Collage Concert.

OK that's it for tonight. I have to get some more done on my project before I go to bed. Garrett went to Shelbyville with a friend for the night so I am by myself but hey now I can listen to music loud and stuff. Take care all!

Friday, September 27, 2002

wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow. AWESOME INTERVARSITY TONITE!!!!!!!!! Really cool; I bet it has changed my life!!!! We talked about sexual struggles and so many people opened up and it was so cool!!! Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow cool cool cool cool!!!

OK I need to go to Walmart and Garrett isn't here and I'm like how can I get to Walmart?
TGIF, that is a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing; not as many classes (although I have a class piano test but normally I don't have that class). No intro to music ed, no piano, no lab, nothing! And lighthouse is on friday too! Yay! Fun stuff.

Now for the bad reason why TGIF. This only applies to this weekend and other certain weekends. I have a project due on Monday. Yes. I will be spending my WHOLE weekend making a timeline for Intro to Music ed. Now it CAN'T be simple if you want an A. You will have to put time and effort into it, and get the broad scope of an idea as to what is important in the history of music education. I hope I have that focus. We need about 50 important events that have happened in the history of music education from antiquity to 2002, and that's only half of it! The other half, luckily, it up to us and doesn't need 50. I'm going to put down about 20 (hopefully). I got the thing started but hopefully I will be able to finish it by Sunday afternoon so I can at least have some time to myself this weekend not being preocupied with my project!

And I wish I didn't have a test today in class piano because that means there is only an hour between the end of that and choir and I HATE HOUR LONG BREAKS. There isn't enough time to do much of anything but there is too much time to just wait for your next class. It's annoying. Poopy. I need to go to walmart today.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Yesterday, I got 5 hits in a row from Blogger.com. How is that possible? I'm not one of those top 10 blogs or something, and they occured at times I didn't make an entry. It's not from a post in the discussion board because it isn't there. I think that is cool but weird at the same time. I just want to know how people got to look at my blog and how the word is getting out about it or something.

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Shit. Why does the musical at Preble have to be the same weekend as the MVOP concert? Especially when I am a director? The musical is the 14, 15, and 16th, and the concert is on the 16th. So hopefully, maybe I can skip class and go on Friday or something. I mean I don't normally do that, but Aria has her first big role with lots of lines in a musical or play (while not having Mrs. Miller add lines). She is Anybodys in West Side Story, and she wanted that role so bad so I hope I can go!!!!!!!! I just have to find a way. I'll have to pray that I can find a way.

Ok Me and Garrett are going to watch Amadeus and see if it is PG like the package said or if it is R like it is supposed to be... That was so weird when I saw PG on it because it doesn't say anywhere but that small box that it is PG. But to be PG it would have to be edited. Hopefully the swearing isn't. OK well anyway I hope I have a good night. :)
I did it! I didn't change the template, I just saved the changes I made and then replaced them! Yay! No more error 503! :):)
yep, I did. I think I might change the template... it says that as a suggestion under the help files. That's kind of too bad since I like this template, but they got some new ones recently that look cool, so maybe it's time for a change.
Well, it said they did maintenance yesterday, so let's see if I get a stupid error 503 message.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Tomorrow is Wednesday... I am not looking forward to it... I HATE Wednesdays!!!

So I am telling Jake and Cory what my project is for Intro to Music Ed, and I find out I AM DOING THE EXACT SAME THING CORY IS DOING!!!! I'm like "Oh, my God!" That is so weird! I go into more detail about it, saying I'm going to draw notes with the facts on it. Yep, she's doing that. The top staff is going to be music ed, the bottom is my own. Yep, she's doing that. Holy crap! Exactly the same. That is so weird. Luckily we are not in the same section, but Dr. Shields is going to be getting two projects that are exactly the same.

Monday, September 23, 2002

OK so I go to my website because I was adding some stuff to the Luxner page which is the best page out of the entire thing, and I click to see the stats on the counter, and up pops this add saying I am the 10 millionth visitor to my site. Uh, no. I don't think so.

Garrett was fake arguing with Cory over the fact that cory has a boyfriend, and Cory took it seriously but I think she is over it now.

OK that's it for now I have to study for a Elementary Methods quiz tomorrow.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

I have to get this timeline project thing done for Intro to music ed... I don't know what to do. I also have to get started on this research paper for Survey, practice for my voice lessons (I should do that at least once in a week...) and also need to do a self evaluation for Conducting and practice for that as well.
The Packer game is on TV!!! Awesome. Just saw Marques Anderson take an interception about 70 yards for a TD. Awesome.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

My parents have come and gone... the day went by really fast! I made a wax hand that was cool and then we went to Monical's pizza because Aria was crying because she wanted to go to Steak and Shake and mom wanted to eat at Los Mat so I suggested go someplace we never have been before and Aria was still whining about that because she didn't want pizza. Aria is so whiny sometimes.

Anyway today was a nice pleasant day... now tonight I have to study unfortunately. I need to get a rough draft for my history of music ed timeline which I totally forgot about... I was going to ask mom for suggestions because she is very artistic visually and usually has some good ideas. But as usual I forgot. I also have to do this thing for my research project, and also get SOME practicing done this week for my voice lessons. Maybe tonight and tomorrow.

OK this really bugs me. After clicking and closing my info on my buddy list, it pops up like 5 minutes later again. Why does it do that? Grrr.
I'm starting to get into that bad habit of buying things off of ebay again. Why? I don't know. I know I shouldn't but you get something in your head that you want and off you go bidding. I also bid on a couple of things for Garrett because he doesn't have a checking account. But I bid on myself most of the time.

Tomorrow my family comes for the weekend, so I'm going to bed now rather than stay up until 2 like I usually do because they said they would be here at nine and I want to be up and dressed before they get here.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Conversation after recital:

We walk out of Kirkland.:
Me: Wow, it got hot. It's all warm and sticky.
Shanan: You're mom is warm and sticky.
Me: You're gross.
Shanan: You mixed up my words I was talking about how you're mom cooks.
Me: No you didn't.
Shanan: You're a pervert.
Me: You're dad's warm and sticky.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

I am so mad. They blocked Yahoo games! And it is all because of those stupid people that use Morpheus not shutting it off or ignoring the numerous pleas for them to shut it off. So they block morpheus, and our internet is fast again, but I can't play literati against Aunt Barb anymore. That really sucks.

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO: Subdivisions by Rush.
I was SOOO hyper in classes today. It was funny and not at the same time. I mean I went nuts in conducting. Well, speaking about conducting I am never singing the song "Chester" ever again. I made this funny remark along the lines of "Lets get those tyrants shaking". But anyway, it comes to be my turn to conduct, and so it starts. All of a sudden I realise that everyone is getting faster, and I look at Chris like "What is going on?" and it got so fast I had to stop and everyone was laughing, and it turns out I was conducting that fast! I didn't even realise it. That really sucks. So I start over again and it still was faster than I wanted it to be. Got I need to work on two beat patterns... I think that and the fact that it was loud screwed me up because I do soft legato just fine.

Monday, September 16, 2002

Error 503: Unable to load template file. We're working on this. Please try back later.[more info]

What the heck is this?
The Clare College concert was awesome. But the bad thing is that that concert made me want to be in UChoir all the more. I mean, I see people chatting with the people from England and that makes me SOOO jealous I want to cry. I mean, here they are all awesome and I am stuck in a choir where half of them don't want to be in a choir. I want to be in UChoir so I can do stuff like that. Take tours. Meet people from around the world. It makes me so mad because we will never do any of that in Concert Choir. All we do is sit in K11 and sing the same 2 songs every rehearsal. Two songs. Whoop-de-do. I want to sing more than that, and sing something a little better. Can't we start something new? It makes me want to cry again. I know like 95% of the people in UChoir and about 10% of the people in Concert Choir. It's just not the same as even Millikin Men. In Millikin Men last year there was a spark there; a feeling, an aura. There's emptyness in Concert Choir. I don't feel a thing. That's what I love about choirs is that aura. I had it every year in the Boy Choir and last year in Millikin Men. This choir just doesn't inspire me one bit. This is the first choir (unless you count the month and a half I didn't go to boy choir because they fired Mr. Wickert) that I don't want or really enjoy going to rehearsals for. And I have been in a choir since I was 7. It's really weird. I hope to GOD that I make it next year.

On a lighter note...

Shanan looked funny while she was singing tonight. She was standing behind the podium thing where the priest preaches and it looked like she was preaching when she sang. It was so hilarious. I wanted to tell her that tonight but she had already left. So I will tell her tomorrow.

And another light note :)

ARIA MADE THE MUSICAL!!! She is "Anybody" in West Side Story. Anybody is the girl in the gang, and she is perfect for that role. She fits it naturally. She wanted that role bad. I am so proud of her and am so happy she is in it!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2002

They have lemon Fanta! I just saw it on ebay; the cans are apple and lemon and definately American. So why aren't they selling that everywhere? So now there are 7 flavors? I'm kind of confused now. I got my poster I love it but it is smaller than I thought it would be.

Friday, September 13, 2002

I'm composing a jazz song. It's smooth jazz and it is called "Summer in the Park". It sounds really cool so far... it's almost 2 minutes long already, and it has drums, a piano, bass, vibes, and muted trumpet in it. I'm trying to compose a song that is actually playable, unlike my SETI song. I'm excited about this song - so far I think it is my best composition I have done, if not the best in a long time. Garrett and I are composing a song as well. It's called "If it Ain't Baroque, Don't Fix It." It's got sort of a baroque flair which wasn't our original intention, but we have a circle of 5ths in it. So far we only have the piano part so it's a little repetitious, but soon we will add a violin and stuff.

Well that's about it for now... It's 1:50 so I am going to take a break on my song and see if my package is here. Today I leave for my aunts and tomorrow is the Basic Skills Test. I am pretty scared about it; I looked at it last night and it was a little harder than I thought so I will have to study tonight. Pray for me :)

Thursday, September 12, 2002

GALD DANG IT! It didn't publish the first time. Stupid internet. The internet here has been acting crappy the last few days.

Last night there was a candlelight vigil in memory of 9/11. It wasn't as emotional as last year in my opinion, but there were some good speeches. Something weird that happened the New York lottery numbers were 9-1-1. That is really weird. God plans weird stuff sometimes. If he didn't, life would be pretty boring.

I AM SO MAD. My packages aren't here yet. You'd think that if you won the item on Sunday, that they would send it out monday. Obviously not.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Well, it's officially September 11. Wow. It has been year already! That is so weird! I remember it like yesterday. I was in theory and people behind me were like "the world trade center was hit by a plane" and I'm like "Oh, my God! How could that happen?" And had no idea it was a terrorist attack, or that both towers were hit, or that they collapsed. I didn't see them fall until long after it happened. I was in Sara's room, watching it and I got really scared; I immediately called my mom. She saw it happen before her very eyes. I cried. There was a candlelight ceremony and everything. And I waited 5 hours to give blood at the red cross and it was worth it, unlike a rude comment made in the Decaturian, who said it was futile of her to wait 6 hours and give the blood when many of the people died anyway.

The ironic thing is after I saw the film I immediately thought Osama Bin Laden did it and he did. Another thing is that my Poli Sci class like a week before the attacks (it was the first class) I asked why those middle eastern countries and Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein hate us. It is so weird. And also so sad.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

OH MY GOODNESS!!! Bible study was so inspiring for me!!! We talked about having quiet times, and I haven't really had a quiet time before. I learned that quiet times bring you closer to God and that it helps your relationship with God get better. And that during that time it's just you and God. Just the two of you. And the feeling you get after is so cool. This has inspired me so much!!! I am going to do quiet times now!!!! I am excited; I'm starting before I go to bed tonight or something. I'm going to read Ephesians. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow.
Garrett got his poster and movie that I got for him on ebay today. He likes them alot, but he doesn't know where he's going to put his poster yet. It's pretty big, but he also says he has a lot of pictures he has to bring from home that he wants to put on his wall.

It's starting to get dark, and I don't mean totally the sun setting... the wind is blowing and I think we are going to get some more rain tonight. It was pretty hot and humid today and now there are rains coming and then behind it cooler temperatures! Cool.

Well, time to switch my laundry, then it's bible study.

Monday, September 09, 2002

I am full, after waiting over an hour for the pizza. I think there is something wrong with the information that Domino's has. I'll have to tell them. But yeah I am stuffed.

I had an OK day; I think I bombed the Physics test today, but other than that alright. My voice lesson went fairly well, but I think my new voice teacher thinks my vibrato is fake. It isn't. It feels weird without it. But I think other than that it went well; I think he will help me. He's helping me to be a little more fluid.

I WON THE SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! I am so happy. I got them both. Cool cool cool. Awesome. OK now I have to work on my conducting.


Sunday, September 08, 2002

Well in approximently 17 minutes and 23 seconds that shirt will be mine! As long as no one overbids it again, which I hope they won't. I don't want to spend $15 on a shirt like that. I mean $15 is the ABSOLUTE LIMIT. I guess $9.50 was a little ideal... But I was hoping.
I don't want to study. I have to finish reading this thing for methods, and then I have to study for my physics test. And I forgot I need to go to the library and watch myself conduct and then do a self evaluation on it. At least I got the reading done for survey.

Wow. We are getting the first rains since I got here. I have been here about 2 weeks, and this is the first time it has rained. And it is a small random storm - although some of the lightning has been very close. My window in Mills was a lot better at looking out to watch the rain... we are facing the train tracks in the back out here so you can't see anything. There is no light. It was funny because Garrett and I heard this random shuffling sound and it sounding like something falling and we didn't realize it was thunder. It was so unexpected, because it hasn't rained here in God knows how long.

I won the Fanta poster but someone bid over the shirt!!! I was so mad. They went up to $8.00. Had they not I would have only spent $9.50 (w/shiping) on the shirt and now I have to spend at least $13.50, if not more. That was not my plan. Oh well if I don't get the shirt at least I got the poster.

Saturday, September 07, 2002

I went to Kroger today. It was so hot; it was like 95 outside. But I saved $5.07 and I only spent $5.78. I saved almost as much as I spended! i was so psyched. But the temperature; I am so happy I am not in Mills this year because if I was it would be just as hot in there but it would also smell. Millifest is today as well; I don't think I"m going to go to it. I'm going to try and get some homework done tonight.

Not listening to music; I'm watching Mrs. Doubtfire and Garrett is asleep.

Thursday, September 05, 2002

I went to a music ed meeting tonight, and afterwards Jake was wondering why there is a shortage on teachers. I asked why and he said "Because of all the crap you have to do to become one!" And he is right. We have to take two very important tests; the Illinois Basic Skills Test and then a music test next year. We have to have 100 hours of observation or teaching or something before we are allowed to student teach. We have to be approved to be in the program based on your test scores, grades, and an interview. And you have to do all of this other stuff... it's going to be hard but I'm not extremely worried yet... just mildly worried. If I study hard and work hard I'm sure it will be easier than it all sounds.

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO: Long Distance Runaround by Yes.
I want this paper done. I'm working on a paper for Elementary Methods and it is taking forever. It's a two column thing comparing what we drew from a reading to us. It's very long... not the paper but the time needed. It just drags on, and the teacher the guy is interviewing says the same thing about 10 different times so it's very repetative and boring. Yes it's interesting but only to a certain extent and right now at 12:30Am It's really boring.

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO: Yours Is No Disgrace by Yes.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Oh yeah I did get my webcam and my mom's package yesterday and I'm not listening to music because I'm most likely going to restart my computer anyway... I have a paper to write tonight as well. So yeah busy day busy night. I moved my voice lesson so that's good... I'm not having it on Wednesday anymore so that's great. Monday morning at 9:30 is all right I'll just have to get up earlier to warm up because my voice sucks in the morning, and I kind of sucked in today's lesson because I wasn't warmed up at all. So hopefully it will all go better from here on.
SO yeah I thought I had totally ruined my computer last night... the loading screen wouldn't advance. I had a horrible night's sleep and right when I got up I looked for a bootdisk or a starting disk online and found one, and it didn't work, and I was all upset. Anyway, I'm about to call home and ask them to mail the recovery CD when it advanced!!!! FINALLY!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GOD. There were some problems, like no sound, but that was because my installation of DirectX was bad, so I reinstalled it and now I have sound!!! So I'm going to reinstall my webcam, and then everything will be ALL RIGHT!!!

Also, I don't feel as bad about being in Concert Choir anymore. I think today I heard why God put me there. It turns out that Millikin Men this year is really small, so Dr. Holmes and Prof. Hesse sort of combined the choirs but are retaining Millikin Men. All the men in Concert Choir are going to be in Millikin Men, and there is going to be some all women stuff too, and then there will be stuff for mixed voices. So I think it's going to be awesome, and so being in both means I will be singing more music and hopefully doing more. I believe God put me in the choir to be a leader to all the younger guys, so I am almost excited. I still wish I was in UChoir but I don't feel nearly as bad. So what started out as a stressful rough day is turning out to be a pretty good day.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Today is (hopefully) the big day I get my packages. If they don't come I'm going to sue the US postal service for slowness. I mean, they raise their stamp prices 4 times since 1995 and still they are slow. No wonder they are losing money. Any of you remember when postcards were 19 cents and when mailing a letter was a quarter? Now it's 37 cents. That is more than a third of a dollar. You can't buy 3 stamps for a dollar anymore. It's outrageous.

Well gotta get ready for class.
No music right now... too close to class to do that.

Monday, September 02, 2002

Someone is burning incence somewhere in the building and it is going through the vents. That is a big no no in the dorm. I wonder if it is in fact incence or if it is something else, but it is coming through the vents, that's for sure. It's weird. I wonder who is doing it. Garrett is back now and he brought more stuff with him, i.e. movies, posters, and some other things. We are going to get the TV from Levi tomorrow. I hope I get my packages tomorrow. I can't wait to use my webcam! That is going to be sweet! Also i can't wait to get my first care package from mom of the year. Cool. OK that's all good night (I think?)

No music right now.
Well, I'm going to go to dinner. There are 3 of us now. Yep, three music students who go to this school who are from Green Bay. I'm going to eat with Molly and this new girl who went to west. So that will be fun. Garrett isn't back yet. I talked to my mom on the phone a couple of times. I organized my planner and did my homework. I put all the schedules for my classes and stuff on the wall. Otherwise it has been a boring day.

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO: All my Jean-Luc Ponty files!!!!
I got this new program called Incredimail. It is sweet! I can use it in place of Groupwise. I like it alot!

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO: Orinoco Flow by Enya.

Sunday, September 01, 2002

I was reading Mike Leach's journal and he has what music he is listening to on his entries so I'm going to do that.

MUSIC I AM LISTENING TO: Subdivisions by Rush.
Where did the archive go? It's gone. I don't know where it went. Hopefully it isn't deleted!
I found a Fanta poster on EBAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to get it!!!! It said buy now for $15.99 but that's too expensive so I hope to get it for less and I won't spend more than 11.50. I want that poster. It's old but it is cool! It's perfect for above my computer in my room. And if all goes well I'm going to have a shirt too!!! But that is it. I don't want anymore than that. Unless.... something else cool comes up!!!

Today is one of those days that I wish I had my webcam. I'll probalby get it on Tuesday, since there is no mail tomorrow because it is Labor Day. I'll probably get mom's package Tuesday as well. Hopefully both on the same day. That will be a good day. Wednesday wouldn't be good since that is my busiest day of the week (first class at 10, then another class, then either lunch or 1/2 hour of my lab, then another class, then anohter class, then lab (if he says one hour is OK then great!), then class, then it's 5:00. Then at 7:00 I have MVOP. if it comes that day I will have no time to fool around on it until after 9:00. That's why I want it on tuesday, so I can get the excitement and fooling around out of my system.
They STILL don't sell Fanta at Kroger. You'd think after advertisments on TV and it being out for a while you'd think central Illinois would catch up to the rest of the world. WRONG!! At least they don't have Minute Maid orange anymore... maybe that is a sign?
Oh I forgot. I am going to the store today to pick up some stuff. I need some of those things that you put on the back of your poster so it won't fall down (then again this room is pretty dry because of the air conditioner so I don't know), and some food. Maybe another 12 pack of Fanta (if they have it yet, which is highly unlikely). Some macaroni for the kitchen, but I don't know if you need your own pots and pans or if they provide them and you just have to clean them after you are done. And next time I go home I'm going to get a whirly pop so I can make homemade popcorn! Yummy.

I love Fanta.
I had a dream last night and it was like an animated movie disney would make. I've had dreams like that before. I don't know if I should tell what it's about because if anyone I know reads this they will laugh their heads off. But it was a feel good dream, the complete opposite of a nightmare. So yes I slept well.
My College Is:

Millikin University
Students at Millikin University are very studious.
Students at Millikin University masturbate a lot.
There are lots of frats and sororities.
Booze is the drug of choice.
The average GPA is 3.75

I don't know about the masturbation thing (then again I don't want to know) but other than that it's about right.
Oh wow it is September already I didn't even realize that.
Why is it that when you mean to go to bed you don't until about 3 hours later? Life is weird. But for real I'm going to bed now so good night. Tomorrow I won't be on the computer as much; maybe I'll go to the store or something...?

Saturday, August 31, 2002

Oh yeah I bought a webcam!!!! I'm excited, it was only $15. Off ebay. I'm also bidding on a Fanta shirt. Ebay has some awesome stuff on there right now.
December 17, 2002. Big day in movie land. BACK TO THE FUTURE IS COMING OUT ON DVD!!!!! ALL THREE!!!! IN A TRILOGY!!!! WITH DELETED SCENES AND ALL!!!! I'm going to buy it, or ask for it for christmas or something. I want that so bad. Maybe I'll get it with some of my Christmas money.

Garrett is gone for the weekend, and I don't know what to do... I'll probably just hang out; I have time to do my homework and stuff now, plus rest. I slept until 10:30 this morning, and already it feel longer. It's only about 11:00 now. I'm starving I need breakfast.

Friday, August 30, 2002

Yay I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I got what I wanted on this page. Now I have to go to dinner.
OK This should be it....
OK Let's try this again...
OK something is wrong again... I have to keep at it.
Once again.
Try it again.
OK here goes... Hope this works.
I have to find a thing that shows how many comments you have or something. I mean people could be commenting to me. They just might be. I'm sure no one is reading this but who cares.... maybe sometime someone will or something. Oh well. This weekend I have pretty much nothing to do so maybe I'll work on my website.
The first few nights I have been here sleep has been difficult, mainly thinking about how I just got in the stupid Concert Choir and not even a chance to audition in Chamber Chorale. I mean, I had a chance last year, and not this year? This sucks. I don't want to be in Concert Choir because I hate the director's conducting style (it's really rigid), and many members of the choir totally lack discipline. They aren't committed to the choir because it's concert choir. Now, supposedly they are changing that. I hope so. But still, concert choir performs the least of all the choirs, including Millikin Men and the women's choir. That means not too much music, and it's probably really easy high school stuff. God I wish I was in UChoir!!!!! I have been in choirs for 12 years and this is what I get. Shanan said God put me in this choir for a reason. Well, I think he must have, because I know I am capable of being in a better choir.

Opera callbacks are posted today. Maybe I'll make it. If my luck continues the way it has here so far, I won't. Maybe I'm not in the hard choirs because God knows I'll do well in an opera or something. Who knows.

Monday, August 26, 2002

Well, I'm back at Millikin. This dorm room is so much nicer than Mills. For one, It's AIR CONDITIONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another there is a WALK IN CLOSET!!! Garrett says not to say bad things about him in it. Not that I would. Oh, well. I dont' know what to write. I'm in Concert Choir (sob). I seriously cried for about an hour after hearing that news. But Shanan says that God put me there for a reason. He must have. I hope it will be better than I am anticipating. blahblabhalbhalbhldfbhaklsdhg. I spent almost $400 on books. That is so ridiculous. I dare to bet you that I will be getting about $3 back for them at the end of the semester. Why cant this be like other schools where you rent them or something? They pay back such a small amount. Granted, I'm willing to believe it isn't their fault that they pay back so little. It's not the bookstore's fault. There is a power above the bookstore and it isn't Oakland hall.

I'm trying to find a fanta sign for my dorm room. Can't find one yet, although I saw a Fanta vending machine but it was already up to $200. But I want a neon Fanta sign to hang above my computer or my bed or something. Even just a regular sign would be sweet.

Ok that's it bye.

Friday, August 16, 2002

I am in Door County right now working. I am working at the music festival. It is really cool so far. I saw a lot of good classical artists, like Hilary Hahn. That was cool. The orchestra is so good. I help set up the stage, and during concerts I work behind the light booth. It is cool.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

Oh yeah and I'm not upset at my mom anymore. But in any relationship you have those angry tiffs, right.
Wow. A week until August. A week until I have to go to Door county for a month. Wow. Time flies SO fast. Why does time go so fast? Time is supposed to go slow. I mean I rememeber times where the day just dragged on. I haven't had one of those days in ages. At least not this summer. The last day that dragged on was September 11th. That was a long day. I mean from waking up to seeing Bush's speech seemed like 2 or 3 days. I havent' had a really long day since then. The only thing is I'd rather have a long day filled with fun and stuff rather than grief or anger or boredom. However the long days filled with fun are very rare.

I have a voice lesson in about a half hour. So I'm going to go. THere is so much on my mind. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night because I had so much on my mind. Last night reminded me of a line from Charlotte's Web.

"Wilbur's stomach was empty and his mind was full. And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, it's always hard to sleep."

Aint that the truth.

Friday, July 19, 2002

Oh yeah she also said I am 19 going on 3. I hate when she calls me immature. I act more mature than her half the time.
My mom is SO dumb. OK. She sees I took this American Idol quiz which took me about a minute and a half to do. I ask her the first question to see who she is. Then she accuses me of having too much time on my hands and gets mad at me. She says "If you put as much effort as you do in stupid little things like that into stuff you really need then you would be much better off." I didn't have anything I needed to do that day. It is summer. There really isn't anything to do. Plus I do get good grades at school! She didn't go to college so she does not know how I feel at college and everything. She pisses me off so much sometimes. Then she asks "What did the mailman say to you today?" He said nothing to me today.

My mom is so techonollogy illiterate! She is never going to make it in society in the future when she retires. She has no idea how to turn on the VCR much less work the computer. She works hard at her business, sure, but then she comes home and lays on the couch and has about 3 huge glasses of wine before falling asleep on the couch. She didn't know that CDs started back at the beginning when you turned them off and put them back in. She thought they started where they left off. She also thinks you need to rewind DVD's. She asks this EVERY time we watch a DVD. We tell her no but she still asks. Her short term memory is crap.

I hate how she drinks so much wine! It totally hinders her. She's fine in the morning but when she starts drinking wine in the afternoon she starts acting annoying and weird. I don't care what dad says she is not doing better. She always complains about how we aren't doing so well financially well then stop drinking wine! She'd save a lot of money she goes through one of those 5 liter boxes about once every four days! And anytime I get mad at her about it she becomes a total bitch. I go to pour the wine down the drain and she threatens to disown me.

Next time I am pouring it down the drain and I don't care what she does. It's her body and brain and liver she is messing with.
My sister is in Minoqua for the next 10 days camping with her friend. So I am free from the wrath of her weirdness! Yay!! I still dont' know what choir I am in next year for Millikin. I hope it comes soon. I saw the Little River Band in Oshkosh last night. I felt REALLY young; I went with my parents and my aunt and uncle. I didn't know half the songs but their harmony was AWESOME!! Wow. They blend SO well. It was really cool.

I was surprised at how EJay was voted off on AI Wednesday night! I thought it was going to be AJ and Jim. Well Jim got off too. He wasn't very good, he never had good support and was always a little off tune but Ejay was really good! AJ was just boring and sounds like and NSync memeber. But that's ok.

I got the study guide for the Illinois Basic Skills test today. I am confused by what or if I need to take these other tests too. I need to take this test if I am to become a teacher and the registration seems harder than the actual test! Weird.

Oh well I'll be continuing to write in this as much as I can. In a week and a half I am going to door county for the month. I'm working at the music festival. So I won't be writing in it until probably I get back to school. So ok bye.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Hi how are you I am fine I am bored and I have the day off! Yes!

Monday, July 15, 2002


Thank God I am Justin and not AJ or Jim because they suck and Justin was the best.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

We are almost done painting the house. It looks really good. We have burlap on our oak trees now because of gypsy moths. The caterpillars can kill the trees. The have become an increasing problem within the last few years. My voice teacher is awesome. I have had only like 2 lessons with him so far but he has helped me alot. Thats all I can think of now so ok bye.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Oh yeah I watched Panic Room last night it was good. I finished Desecration it was good. I am reading the two towers. It is good. That's about it. Life is good.
You know parents are awesome! My dad got me a job! It starts in August so I won't be working for a while, but hey it's a job and it is doing stuff with music so I am really excited! This is sweet! I have my first voice lesson in about an hour and 15 minutes so I can't talk long because I have to warm up a little and stuff. But yeah cool.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

It has been almost a month since I have arrived home already. Holy crap. Where did the time go? I'm really crabby today and I don't know why. I still don't have a job but I have had some interviews so that is good. I'm now looking for a recipe on how to make good cheese curds. I am almost done reading Desecration which is book 9 in the left behind series which is awesome!

Monday, May 27, 2002

I have been home for 12 days now. Man that went really fast. I have been really busy lately applying for jobs and playing Scrabble for mom (I kicked her butt like 5 games in a row and she kept wanting to play and I didn't want to and she actually payed me $20 to play with her! I'm like oh my God that is really weird and she is desperate.)
Today is Memorial Day. Remember everyone who died for our country today.
Man that bridge in Oklahoma City collapsing is really sad. I can't imagine how that would feel being up on that bridge right by the edge. Freaky. I feel really sad for those people who died. They said it wasn't an act of terrorism but a tragic human accident.
Dad is working on the bathroom which is amazing. He usually never works on the bathroom.
OK that's about it for right now.

Saturday, May 18, 2002

I'm home now!!! Yes!! Lots of fun but lots of work too. Mom had me work the last two days, and I am also looking for another job because I need money. But doesn't everybody? Yes. So I'm going to work somewhere. I never thought I'd want to be this (not as a career but as a summer job) but I'm trying to be a waiter. They make good money and tips too. So I'm going to try to do that.
Dad and I saw Star Wars Episode II Thursday night. It was fricken awesome! I'm not going to say anything about it yet because if there is someone reading this and they haven't seen it yet I don't want to spoil it. All I'm going to say is that it is much better than Episode I.
So far as grades go, pretty good. Hopefully my last few grades will be A's. Got to eat now so I'm going bye.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

OK. I just tried to sell about $75 worth of books. Not all of my books. But only a few. $75 worth. And I would have gotten $11 back if I had sold them back. $11. That is a total ripoff. I am seriously thinking about selling them online now. I just might. I also have this paper to do based on those interviews which I never did. Wow, I'm smart, I'm an honors student. Isn't that wonderful? I have to bs my way through my last paper. Wow... I'm going to try and do the interviews but the stupid paper has to be 10-12 pages long which was my fear. I'm going to be up all night, I'm assuming, unless I get off my butt and get the stupid interviews done. I'm going to do Erick, Bobby, and someone else but I don't know. But if I do one interview at a time, I can do the interview and then write about it, and get a couple of pages done at a time. I got the other paper done, thank God, and also thank God it was a short paper. I feel good about that one. But this one scares me. Moreso than the 12-20 page one. Sigh...

On a much lighter note...
1 day left
1 paper
1 final

I GO HOME TOMORROW!!!!! YES!!!!! Mom and Dad are on their way to my aunts right now! Oh, yeah baby that makes me feel so good. I'm not sure if I did the song one but 142/300

Monday, May 13, 2002

It's been awhile... I've been busy. Studying, playing games, packing, whatever. Day after tomorrow I'll be home. I can't wait.

Saturday, May 11, 2002

It's 4:20 and I haven't done anything productive today. I hope to do at least something productive today. like start packing, or read that last packet for seminar. But who knows what will happen?
I think I'm going to start packing to go home tomorrow, maybe sunday. I am so excited! Only 4 1/2 more days!

Friday, May 10, 2002

My paper is done!!! When I handed it in I felt this huge weight lift up off of my shoulders... I feel so happy. Wow. I had a busy morning. I had juries, and then my theory final. Then I had to finish my paper. But at 1:00 I handed in my paper. Then I watched a movie. Then I did some stuff on the computer. It's now 6. I can relax for a while. The only thing I have to focus on is the stuff I need to do for my seminar class.

5 days till I go home
1 final
2 papers

Thursday, May 09, 2002

Oops I forgot to add the countdown:
5 1/2 days till I go home
2 finals
2 1/2 papers (I discovered I do have another small one I have to do for my seminar)
Well, it's 10:41, and I've gotten my diction final due tomorrow done, my commuications final due monday 99% done, and I've gotten a little farther on my paper! I still feel pretty scared, I don't know why I am writing a journal entry, but I'm pretty confident I will be in bed before 2. I'm aiming to finish the paper at midnight, 12:30 at the latest. But it's looking really good! I've also put a collection of 300 songs together, and if I am not done by the time the 300 songs are done, I'll be upset. I know, that is very unlikely, since the 300 songs probably take up like 10 hours or something, but who knows how long I'll have to stay up? I'm on song 25 right now, and I started it like an hour and a half ago. I started "working" on the paper about 8 or 9. But at least I got some of it done and hopefully I'll get the rest done ASAP. OK back to work. I need to get this done. Busy night tonight and busy day tomorrow and then I can take it pretty easy until Monday or so.
I need to get my paper done TONIGHT.

I'm getting nervous about this paper. I need to get it done today. I got some done last night but it needs to be done and edited tonight. I can't stay up way late because i have juries at 9:40 tomorrow morning and my theory final at 10:30. My goal is to go to bed at 2 at the latest, wake up at 8, and do my things, then go to bed after lunch tomorrow. But today, my goal is to finish my communications final and my critter paper. I'm almost done with the communications. I also need to finish my diction final today. Lots to do so little time. Oh well once the day is over I'll be half done with everything, and when tommorrow is done the only thing I need to worry about is my piano proficiaency and my seminar paper and final. But I'll work on that over the weekend. OK back to the paper!
Well we just got storms for the third night in a row, and luckily nobody came out in their jockstraps and played football. Thanks be to the Lord God Almighty. But one person in a long sleave shirt almost naked from the waist down (the only one thanks God again) was in his jockstrap. Everyone else was in their swimming shorts, or suits because some girls were there too. But it's raining yet again, and we are defineatly going to get some flooding.

Today was Dead Day and I did get some stuff done. No interviews again! I am so stupid! I've got to do them ASAP otherwise just BS my way through a paper but that's not a good idea. I got one quote from mom and that's it. I'll use it but of course I'm going to need more. I've got some free days ahead of me. But I have a paper due on friday. 12-20 pages. I'm scared. I got a little bit (emphasis on little) done tonight but mostly I read for it. I'm also about half done with both my diction and communications final. I think I've got a pretty good start. I'm now going to read something for seminar, and then I'm going to bed. Bobby has an 8:00 percussion final so we've both got to get to bed plenty early.

My CD rom was being a dickhead earlier [thunder] and wouldn't copy some songs from my burned Jean Luc Ponty CD's. I want to put the 4 part suite of enigmatic ocean together so nothing would be cut off, because each song fades into one another. It's not like that in many of his other suites, such as the struggle of the turtle to the sea. Wow. Enigmatic ocean is an AWESOME album! If you like jazz, especially fusion, and you don't have it, GET IT. It's Jean Luc Ponty's best album!

I totally got confused on my piano profeciency today. I was really confused so I rescheduled to take the "easier" proficiency on Monday. The weird thing is this proficiency looks harder than the other one, which gets you out of everything. But if I don't pass this (hopefully I will) I'll have a pretty easy A so it won't be too bad. I hope. I think my piano skills, technically, are really lacking. I mean, I can play artistically really well, I can compose and stuff on the piano, but my technicality is putting those 8 or 9 years to waste. For playing that long I suck.

Today was the School fo Music picnic, and there was this squirrel there that was not afraid of me. It came right up to me and took food out of my hand! It was so cute. When he grabbed the bread I could feel his little claws. It was so neat. I think it was a baby because it had very short hair and it's tail wasn't really bushy. Bobby said it was ghetto tail. Anyway, Mary Ellen Poole and Neal Smith both got pied for the faculty, and Clayton and Bobbi got pied for the students. I want to be pied next year! I'm joining MENC next year, not for that reason, though.

Here is the current stats:
7 days till I go home
4 finals
2 papers

I need as much prayer and luck as I can get to get through the next week with flying colors... I need to get A's on all my finals. I have got to do well or else I lose my scholarship and bye bye Millikin hello school I don't want to go to I go.

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

My other site is moving to a new address, thanks to Paul Tilly. I'll give out the other address when all is ready. It looks like it will be within the next few days.

I just got back from Un Bit Butter. What is that? you may ask. Well, it's put on by a few theater students, and they do 30 plays in 60 minutes. Some are funny, some are serious, some are deep. It was really good. But someone dropped a beer right behind me and my butt is now wet. Gross. In one sketch they may have smoked marijuana. They were saying "This is a play about marijuana" and they were smoking it. Fun stuff.

I'm tired. Tomorrow is dead day!! YEAH! BUt I have a voice lesson at 10:30 and a piano proficiency at 3, not to mention I want to get some major work done on my papers. I am really scared. These days are just flying by, and I keep wasting days. Why does time fly so fast when you don't need it to? It doesn't matter if you are having fun, if you need that extra few minutes they seem to fly fast.

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Today is the last day of class!!! YEAH! 8 more days until I go home. Now all I have to worry about is this stupid paper.

It stormed like a mother last night. Major thunder. Recorded some on my computer. Then some stupid people went out in only underwear and jock straps and played football in the mud. Some claimed it was a tradition but it wasn't because no one was there! but it was funny because at one point they were going "Ahhh!!" and then all of a sudden as everyone else was ending their AHH someone with a higher tone of voice came in with Ahhh! It is hilarious.

Monday, May 06, 2002

1 more day of class
9 days till I go home
4 finals
2 papers

I just wanted to post like right away again because I'm being nostaligic and because I am hyper!!!!!!!!!!! kdfjglkadjgaSJDBNJD;LKHND;SD GNJLK;ADFGMLKSDFMLKDAKDFKFKDFKKFKFFKDKD3g7wh667oie4u67hgesirgeouííù½Æ’Ãœ8484564156£1¤ 13326P++1Æ’££Ã¼Ã‡£b`1

Loo!!! Toilet in England is loo!!!!! adjsfklajsdl;kfjas;dlfkja;sldkfj hahahah I'm just going nuts right now and I am not drunk because I don't drink I'm just hyper and have major ADD!!!!! GAGGWGASFGDksdfhsz
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
Doo doo doo doo doo doo

-Minnie Riperton

I'm bored. But I am happy! One more day of actual class, then I have finals. I go home in 9 DAYS!!!
I'm happy. Can't you tell?

Sunday, May 05, 2002

**WARNING** This section has mild profanity in it. if you don't want to read it because of that don't just skip it.


Fuck papers. Whoever came up with the idea of the research paper should be forced to research something he doesn't want to do forever in eternity. Papers are the only thing I hate about college. That and loud Dave Matthews or Doors or Rap or other stupid music blaring at odd hours. But I so don't want to do this paper. I keep saying "OK I'm going to work on it now" but then I don't. Why? This is an important part of my grade. Why can't I just focus and get the piece of shit done?!? I hate this fucking paper. God! Why do I have to do it? Why is it so complicated? No wait, why isn't it complicated because my teacher wants me to complicate it. I so hate writing analysis papers, research, etc. Why can't this paper be a creative writing? That would be easy and sweet! But NOOOO!!! It has to be something that you follow strict guidelines for. I even wrote my first college paper on how I hate that. And lo and behold, a semester later, I have to do it. I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY.

I can't wait until 10 days from now when I don't have to do another paper in at least 3 months. I will love it. I never want to do a paper again. If I have to do another paper I'll scream. I still have to do another one for another class I haven't even started but that will be a little better and not as long. Easier to write by far. pooppooppooppoopppooppooppopopopopopopopopoppopopopoppooopopopopoppopop.
Just got back from the musical Into The Woods. Wow. The set was amazing. The show was funny! I laughed so hard at some points. It was a really good show. I wouldn't mind going again except that I have a paper to finish tomorrow and another one to start tomorrow and stuff like that. I'm really getting scared right now. I'm afraid I"m going to flunk one of my classes because the paper is going to suck. The weird thing is, when I have to do something important that I don't want to do, I procrastinate even more. I hate that. Why can't I just get it done instead of basking in my own guilt?

Barriers was ok. I think I did all right, even though I screwed up on the frickin whole tone scale I didn't know they were going to ask me to do. See, I assumed that I was going to sing under the Douglas column since my voice teacher is Cynthia Douglas. So when she said "Dalheim column" I'm thinking to myself. "Oh, shit." And it wasn't too bad except the stupid scale. I made an ass out of myself there. That is the only part of the entire barrier that I'm kind of afriaid I didn't pass. The rest of it went ok, except during my singing of the piece I had to learn overnight she asked me to sing 3 verses and 2 of them were the bottom line since the second three verses were on the back. I hate singing the bottom verse because then I'm more concentrating on the words than the music and then I start singing the first verse when I go to the next system. I think they should think of a better way to organize verses in music.

Bobby is tired. He is singing "dega dega Dee dee dee deee de deee de I'm so tired. dega dega Dee dee dee deee de deee de I'm so tired. " I'm tired too so I am going to go to bed after I drink a Fanta because I am thirsty too.

Saturday, May 04, 2002

I just saw Spiderman last night. Man it was awesome! I liked X-Men a little better but Spiderman rocked. And there's going to be at least 2 more. Cool. Didn't know what to expect but it was really good. What else is so cool is that spiderman in the movie is like 19 because he is a freshman in college like me. I think I could be Peter Parker if Spiderman was real only I'd be like him before he was bitten by the spider.

Well today is barriers. I have a busy weekend. I have a lot to do. I have barriers, then I need to get more research, then I have the musical tonight, then tommorrow I'm going to do my interviews (I HAVE TO!!! If I don't I'm most likely screwed. The latest I could possibly do it is Wednesday but I have got to write a paper on this as well... I am so frekin glad that next year I don't have to take seminar or critter so hopefully no papers that I don't want to do...) and I have to finish my OTHER paper for another draft due monday... GOD WHY IS COLLEGE SO HARD AT THE END OF THE YEAR????????? WHY DO TEACHERS GIVE OUT PAPERS IF THEY DON'T EVEN LIKE READING THEM????????????

Friday, May 03, 2002

Wow. I can't believe it. I went over 24 hours without entering anything. Well, not much has happened. Let's see. Just got done watching Ocean's 11. Good movie. Tomorrow night I'm seeing Spiderman with IV so hopefully that will be good. Went to a recital before the movie so I am up to 12. Need 14 before the 15th. Wow. I have less than 2 weeks before school is done! YES! I can't wait. Only 3 class days of school left. Awesome awesome. Let's see. I can't think of much else. Life has been pretty normal here lately, which is unusual. Weird things usually happen more often. Hopefully this weekend will have more things of interest to talk about.

Oh yeah I had another weird dream last night and I forgot it again but I had another one a couple of days ago. I dreamt that my dad was warming up his voice in the stairwell here at school. That's it. I wish I remembered the dream I had this morning! Usally you only remember your dreams right when you wake up for some reason. I want to remember them all.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I'm tired.
Wow. I stayed up until almost 5:30am this morning working on my paper. I was starting to fall asleep so I'm like "I can't do this anymore." I got 9 pages done so that's better than nothing. Bobby did accomplish the all nighter, while I slept and skipped my Theory class (one of my few skippages for the year since he doesn't count attendances for MWF only TTh) so I slept until 9:30 then got to class at 10. Four hours. Not bad considering Bobby got like none. Also, I took a half hour nap at like 3:50 last night and woke up at 4:30 and felt refreshed enough for another hour. I think I'll take anohter small nap today. Not too much but I'll try not to wake up Bobby if he takes one because he needs the sleep.

I felt really weird about the 9 pages I got done and hearing other people say how many pages they did (some were like 19 and they weren't done yet!) I was like I didn't do enough! But some people only had like 10 and I have at least another section to write about and my conclusion. I'm aiming for an ideal 15 pages with 12 at the absolute minumum. I want to do a little more than the bare minimum expected. But if that doesn't happen ok.

Anyway, more quizzes!

Who am I most like in Chrono Trigger?
#1 Lucca
#2 Magus
#3 Marle
#4 Schala
#5 Ayla
#6 Masa
#7 Mune
#8 Crono
#9 Frog
#10 Robo

I'm glad I got Lucca since she is my favorite character.


Take the >'Which Nintendo Character are you most like?' quiz by !


Take the >'Which Nintendo Character are you most like?' quiz by !


Take the >'Which Nintendo Character are you most like?' quiz by !

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Mario.I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble. What Video Game Character Are You?

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.

There is another choice called "geek" and I think I fall in between the two which is perfect.

I'm in between!

How much of a freak are you?

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.