Friday, October 31, 2003


This is what I commented in another blog whose owner is also having choir troubles.

Now our concert is next saturday. But regardless, the soloist from one of my songs didn't show up. And by the time my turn to direct my songs came up, basically all the guys except 1 or 2 had left, and a few of the others had left as well. Usually rehearsal ends at 9 but I forgot that we had the chapel until 10, and the first song was done at 9 so I thought we were done. And then I thought I would just go over the other one first thing next wednesday when everyone would be there (hopefully). But the president of the organization said that I had to do it. So I did and went home after prayer. Today I got an email saying that the directors and exec board had a meeting and they said I should have been there (I did not know about that meeting no one tells me anyting) and then they said that it looked bad for me to say it was 9 I'll go over the song next week. OK so many people were gone, I'm going to have to go over everything again next week for people who weren't there. How are we supposed to go through it smoothly on friday if this keeps happening? If you are going to be in an organization you should be commited to being there and if the absences were excused I should have known about it. So yeah I'm kind of mad now too.

In all honesty, I do see their point, but at the same time it's hard for me to go over things again and again if people aren't showing up. Allison should let us know if people are going to be gone. And random people shouldn't leave in the middle of the rehearsal. And Tamara has a good point in saying that people wouldn't stay if I was ready to go, but regardless, a lot of people had already left. How are we supposed to have an effective rehearsal if not everyone is there, including my soloist? It's almost not worth it.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Lax on quote of the day for a reason.

No one has said anything funny lately. Although, in Tudor today we were in Kaeuper and the stage door opened mysteriously. It was a little freaky, and Jacob was like "... must be the ghost of KAEUPER!!" and then Prof. Carberg started playing the theme from Halloween on the piano. Then it suddenly did it again and we were all freaked out and then another professor stuck her head through it was hilarious we all laughed. OK that's all.

Why can't it just stay cold.

I'm mad at the weather. After days of coldness, when finally it seems like it's going to stay cold, it's supposed to get up to 75 tomorrow. and stay that way for a few days before it gets cold again. ARGH WHY CANT IT JUST STAY COLD ok goodnight.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Yeah I know.

It's been two days since I last posted here. The reason? Not much has been happening. I mean, I'm just now getting back into the swing of things after Fall break.

I'm thinking about redesigning the colors of my blog again. I don't know what to, but I'm going to think about it. Maybe play with some things a bit more, making it more my own thang. I don't know.

Well something nice happened today. Because Uchoir is on a mini tour, Dr. Forbes cancelled secondary methods. That was a nice surprise after vocal ped. We seriously cheered. So a group of us ate lunch in the caf. It was ok, but the talking thing was the best part of it. Kari talked about Prof. Hesse's wedding for a while, and we got into some great conversations. Then after we wrapped up some cookies and wrote Dr. Forbes a little note to give to him as we went to choir. That was funny.

I'm not really into Halloween. It's just kind of boring. I mean, finally it's cold at this time of year, like I"m used to (although it's supposed to warm up again... when is it going to be consistently cold or consitently warm? NEVER.) I just want it to snow and get ready for Thanksgiving. I love snow on the ground at thanksgiving. Not necessarily like a foot of snow like I like at Christmas, but just enough to blanket the ground white, but with some stuff still showing through. Like a dusting. And the air is chilly and you can smell the cold. I like that. In all honesty I'd rather be cold and get warm, because when you are cold you can get warm by using blankets and stuff, but when you are hot it's hard to get cool.

Yeah I changed subjects about 200 times but hey it's my blog deal with it.

Monday, October 27, 2003

Oh yeah Quotes of the day.

I am starting quotes of the day. Check it out!

"You sound like anemic butterflies!"
~Dr. Forbes

"I know a lot of people say 'That's totally gay' but no one ever says 'That's totally lesbian.'"

Weber did this survey and so now I have to do it.

Although, he does have a point the spelling and grammar suck.


1. Full name: Spencer Paul Lent
2. Nickname: Spence (yeah so creative)
3. Eyes: Green
4. Height: 5'7" Hair: brown
5. Siblings: Aria, 17
6. Do u like 2 sing in the shower? yes
7. Birthday: April 20, 1983 (yes that is 420, yes that's Hitler's birthday, no I am not associated with either)
8. Star sign: aries or taurus depending on the astrologer
9. Address: Hessler 212
10. Sex: male
11. Righty or lefty: righty, right-o!
12. Wut do u want in a relationship most: understanding and trust
13. Maritial status: single
14. Do u have a car? yep, and I love it.
15. Wut kinda car do u have/want? Whatever as long as it's blue


16. Movie: Misery, Matrix, Red Violin, and like lots of others
17. Song: Subdivisions by Rush or Clocks by Coldplay
18. Band/singer: Rush
19. TV Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
20. Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
21. Actress: Kathy Bates
22. Food: Italian
23. Number: 238417893287
24. Cartoon: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
25. Disney Character: Just any one that is funny
26. Color: Blue


27. Do u plan on having children: yes
28. Do u want to get married: yes
29. How old do u want to be when u have ur first child? mid to late 20s
30. How old do u want to be when ur married: mid 20s (before our first child)
31. Would u have kids before marriage: oh. I guess I should read ahead. No.
32. Do u have a b/f or g/f: no (Although I'm looking ;))


33. Music/TV: MUSIC!!!
34.Guys/Girls: GIRLS!!!
35. Green/blue: BLUE!!!
36. Pink/Purple: Purple
37.Summer/Winter: Winter
38. Night/Day: Night
39. Hangin Out/Chillin: Same thing, unless by Chillin you mean being cold so hangin out.
40. Dopey/Funny: Funny


41. Weird saying u have? Sweet/Tight/Dude/Yo
42. wut school do u go to? Millikin
43. Have u ever taken drugs? no, except ritalin and that's legal
44. Wut's a major turn on for u? sense of humor
45. How far would you go on a first date? maybe a kiss at the end
47. Which 5 people would u trust the most? God, Parents, Bobby, Garrett, Dustin
48. Do u believe in soul mates? Um.. I think so...
49. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/g/f? As long as you are flirting with your bf/g/f
50. Wut was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? I don't remember I hate sad stuff as is the state of this survey...
51. Wut's something about guys/girls you don't get? As Weber says, Guys are jerks, but girls change their mind every 2 seconds.
52. Are you happy? Yes
53. Why? Because I'm over halfway done with this survey
54. Wut's an object you can't live without? music
55. Love or lust: LOVE.
56. Silver or gold: Silver.
57. Diamond or pearl: Diamond. And yes Weber, these SHOULD be in the either or section.
58. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
59. Have u ever gone skinny-dipping: no way
60. Do u sleep with stuffed animals: no
61. Do u have any piercings: nope
62. Wut colour underwear are u wearing right now: red
63. Wut song r u listening to rite now? the hum of my computer
64. Wut are the last four digits of your phone number? 3566
65. Where would u want to go on your honeymoon? Europe like in the mountains and Germany and Austria and Italy and stuff
66. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? My wife...
67. Football/soccer: FOOTBALL. Unless you mean do you call soccer football or soccer in which case I call soccer soccer.
68. What makes you happy? Friends Family Happy stuff
69. Do u wear contacts or glasses? yep
70. What's the best advice given to you? Be who you are and be proud of it.
71. Have u ever won any special awards? National Choral Award in HS, and the Kumquat Award in HS
72. Wut are your future goals? To teach in an ideal setting
73. Worst sickness u ever had? Walking Pneumonia and Bronchitus at the same time (ew)
74. On the phone or in person? In Persona
75. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs, unless you are talking Hersheys, in which case Kisses
76. Wut song seems to reflect you the most? There are about 100 of them so I'll save you and myself the time of naming them.
77. If you died tomorrow who would u leave everything u own to? Probably you so my brain would be included so you would have the sense not to write these quizzes so long and so stupidly and so mistake-ridden.
78. Do u have any enemies? MEAN PEOPLE.
79. Wut is ur greatest fear? Dying before I'm an old man
80. Would u rather be rich or famous? Famous although both corrupts people.
81. What time is it in Alabama: 3:36 PM
82. Have u ever been in love? No
83. Have u met Santa? What that was random.
84. If E.T. knocked on ur door holdin up a peace sign askin 2 use ur phone wut would u do? Give him my sister's cell phone and tell him to go to Cellcom to activate it
85. When was da last time u talked bot how u REALLY feel wit someone u can trust? What did you just say? Anyways I REALLY trust God, yo.
86. Do u have any pets? Millie (I miss her she's at my house)
87. Wuts your email address?
89. Are u an alcoholic? Yeah I get drunk every night and puke all over you THAT'S why you are so stupid!! I get it now!
90. Who sent this to you? Weber
91. Wut do u think of this person? He's cool
92. Do u want ur friends to write back? Yes but that's probably not going to happen
93. Do u believe in love at first sight? I don't think so.
94. Which is better, League or Union? I don't know.
95. Name all ur friends? that's not really a question...soo...everyone but you (Weber's answer is too funny so it's staying)
96. Wut would u do if a person of the same sex tried to hit on you? I probably would just tell them I'm straight but if they are giving me stuff I'd keep it.
97. Wut religion are you? Christian
98. Do u agree with religions? Yes and denominations probably; I think just being Christian is good enough don't you think?
99. Are you one of those people who wait 4 thingz 2 happen, or go out &make things happen? I wait
100. Wut is da thing u look forward 2 da most in ur life? Just having a good time I guess... I don't know stop asking me these stupid questions?

Yeah and you are stupid person who wrote this quiz spell these things correctly! And I bet you are related to the girl on the domino's phone who said "Ow special is 14 dollas and 99 cen" and the telemarketer who said "Is your mother there?" "No, she's not" "K, BYE!" except bye was "BAH!"

It was to be expected.

My life is rated PG.
What is your life rated?

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I SO don't want to spend it.

New 20!

Why am I so depressed?

Why am I so depressed about not living in the Woods? I mean I'm probably in denial here. I just want to live in a place for a good price and stuff. Eveyrone already has plans which SUCKS. Everyone I asked is either already signed up or doesn't want to live there. The only way I'll live on campus next year is if I get into Oakland and that's about a 1% chance. Otherwise I'll probably live in a house. Garrett was talking about if he doesn't get into Oakland he'll live in a house and so I'd like to live there then. Either that or possibly with Weber; that option still is open to me. Or maybe main street apartments... I talked to Rob and he said it wasn't bad. I do know that it's cheaper than the Woods but you don't get cable or Internet Access. Which sucks. That's why I want to live in the woods because it's off campus and you get both included. So... yeah. I'm kind of bummed. There are only a few rooms left. To be honest I'm kind of mad at Tom and those guys because they didn't tell me until the day before and I brought it up, so they probably wouldn't have told me otherwise... figures. I don't want to live on campus next year because I don't want to pay room and board; I wanna cook.

The Woods

If anyone from Millikin reads this and wants to live in the woods with me next year contact me ASAP because there are now only 10 upperclassmen rooms next year. I want to live in the woods because even though it is a little more expensive it's all inclusive (cable, internet, phone, utilities, etc.). Otherwise, I'd live in a house with Weber but that doesn't have those things except utilities included in rent. So yeah I really want to live in the woods. JUST CONTACT ME IF YOU NEED A FOURTH PERSONA!!!

Monday, October 20, 2003


I just read Jacob's latest post in his journal and I have realized I feel the same way. I mean I never do anything, and I feel like my friends avoid me sometimes, and when I am around them, I almost doubt their sincerity, because in reality they think I'm the most annoying person in the world. I try to be funny and friendly because that is who I am. I'm just goofy and nice. I don't know. I get that feeling that Jacob has about people being mad at you, but instead of mad it's more like annoying person stay away from him kind of feeling with me.

I don't know. Today was not my day. Packers lost, I found out I"m not rooming with they guys I thought I was, so now I'm back to square one with what to do for next year (I'll probably just end up living in East/West apartments, I'll have to talk to Rob), I couldn't go to the movie with Garrett tonight because I had to go to a flute recital (which was actually in retrospect quite interesting music) for comp class, and I was pretty much depressed the whole day until this evening, and to top it all off, I have a midterm for Secondary Methods tomorrow and I have studied not enough. I'll just have to hope for the best and pray my head off that I don't go crazy these next few days.

I may be driving home after all. Molly's two front tires were flat, so I may be driving Molly and Hilary home instead of Molly taking us. I'll just hitch a ride come Thanksgiving. But that means I need to clean my car. My car inside is dirty. I just vacuumed it two months ago! Not even! And it is filthy. As is my room. Problem is, both car and room, vacuum is very hard to come by. I'll get a hold of one before I go home. I can't wait to go home. I was craving, in the flute recital, specifically, Dykesville Bowl burger and cheese curds. And yes, Dykesville is an actual name of a town about 15 minutes outside of Green Bay but OH MAN their food is good. I'm eating there fo sho this weekend.

Just for you, Tracy.

Who do you belong with? by CheatsGrrl
Name or Username:
You belong with:K-Funk
You should have this many kids:9
You will give CG this much:$86.5
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

This one holds true, because you do call me a pickle, and I am going to live this long.
What does CG think of you? by CheatsGrrl
Name or Username:
I think youa pickle
And you will die on this date:November 3, 2726
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Sunday, October 19, 2003

I hate the Rams

I don't care. Every time the packers lose, I hate that team. Stupid Rams. At least it wasn't heartbreaking like last week, but ONCE AGAIN, the Packers played good football. This time their running game was stopped. The Packers need to learn how to outsmart the defense and keep the ball moving, and RUSH THE QB ON DEFENSE! Although that was much better this week. It seems like one or two critical elements are missing every week. Hopefully this bye week will give players a chance to rest and stuff; they need all they can in two weeks when they play the worst team in the world, the Vikings. In a dome. The packers struggle in domes, as evidence this week. Domes should be banned. Domes suck. I mean you have a hard surface, and that magic of outside-ness is lost. And the stupid vikings won again!!! I HATE THE VIKINGS. Culpepper, Moss, and Hovan. Grr.

Teams I hate (updated)
1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Chicago Bears
3. Kansas City Chiefs
4. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
5. St. Louis Rams
6. Atlanta Falcons
7. Dallas Cowboys
8. Philadelphia Eagles
9. San Fransisco 49ers
10. Throw the Vikings in again for good measure

Packers need to step it up, they are always just one step behind or when they are ahead they run out of steam too soon.

Church again.

So yeah I decided to sing with MVOP this morning but my throat hurts so I'm not going because of my throat. Annette called and I just said I wasnt feeling well and that was the truth. I have a headache and my throat hurts, but gospel singing is so hard on the voice sometimes that I didn't want to risk hurting my vocal chords. Anyways I'm probably going back to sleep.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

I hate how I feel right now.

I just feel eh. I mean, it's like my brain overloaded with too much information and exploded and I'm left just feeling nothing. It's like nothing and everything at the same time. I don't know. I guess I'm sort of debating whether or not to go to church with MVOP tomorrow. Churches that MVOP go to start really late (we are meeting at 10, probably won't meet until 10:30, and church won't be starting until 11 or something), and goes on for 2 and a half hours, whereas I'm used to church being done with by 11:30 or so after about an hour and a half long service. Maybe even earlier. And the thing is, I get so much more out of the shorter services than the longer services. I don't want to call the churches Black churches because that seems wrong in my mind for some reason, but I guess predominantly African American churches are like that. I'd rather go to church with Dustin tomorrow and lie about not feeling well or even purposefully oversleeping. Going to church with MVOP feels more like a burden because the last few times I went with them I got nothing out of it. I get more out of Bible Study or IV. Plus the Packer game is on at noon tomorrow, and it's an important game. In Green Bay, church always ends before noon. Dustin who is VERY spiritually active I'm sure is thinking "This guy is not in tune with Christ" but church going in Green Bay is a lot different than church going in Decatur for about 4 months out of the year, because you don't have a team that is so much a part of the town and brings the town together.

It's not like I don't like going to church but I dont' know. I'm just getting a eh feeling. I'm thinking about just driving and going to a church tomorrow. Or something like that. Someplace where I won't fall asleep since the speaker stops after every two words and explains things in ways I don't understand. But to give that credit it's a lot more interesting that SOME churches I've been too. I'd rather go someplace like Bethel, or GBCC. Hartland, where Dustin used to go, sounds a LOT like Bayside, and has 180 and stuff. Too flashy for me there. GBCC is almost the limit. My ideal church is a great worship service and a great speaker. GBCC has a great worship service and an ok speaker. Bethel had an ok worship service and a great speaker when I was there. I need someplace like that combined. Hmm. There was always that list of churches at IV, and I remember some of the names of them, maybe I'll look in the phone book and just drive to one of them tomorrow. I think that's why I'm feeling the way about MVOP church days. I don't get anything out of the service and it just makes me feel outcast when I see all these people weeping and jumping up and down and I'm not feeling anything. I'd rather go someplace and learn and go deeper in my relationship with Christ, like I've been doing lately. If anyone at MVOP asks I'll just let on a white lie or something; I mean I feel kind of bad but 1. I want to learn something when I go to church not be bored and 2. I dont' want to miss the football game.

I feel better now.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Christmas List:

a. Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD (Nov. 18)
b. The Two Towers Special Edition DVD (Around that time too)
c. The Matrix Reloaded DVD (WIDESCREEN)
d. Homestar Runner clothing (Hoodies, hats, shirts, no preference, just a variety)

The end... for now...

Illinois Drivers...


Thank you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Decatur Children

OK normally I'd be at men's choir right now but I'm skipping it today for a few reasons:
a. It's not for credit
b. I have other things to do today
c. I was late getting back from Johns Hill tutoring with Chip

Speaking of which, the drive back was way more eventive than the drive there or the actual tutorage. After tutoring Chip ran into a lady from Ragtime which he was in last year so they chatted and then after that we couldn't get out of the parking spot because a stupid lady would NOT move her car. When we finally got out, first a kid almost ran in front of us, and then WE SAW A BOY PEEING IN THE FRONT YARD. At first I thought it was a hose, like some guy was watering the lawn, since the stream was really high. Then I thought the boy was pretending to be peeing with the hose since it was like that. Then driving by (thank God his back was to the road) I saw his pants were open. Chip was like "Tell me I didn't just see that." It was gross. Shouldn't you be in school or on the way home from school or something, kid? And regardless of that SHOULDN'T YOU BE ON A TOILET OR SOMETHING? That's just WRONG.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003


I went to the first and most likely only Five Iron Frenzy concert of my life tonight and it was WICKED AWESOME. First this guy sang and he was good he reminded me of Caleb or John Mayer. Then Holland came up and they were good, and people were moshing even during them; or attempting to at least. Then Bleach came up and people moshed and I was moshed over to the middle RIGHT IN FRONT! Talk about lucky. Then FIF came on and it was awesome. And the guy broke the ceiling it was great.

Nice night

Go red sox and cubs!

OK bible study was amazing. Then I watched the yankees lose. Then I went to the midi lab where I got most of my composition done. Then I went back and now I'm going to watch the rest of Frequency.

Sunday, October 12, 2003


Stupid Chiefs HAVE to come back in the 4th quarter and get all of these unanswered points to tie it up and go to OT. They absolutely HAD to remain undefeated. Stupid Jerome Woods HAD to intercept Brett Favre and take it back for a TD, then had to come back and cause Ahman to fumble. It's all his fault the Packers lost. I HATE THE CHIEFS and I hope it is the Pack vs. the Chiefs in the Super Bowl because the Packers are going to beat them just like they did in Super Bowl I.

Teams I hate (in order, and only football teams):
1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Kansas City Chiefs (up 9 points from never)
3. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
4. Atlanta Falcons
5. Dallas Cowboys
6. St. Louis Rams
7. Arizona Cardinals
8. Philadelphia Eagles
9. San Fransisco 49ers
10. Chicago Bears

Chicago isn't higher on the list because they suck, and I like that because it makes it a guaranteed win against the Packers.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

I forgot about the POT LUCK that was on monday

I just realized I forgot to talk about IV potluck three days ago and how i laughed so hard because Amanda pushed Joe and it didn't even sway her and I was the only one laughing. And then Weber grabbed her by the throat (soft) and she just kept talking like his hand wasn't around her neck, and just nonchalantly unpried it and stuff and I thought that was funny too. It was funny. OK i just wrote that so I would remember it a week from now or something.

November 18th


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I don't know what to write

I'm bored after this hectic Wednesday. I hate wednesdays because they are so busy. blahblahblabhalbahblahlbhadf;srj9057erklgdfkga I KNOW I"LL TYPE CRAZY fgjadlkfgjor60968484848448384398402938402938424234erligjlkfgkdfsklgvkkldgfmaklsdklsdglkdfmglkd►£~iüÇ╤~{ÄA~ƒò⌐█æ▌τµσΣπΓßα▀wεττΦΘΩδ∞φ≡±≡VnVWX\> 7Ö¥+Θ░█▄▌▐▀π┘║╝╧

Monday, October 06, 2003

My idea for a television network.

Here is my idea for a TV network, and I'm copyrighting it so if any channel like that comes on I better be getting royalties.

A channel that shows old Nick shows before 1998; shows like You Can't Do That On Television, Salute Your Shorts, Alex Mack, Welcome Freshman, the first and second generation of Nicktoons like Doug, Rugrats, Ren & Stimpy, Rocko, and The Angry Beavers, old game shows like Nick Arcade and Wild and Crazy Kids, Hey Dude, Roundhouse, even Mr. Wizard.

Now that's not enough. Also we must show retro 80s Saturday Morning cartoons like Denver The last Dinosaur, Garfield and Friends, My Pet Monster, Smurfs, Snorks, maybe even Alvin and the Chipmunks, etc. and also shows like Fraggle Rock and stuff. You know, the good stuff we grew up with that we miss today and no one shows it because they would rather show crap like Spongebob (the worst show ever made).

C. 2003 Spencer Lent

What do you think? I'm liking it. it needs a little more, possibly, but comment on this please :)

Missing archives

OK there are more than just April 02 missing. April 2003 and September 2003 are missing too.


What is going on?


Just testing something; my april archive is missing and maybe if I post again (hence republishing it) it will show up.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

For my reference


Out of Time
Lost in Translation
School of Rock
Matchstick Men
Pirates of the Carribean (yes I haven't seen it yet which is appalling but I can see it for free next month)

Finding Nemo
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Bruce Almighty

COMING SOON (some of these don't come out until may)
Mystic River
Kill Bill: Volume 1
Runaway Jury
Shattered Glass
Matrix Revolutions
The Last Samurai
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King!!!
Peter Pan
Man on fire
Shrek 2

Random Thought #1842

I was just thinking about that relaxation thing that was on the plane to England. There was newage music playing in the background and this british guy saying "Re LAHHHHX". It was so funny.


Wow what a crazy night. After Intervarsity we were crazy enough especially Steph and me tackling each other and stuff like that. It was crazy. Then a group of about 7 or 8 of us all headed to Weber's apartment and we played poker. That was CRAZY too. Before we left I don't know how we got to talking about mullets but I mentioned that I had a mullet in 3rd grade and they called me "Mullet Man" for the rest of the night; and Steph kept shooting this suction dart gun thing at me. I almost won poker but Heather won and she barely won; she came back from almost nothing. It was a lot of fun. Wild and obnoxious.

Oh and I'm definately going to see Five Iron Frenzy here at Millikin on the 14th. Weber is one of their biggest fans as is Josh (Weber's actually going to their last show in Colorado), but Josh said "Spence here's your song" and played "The Phantom Mullet" for me. I probably shouldn't have cut my hair last week.

Friday, October 03, 2003

My life is boring

There isn't anything to talk about! I went to class. Whoopee. Oh yeah no guy emailed me back about observing their lessons, except two that said theirs were at times during times I specifically stated in the emails I sent out over announcements that I had classes during. Fun times; I'll lose points on the journal again. No HUGE deal, since I have been doing well in vocal ped. That's vocal pedagogy for you non-music ed majors out there. If you need help on knowing what the parts of the larynx are, all you premed students out there and stuff, just talk to me and I can talk about the arytenoids all day.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

A Unique Situation has been brought upon me...

Brian, Tom, and Mitch said I could be their fourth guy for the Woods if this guy doesn't decide to room with them. Which would be nice, but the only things are that I know they are nice guys but that's about it; I don't know them EXTREMEMLY well, and in my opinion it's so early to decide something like this, and also I'm not sure if I want to do this right away or wait until I talk to some music ed people to maybe room with them. I'd have to talk to some people.

Doing the same assignment twice SUCKS.

Warning, swearing and ranting ahead. For those who aren't used to me swearing and stuff and don't want to read on, I'll give you the G rated version. The computer wouldn't let me do anything in the MIDI lab, so I got really mad. For more specific and raw details, READ ON...

OK I am really pissed off right now. I went to the MIDI lab about 8:30 to do my orchestration assignement, which is orchestrating a piano piece into a wind quartet. It took me a while to find a computer with hyperscribe working but I finally did. So, I am using Finale and I try hyperscribe on this computer and it doesn't work as well as I thought so I thought ok I may as well hand click it in, no big deal. I spend about two hours doing that, maybe a little more, from about 9-11ish or so. I get done, and go to print it. No printing happens. So I ask the guy and he says send it to the faculty computer. I find I am unable to do so because timbuktu is not installed or something on this particular computer. I'm thinking "What is going on here?" So I try to email it to myself through groupwise. The computer freezes (mind you the computer froze about 3 times when I tried to connect to the internet earlier). So I'm about to scream at this thing. I tried both Netscape and IE and both froze the computer. I found Timbuktu in the harddrive but it wasn't connected to any of the other computers. So I got stuck with a piece of SHIT computer. I was ready to throw that piece of shit ass out of the window. It was very hard for me to stay calm. I'm venting right now about that ghetto ass piece of shit computer that wouldn't do shit because it is fucking dumb. Needless to say I am LIVID right now about the whole situation because now I have to redo everything BY HAND or something; I could try using finale notepad on this computer maybe I'll do that. But still I have to do it again. It wasn't easy. And I'm PISSED AT COMPUTER 19. MILLIKIN PEOPLE WHO USE THE MIDI LAB. DO NOT USE COMPUTER 19. IT IS A GHETTO LAME ASS PIECE OF SHIT COMPUTER THAT WILL DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO BECAUSE IT'S A RETARDED MORON.

Thank you for putting up with my lewd comments.