Monday, September 29, 2003


The above says it all.

Remember Light Brown M&M's?

I do. I remember when they put in the blue M&M's replacing the light brown ones. That was what, 5 or 6 years ago already? And then I thought they were going to put purple ones in. I remember there was this vote. I wanted teal M&ms but people voted purple. But that hasn't happened. I saw them for a while but no more. Hmm. I also like peanut butter M&M's.

That was my random thought of the day, concieved in my very boring human development class.

Sunday, September 28, 2003


Dustin and I are doing a spiritual experiment. I was flipping through the channels and we stopped at BET, and they had this infomercial about healing and miracle spring water, along with a book about prosperity. Then after that one was done there was another one, with prett much teh same thing, instead it was a healing cloth. So that got us thinking... are these REAL people REALLY healing REAL people using REAL power from God or are they false prophets? Dustin was looking for a flaw in their ministry and really found none. And what do those books say? That's what got Dustin the most thinking. What got me thinking was the emphasis of the miracle spring water and the miracle cloth. Those two commercials run so parallel it's scary. So we called the numbers to look into them and see what they have to say spiritually.

Not again...

Yes, this is my fourth entry today, but who cares.

I go to turn the volume up on my speakers, and discover that one of the hooky things disconnected from the wall. Crap. Which means that something happened, but at least the shelf didn't fall down. They held for about 3 weeks and the other is fine still. So I had one extra sticky thing left, so I put it on. I'm supposed to leave it on the wall for an hour but screw that for now. So I hang the bracket on the hook and put the support under it, and set the shelf on there. It was too low. Crap. So I have to go to menards again for more sticky hook things, but I'll probably have to get two more hooks because I doubt they are sold seperately which is stupid. But what I have there will work for the time being at least.

I didn't.

I decided not to go to the laundromat. It's hella expensive. And now I really have to pee.


1. Favorite band? I hate this question. There are too many.
2. Favorite band-aid? I guess band-aid..?
3. Favorite colour? BLUE.
4. Favorite colour for a television set? Black or maybe gray... i wish they made blue tv's
5. If you were a donut, what kind would you be? Iced Pershing, BABY!
6. Why do you start crying if you look at the sun for too long? Because you are blind now!
7. David Duchovney or Brad Pitt? Brad Pitt. I know Steph would chose the former, though!
8. If you could be a SuperFriend, which one would you be? I would have to guess Bobby, since he's the best roomie I ever had. I've had some great roomies mind you but he was the best!
9. Do you eat fish? I'm from Wisconsin. Of course. Perch is the best.
10. Do you think we should take Mexico quickly by force, or through years of duplicitous negotiations? I like Mexico, especially the cheapness of it. If we take it over everything would be expensive. So no.
11. Do you think God hates homos? God loves everyone. Even homos.
12. Do you think it's offensive to call people who choose a homosexual lifestyle "homos"? Only if they don't like it; I personally call them "gay".
13. What's your sign? I have this Fanta poster in my room...
14. What do you want out of life? Longevity and fullfillment
15. What do you want out of your social life? Fun.
16. What do you want out of your bank? FREE MONEY!
17. Which do you put on your eggs: catsup or ketchup? Ew. Just salt pepper and toast that I can dip it with.
18. You're too young to drink aren't you? Yes... less than 7 months though! And I've already delved a bit.
19. What do you sing in the shower? EVERYTHING.
20. How many licks to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop? I actually counted once when I was like 10, and it was over 1,000.
21. If you were a Tim Burton movie, which would it be? Edward Scissorhands.
22. Do you sell moonshine on the black market? Ew. I'm not TOUCHING that stuff after the everclear event last year...
23. You find a sizable, lavender lint ball (with a hair going through the middle of it). Do you give it to your girlfriend? Uh... prolly not. See, I don't have a girlfriend so that kind of defeats the purpose.
24. Summer dress or long black skirt? I'll say summer dress because I like to dress nice in the summer.
25. When I say "1980s," what's the first song to come to mind? Take on Me
26. When I say "poor fashion taste," what do you think of first? A person the opposite of my sister, the fashion queen
27. When I say "Bananas in Pajamas," how do you most want to respond? AHHH!
28. Will you hit me as hard as you can? No because I don't want to join Fight Club.
29. Who would you pay NOT to live with? An asshole
30. Do you get along with ethnic people? Yes
31. When I said "ethnic people" just now, were you afraid? No
32. Quick, cold shower or cozy bubble bath with vanilla-scented candles and lilac soap? Bath. I love baths.
33. Would you rather be a Beatle or one of the New Kids? BEATLE. New Kids on the Block SUCKED.
34. Have you ever kissed your mom... in that way? That's disgusting.
35. If, because of entering into the Witness Protection Program after providing testimony of your intimate knowledge of the dealings and activities of the notorious Gambino crime syndicate, you had to change your name, what name would you pick? Kyle Glatt
36. Have you ever awoken with a horse head on your bed? OK this is more random than even me. That's scary.
37. How much do you like kitties? They are all right.
38. Do you have any regrets? I don't know.
39. Do you have any regrets involving kitties? That we didn't get Lucy declawed and then she got all weird peeing everywhere and then we had to put her to sleep...
40. What slogan or colloquial phrase best describes you? "Bizzare."
41. Are you a traveller? Yeah!
42. Are you a peach? No. But I do like the song "Millions of Peaches, Peaches for me."
43. Are you a glue stick? ...
44. Would you surf? Yeah that would be fun!
45. If you could have one literary figure-come-to-reality fall indefensibly, unassailably, and just plain madly in love with you, whom would you prefer him (or her) to be? Juliet. Juliet is always hot.
46. Do you ever misuse the word "unassailably" yourself simply because it sounds cool? No, but my premature side would say "heh heh... unASSailably"
47. Are you a registered voter? Yes.
48. If you were, would you be a Libertarian? No. I vote conservative before I vote republican though, although that usually means voting republican.
49. I didn't think so. You didn't know so.
50. What's your favorite hymn? How Great Thou Art.
51. What's your favorite him? Are you calling me gay.
52. What about her? Now you are talking! But I'm still not saying as she may be reading this right now and I'm not ready to divulge that info to her.
53. Are you shy? Sometimes.
54. What is your honest opinion of basset hounds? HUSH PUPPIES ARE COMFY.
55. What's your scam? That one time when I did that and tricked those people playing mafia.
56. Under what circumstances would you devour a plate of rocky mountain oysters? How do oysters get up to the rocky mountains? ANSWER ME THAT QUIZ MAN.
57. Under what circumstances would you join the circus? Ew.
58. When did you first realize that you were not a midget clown? Huh?
59. When did you first realize that you were not a seal? That one time I tried catching the ball and I caught it.
60. Best potential for a boyfriend/girlfriend: fudgsicle, creamsicle, or 50/50 bar? 50/50
61. High-end blockbuster or edgy art film? Either. Love both.
62. Did you know that llamas spit? Yes I did.
63. In gangsterland, would you ride shotgun or running boards? Running boards because drivebys always hit shotgun people.
64. Do you really like gin as much as the rumours say? I've never played gin.
65. If you could be a puck, who would you most want to slapshot you? Anyone I guess. I asked Joe to wrestle me on Friday. I can take it.
66. Recognizing your fashion prowess, could even you make a tube top or pedal pushers look good? I HATE tube tops. That always reminds me of the price is right when the lady went down and her boobs popped out of her tube top.
67. How often do your parents embarrass you? 87% of the day, and 87% of that time is my mom.
68. How often does your brother embarrass you? Never. I've never had a brother.
69. How often do your so-called wives embarrass you? That one time she threw that picture frame at me and I had to go to the hospital
70. Are you Asian? No
71. Why not? Because I'm not
72. And what's did you have for dinner? Pizza!
73. Would you ever try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with shredded beef? ew.
74. Favorite colours to be found on your barber's pole? BLUE AND RED. You gotta have blue and red for barber's poles, and a barbershot quartet.
75. Goatee or sideburns? Goatee.
76. Do you fear babies or rabies more? Rabies.
77. Can I be in your posse? Possibly but you can't be more random than me the butterfly of souls.
78. Thong or g-string? Ew.
79. What's your favorite boiled cabbage joke? Ew.
80. Thinking as would a praying mantis, under which circumstances would you devour your mate? I thought the female devoured the male... wait... AHHH
81. Rice: steamed or fried? steamed
82. Music: vocal or instrumental? VOCAL
83. Are you black? No.
84. Are you sure? Yes.
85. If you had to be a sexy mermaid, in which of the seven seas would you prefer to reside? Mediterranean
86. What about if you were an ugly mermaid? Dead
87. Love: can you spell it out in 25 words or less? HELL no.
88. If you were to be a Mark Ryden painting, which would you be and would you hope that he painted more sausages in it? Who is Mark Ryden. Is he Oscar Meyer?
89. Boxers or briefs? Briefs but they have to be COLORED. No whitey tighties.
90. It's Tattoo Day! Where and what? NONONONONONONONONONONONONO.
91. Do you think Bruce is an inherently gay name? BRUCE LEE IS NOT GAY.
92. What would you put on a necktie? Ew.
93. John Cusak or Mel Gibson? John Cusak because he's funny in Sixteen Candles.
94. What will you do for your next publicity stunt? Run off screaming "THERE IS NO SPOON"
95. Favorite colour for a paper bag? Gray
96. Would you rather be a Spice Girl or one of the Go-Gos? Neither, because I'M PROUD OF BEING A MAN.
97. Spectator or player? Depends on the activity.
98. Paper or Plastic? Whatever.
99. If you could be a ninja turtle, which one would you be? Leonardo because he had the swords
100. Are you glad it's over? YES AND NEVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN YA PUTZ!

So, yeah.

I overslept church again. That sucks. I mean how am i supposed to find a church when I keep oversleeping it? Then again, how am I supposed to wake up before 10 if I go to bed at 2? Answer me that.

Anyways, I'm going to do an experiment today. I'm going to try a laundromat. I know I know... It's probably more expensive. But there are a few around here and I'll stop at all of them and see. Then I'll bring East of Eden with me and read it while my stuff washes or something. I haven't read any of that in about a month, when I went back to school. I also might get my haircut today. I have all of this spare time on my hands since the Packers don't play today, they play tomorrow night. Against the bears. WHO SUCK.

You all know I'm turning up Happy Schnapps Combo tomorrow night when the Bears lose. Even though the song is about 13 years old (they talk about Jim McMahon in it... or Jim mahon if you will) it's still a guilty pleasure. The only polka song on my computer is "The Bears Still Suck" by Happy Schnapps Combo. Download it. It's fun.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

I miss Oakland

After IV at the SPEC last night we played Mafia and Jenny WON! That was a weird game. But anyways,we had to move to Oakland to play more games and we played the couch game and it was not fun because people were cheating. So then after that we went to Christina's apartment and played Phase 10 I DIDN'T EVEN GET OUT OF PHASE ONE. But it was fun anyways. I was REALLY hyper last night. It was weird.

Anyways, at Oakland I got really upset. Why? Because there is ONE PERSON IN MY ROOM. ONE PERSON. SHOULDN'T THERE BE TWO? I think people should disallow one person signing up for double rooms. That really pissed me off. I wanted to be in Oakland this year with Garrett again, but there was no room because two many crapheads signed up for one person rooms. GRRRR..... I downgraded because of those jerks. I really enjoy Dustin's roommate company but it would even be better if it was in Oakland. I MISS OAKLAND 2! I MISS MY KITCHEN. I MISS MY LOUNGE. I MISS MY ROOM. WAHHHHHHHHHHH

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Sign my guestmap!

I have one. It's not showing up for some reason. Maybe I had to publish it. But hey it's awesome thing like a guest book only it's a map.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

I hate Wednesdays

Wednesdays are the longest days of my week. I feel like collapsing now, but I still have MVOP. Oh well. At least this is in reality my only really busy day of the week. Thursdays and Fridays rock, Mondays aren't that bad either. Tuesdays are OK, but they are slightly busier, especially from 2-5:30. But hey. That is the life of a music ed major. And I expected busy days, even with my lighter load this semester. At least it's not like this every day, and I'm kind of used to it since Wednesdays were my busy day last year as well.

Brian who lives across the hall (the one who I was slightly mad at IMEA last year; I've gotten over it) is really into Prog Rock as well and let me listen to Liquid Tension Experiment 1. Wow that album rocked. I like the 2nd one better though. Man, I HOPE they release a new album sometime. I saw Tony Levin had a solo album out and perhaps I should listen to a few tracks from that because if it's anything like LTE I'm going to wanna get it, since LTE is one of my favorite bands now. I'm sure you who read this know that by now, but I can't stop talking about them. My dad who is in a band and knows these things and probably is the one who influenced me most on my liking of prog rock didn't know about them. So yeah.

Speaking of which, I wouldn't mind joining a prog rock band. I could sing and play keyboards. I would first have to GET a keyboard. But I've been thinking about it lately and I really want to join a band. I'd like to try and get some of my creative juices flowing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Outkast sucks

I guess today they release their new album... PEOPLE THEY SUCK!!! Listen to something else at the top of your radio. I hope they don't do that like they did freshman year. See the entry on Friday, April 26th 2002 too read where I first express my disdain for Outkast.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Liquid Tension Experiment

I want Liquid Tension Experiment to release another album. I mean, why did they have to stop making music after only 2 albums? True, 3 out of the 4 of them are in Dream Theater, but still! I like LTE better than Dream Theater! It's awesome! They need to make a 3rd album soon.

Sunday, September 21, 2003


We SUCKED today. I'm so upset. When our defense rocked, our offense sucked. Then when our offense got something started, our defense sucked. WHAT IS WITH THAT!?!?!?!?!??!?! I am so depressed and upset right now I couldn't even eat dinner. I know it shouldn't get me this upset but it was just WE WERE SO CLOSE!!!! ARGH>dfjasdlkgjh;laskdjhladfrbkcvnlkgh7234g96oi

Yeah, translation.

My last post was really weird. OK here is what I was going to say.

I haven't called him yet, but Odell and I were going to go to the Holiday Inn to watch the Packer game. Now that I know where it IS. Last week I went the wrong way on the highway. It's still too early to think about, but I wouldn't mind having Odell as a roommate next year. However, since he's a sophomore next year he's probably going to dorm again.

Dustin was talking next year like we were rooming together again in an apartment in the woods next year. Not that I don't like Dustin because he is awesome, but it's WAYWAYWAY too early to talk about it. He was saying the woods started getting leases like next week. No way. It's not even OCTOBER. Plus, since I'm a senior I was thinking about getting an apartment or a house living with people who are also senior music ed majors, since that way we could help each other on teaching strategies when we student teach, go to classes together, things like that. I just want to make my last year (next year) here at Millikin a great one.

I'm going with MVOP to Main Street church today. I went there last year and it is a good church, but not the one I'm looking for, so I'm going with Dustin next week.


It's almost 3. I need to go to bed. But I am just stupid. EVERYONE I AM STUPID!!!!!!!!! Gah.

I still have to call Odell. We are supposed to go to the thing tomorow

Saturday, September 20, 2003


Miss Wisconsin got 2nd runner up in Miss America!! She is from Green Bay. I remember Lauran (who is Miss Green Bay) talking aobut her when she won miss wisconsin. Oh man congratulations to her and all of those young women. What is SO WEIRD now is that all of those women are very close to my age now, only a few years older. I remember watching it when I was like 10, and that seemed so OLD! Wow.

Let's see what else has happened. Oh yeah I went to karaoke after IV last night and rocked the house singing Bohemian Rhapsody. I hit that high Bb I was happy! We had so much fun. After that we went to Christina's apartment and played nintendo and then scum and Dustin was ALWAYS the president.

Friday, September 19, 2003

I've said I never want to go to LA..... but.....

That has all changed now. They updated the paradise lost site by Eric Whitacre... OH MY GOD. I HAVE TO SEE IT. It's world-premiering in February in Los Angeles and tickets go on sale at midnight October 1st... OH MAN I HAVE GOT TO SEE IT. I mean I'd go to LA just to see that. I wouldn't care about anything else. Just a 1 day trip to LA. Yeah right. Although that would be simply amazing... ideally it would be with all of us Eric Whitacre geeks (i.e. me, Cory, Jacob, Lauran, etc.) going together.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

I am a random man.

Poodles are cool. Like when they are on the poodle skirts that were worn in the 50s like when we did Bye Bye Birdie and they wore poodle skirts and Chip was like Elvis and I was Albert which is not Albert Schweizer or Albert Taylor which Albert Taylor Theater here at MU was named after like Millikin was named after James Millikin who was some guy I have no idea what he did.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003


I feel terrible. I missed See You At The Pole for the first time since 6th grade. This would have been the 10th See You At The Pole I went to. AND I MISSED IT. :(


If it's not soon I'll go nuts

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Counter check

I'm thinking about changing my counters to the ones that sarah has on her blog. That tells you more and stuff! Should I?

Wednesday is supposed to be hump day, which is supposed to be good, right?

Tomorrow is Wednesday. I hate Wednesdays. EVERY YEAR Wednesday is my suck day. I have TONS of classes and extracurriculars and nothing to do and crap. ARGH.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Shoo be doo....

Yeah, that about sums it up for me right now. I don't even know why I am posting, I have nothing to write about. Maybe I'll make this a seinfeld post. Or wait! I haven't done this in a while!!!

Yeah that makes my day a lot less boring.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

I'm sick of politics.

OK I've seen like 4 things today about the war and how much it costs and how our president sucks and stuff. I'm sick of it. I mean, I can see why many college people are upset with it. When Clinton first became president, we were like 10. And then 8 years later, when politics DID matter in our life (when we were 10 it wasn't as important), Bush came around and changed everything. So, people focus on the bad things Bush did and put all of their emphasis on that instead of some of the good that he did. In a sense, people did that with Clinton too, although I agree with a lot more things that Bush is doing. I'm not even going to touch the war, because that's such a huge issue. But I'm going to say that I'm pro-life, and Clinton doing that crap legalizing partial-birth abortion is just bull, and I'm glad that with Bush in power that will end. I think abortion is wrong because you are killing another life. The only way abortions should happen is if the mother is in danger, and perhaps if she was raped. Although, whats to stop her from putting the child up for adoption, when so many people can't have kids.

Now being a future educator, I don't agree with some of the things bush is doing to education. I don't believe the no child left behind thing is all good, especially the enforcing of standardized tests. Tests only show how good of test takers kids are. Different people take in knowledge differently, and show they know it differently. My sister gets all As on her homework and stuff, but doesn't do well at tests. She gets reasonable grades; but bombs the ACTs. Tests I think are a load of bull (I'm saying this and I'm good at tests so I'm not saying it because I'm bad at them) and we should find another way to measure peoples knowledge.

I know I know I'm probably going to get some heat from this post but I just want to let you know that I can't take in politics very well ESPECIALLY mudslinging politics and people dissing the other. I'm more interested in deep political conversations, and more into listening rather than speaking because I'm not a good speaker. If you are going to leave a comment about politics and stuff, don't be giving me lists or reasons why Bush is so bad, or asking me to tell you what good the war is doing, or whatever, because frankly I'm sick of it and I don't want to start an arguement. I believe what I believe and people should accept that rather than trying to make me believe something else.


OK once AGAIN. The stupid people have chosen to show the Rams game instead of the Packer game. This didn't happen last year! I was able to watch almost every Packer game on TV. But NOOOOOO they had to schedule Packers games at the same time as Rams games for the first three weeks. WHY OH WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me so upset. Oh well, at least I'll be able to watch it in 15 days when the Packers are on monday night football...

Still pissed at

Swearing ahead.... but I have to let my emotions flow and truly, this is what I feel NFL Field Pass is.

I don't know why had to make that NFL field pass piece of shit. I mean, why do I need to PAY to listen to the Packer game? It's so stupid. I never had to in the past, and now all of a sudden I have to. It's bullshit!!! And it's expensive!! 10 bucks a month. I hope no one buys it so they lose more money and then they have to get rid of it and make broadcasts free again. It's CRAP! I don't know why the NFL absolutely HAD to do that. Why why why? I mean, what if that was the only way you were able to get the games you wanted, and you were a poor college student? Now, you are forcing them to pay to get what they want. I guess you can't get ANYTHING for free nowadays... not even the fricking RADIO.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Prayer is an awesome thing.

What a night. So I go to IV, and it was fun. We had a humor night and everything was out of order. Then the men had a thing going on and we watched Game of Death (the bad 70's version, not the one they just made the way Bruce Lee intended). So we are watching Game of Death basically making fun of the movie when someone gets a call on their cell saying that there are fire trucks in front of the New Halls. So we decided to pray for them. While we were praying it was confirmed that the TKE house had a fire and someone had to go to the hospital. We decided as a group to walk over there and pray in front of TKE and pray for the guys over there. When we got there there were fire trucks in front of the place. The house wasn't damaged much, I couldn't see any fire or smoke or anything. But there were people crying and in a state of shock and disbelief. We gathered around a group of TKEs and just comforted them and prayed for them, and it was an awesome thing. They confided in God to help them as a brotherhood to get through this tragedy. Afterwords we prayed some more and it was just an undescribable feeling I had. I don't know how to explain it. On one hand, I'm in shock about what happened, on the other I'm glad that we were there for them and that something good will come out of this situation. It was cool - we brothers in Christ were praying for the brothers of TKE. I hope everyone there is OK, but since we are such a small campus we are going to be affected by this for a while.

Anyways, whoever reads this, whether or not you read this, say a prayer for Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. They are hurting and they need all the help they can get right now. I know what we did helped give some of those guys at least a little comfort in this confusing time.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


I was going into the developmental timeline paper fearing the worst, but to be honest it wasn't that hard to write. I expected it to be some crappy thing to do and it would take forever, and here it is almost done. So yay.

I thought there was a candlelight vigil on campus today but there wasn't. In any event, remember 9/11. It's not as big of a deal as it was last year for me. I've pretty much gotten over it, and I support our president but I just wish that all of this fighting would end. I want bin Laden and Saddam gone so we don't have to go through all of this shit that we haven't found them yet and stuff. And I want them gone so no more terrorist attacks will happen. Why do those middle eastern countries hate the US so much? Why are they so violent? Why are they letting their kids run around the streets with guns? It's stupid, yo.


Should I have the titles? Please state your opinion. I mean I like having titles but I don't like how they look on the template.

UPDATE: I like them a little better but something is missing, like in between entries or something. There is a gap there. Hmmm

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

I do....

But I'm not really satisifed with how it looks. Ah I'll work on it later. I have MVOP so bye.

OK I think I got them now.

Let's hope so at least.

Dag, yo.

Nope it didn't. Schiesse. I guess that means I have to get a new template or figure out how to put titles in in the current template... I'll have to ask some people I guess. Anyways, I'm not going to change it right now at least. I don't really have time, this has been one of the busiest days of the year (take that back THE busiest day) and it's not over yet I still ahve MVOP.


I hope. This is only a test, since Blogger got all of these things now that were for Blogger Pro users only and now are for everybody. Which means that Blogger just got a hell of a lot better.
Instead of filling out another stupid blog quiz thing that pretty much explain the same thing I posted in the last 100 quizzes I did, I noticed an idea of a similar sort of thing... Here goes.

S "Subdivisions" by Rush
P "PReality" by Newsboys
E "Everybody" by Homestar Runner
N "New Country" by Jean-Luc Ponty
C "Clocks" by Coldplay
E "Everybody (Move Your Feet)" by Junior Senior (OK so I kind of played around it a little.)
R "Roundabout" by Yes
L "Lothlórien" by Enya
E "(Kyrie) Eleison" by Mr. Mister (Another one I played around with; OK how many E song names are there)?
N "(I)n The Light" by DC Talk
T "Take Me Away" by Lifehouse

OK so it didn't work as well as I thought. I can't help it. The letters in my name repeat too much.

Monday, September 08, 2003

So yeah the power went out last night for about 2 hours. It was a lot of fun actually. Someone wrote in their away message something like "Power goes out, everyone goes outside. Power is on, everyone goes to sleep." Well yeah. That's how it went. So here is my experience:

12:10. As in ten after midnight. I'm engaged in a not-too-important conversation on AIM with somebody when all of a sudden my computer went out as well as all of the lights, outside as well. It was weird. Pitch black. I could barely see anything. So I stumble to the door, running into the plant and something on dustin's side of the room and open the door. A few people were looking out to see what was going on. The only light we had was emergency lights. I walk out and go to the lounge and look across the street and everything is dark up to Main Street. So the Woods and the New Halls were unaffected by this lack of electricity. Jacob comes by with a flashlight and shines it in my eyes. So I'm wishing I had a flashlight but I remember Dustin had two so I went and got them so we could have light. Not everyone had a flashlight, and I lent one to Bryan to look for his although he couldn't find it. So there were about 8 of us huddled in the lounge and this mob of people is outside screaming and cheering and stuff. We were shining our flashlights on them, they on us. Some REALLY random conversations popped up between the eight of us while we were discussing the situation, and parts of these will be on my quotes page on my website.

Eventually we just sit down and start talking about nothing and stuff like that, the people changed back and forth, bonding was happening. So then, the mob all gathers around and we think there is a meeting so we go downstairs and outside just in time to hear Annette say "Everyone go quietly inside your dorms" so we did although not very quietly. But heck, who was? We weren't loud or anything. Anyway, we go back to the second floor and are just getting the convo back when the RA's said to take it to the first floor because people may be sleeping. OK. No one in my wing was asleep, they were either there or gone. basically everyone on our floor was up or gone. So we weren't sure, but we went to the first floor anyway, and we were there for about 20 minutes, discussing the possibility that we may not have class tomorrow, and how everyone was going to skip and stuff, when ten after 2, power comes back on. First words out of Kristin's mouth were "SHIT!!" Because it was too early for the power to come back on. We were thinking like 5 or 6 the power would come back, so we would be able to miss our classes. But we would be able to get sleep so I'm sure most of us went to our early classes today.

Anyways, that's the experience of the year so far.

Sunday, September 07, 2003


FULL NAME: Spencer Paul Lent
BIRTHDATE: April 20, 1983
ZODIAC SIGN: Depends on the astrologer.
HOW TALL ARE YOU: 5'7" or 8"
HAIR/EYES: Brown with blond highlights/green
WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD: It's blue with raindrops and it says ALLSOP on it.
SMELLS: Rain on pavement, fresh pizza, basil, mint, cinnamon, etc.
TOWN TO CHILL: NOT DECATUR. LOL. Except for maybe Millikin. Actually I LOVED london and would go back there any day
ANIMALS: Dogs, cats, fish, horses, monkeys, I don'tknow!.
CARTOON CHARACTER: Hmm.... Homestar Runner? Or perhaps Master Shake because I kind of talk like him
COUNTRY SONG: COUNTRY!?!? Eww... Probably This Kiss by Faith Hill
DANCE MUSIC: Anything with a good beat.
JEANS: Dark blue jeans. I hate the ones that look almost white. And comfy.
COLOUR: BLUE!!!! Especially cerulean blue; dark deep blues with a touch of green in them
DISNEY MOVIE: Fantasia or Perfect Harmony
BANDS: Rush, Yes, After Dark, and too many others.
FOOD: PIZZA or Mexican food (real mexican food not taco bell although they are good).
NUMBER: I don't have one so I'll just say 36.
THE PERSON WHO YOU CAN TELL ANYTHING TO: Kyle or Melissa or Garrett probably
WHICH FRIEND HAVE YOU KNOWN THE LONGEST: I've known Kevin since I was 7 although we aren't really close friends
WHO DO YOU WISH YOU WERE: I don't know; probably someone with more success in their life
WHAT WAS YOUR FAVOURITE PET: My dog who is still alive
DO YOU LIKE LOLLIPOPS: Yes. My favorite are those Charms sweet and sour ones but I haven't had those in ages.
WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW: About how to answer these stupid questions.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING: I wish it was Saturday so I could sleep in... althogh my schedule this semester is REALLY sleep friendly
WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR: 1988 Ford Tempo. Sill drive it.
FAVOURITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Skyy Blue or Mikes Hard Lemonade. In fact other than wine champagne or beer those are the only alcholoic drinks I've had..
WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED: Crap. Not like poop crap but like junk crap
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW-UP: Successful happy and a good role model (a music teacher).
NAME A WORD YOUR FRIENDS WOULD USE TO DESCRIBE YOU: Dork or weird would suffice quite nicely
WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: Nothing because my webcam is on and I hate that camera sound and clicks and stuff
SAY 1 NICE THING BOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS 2 U: Brada is cool because she a) is a music ed major and b) wears pajamas from '96.
Blanket or Stuffed Animal: If you mean what to sleep with, neither, I prefer a pillow.
the Dumper or Dumpee: ????
Purple grapes or green?: Green
*******WORD ASSOCIATION*******
ROCKS: hard
WET: Seal
PEANUT: butter
HAY: yo
PAPER: cut because that was what was written before.
HIT: baseball
*******Have you ever*********
Been in the bathroom of the opposite sex: Yeah
Gone out in public in your pj's: Yeah
found cartoon character attractive: Not really although that Jessica Rabbit...
Called or seen a psychic: NO WAY. Although Ithought about calling Miss Cleo once to tell her to stop using that fake accent
Been on stage: No because I'm not a singer or a musician at all. HECK YEAH.
Gotten in a car accident: Yes......
Cheated on a test: Nope.
HOW LONG IS A PIECE OF STRING: about 32 centinches
WHAT DOES DAVE NEED: Dave needs to talk to his cousin Paul
STUPIDEST THING YOU'VE EVER DONE FOR A LAUGH: My cousin when she was like 2 thought it was absolutely hilarious when I put my hand on top of my head.
WHAT IS THE AIR SPEED VELOCITY: Mach3? These sound like Spacey questions.
SOPRANO OR ALTO?: I could sing alto, but I'm naturally a tenor, and I wish I could sing soprano..
TUESDAY?: morning
WHICH PERSON YOU SENT THIS TO WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND: Not sending it to anyone but I know someone will copy paste it. Probably CG or DGP since none of my friend I actually can physically see without the use of a webcam reads this I think except for maybe those in the chateau and they don't have blogs. ThatI know of.
I think I'm getting the school cold I get every year; last year it was around october or november and this year it's quite early. I keep coughing and stuff... I guess it's going around so I guess it was bound to get me sooner or later... blah.

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Last night was a good night. After lighthouse we went to Christina's apartment (I have a slight feeling that now that Dustin is my roommate this is going to be a common occurance), and Dustin and a couple of others ditched us to watch Lord of the Rings in Weber's apartment. So it was Me, Chrissy, Amanda, Nancy, Don, Breanne, Heather, Dan, Caleb, Alisa, and Ashley. Give or take a few because some joined in later and stuff like that. So like last week we played the couch game. That was fun and at one point Don called Ashley Satan because Caleb had gotten her off the couch but then Don called her back on and he called her Satan. That was the funniest moment of the night. Then people started leaving when in walk Weber, Dustin, and Alissa (a different one). They couldn't get through it because they were talking more than watching. The girls in the apartment happen to have an old skool NES (of which I HAVE to get one of within the next year or so because I loved my NES as a kid and I miss it dearly and emulators are not the same), so Weber was bragging how good he was at Super Mario 3 and I'm saying "No way" so we started a two player game which turned to three which turned to 4 when Dustin and Caleb joined. We were going to beat the game all the way through without warps. We got to World 6 but it was getting really late (i.e. 2 in the morning) so we are going to do that again some night not starting so late.

Walk home and discover my shelf had fallen AGAIN so I went to Menard's today to get another bracket for more support. The two I bought didn't fit with the 3M hangers I got since we can't screw anything into the walls which really bites. So I had to go back to menards and I found one the same size only the groove where the hanger thing goes is on the other side and there was only one of them. So I bought that one and will use it for the shelf that keeps falling. The other shelf hasn't fallen yet but last night I discovered that one of the things was cracked so I got more 3M things. So I'm going to hang those things up now.

Friday, September 05, 2003

So, I'm looking at everyone's away messages right now and most of them say at the UChoir banquet. Envy and sadness go away. You are in Chamber you should be happy. Still I know almost no one (with the exception of those I just met) in Chamber, whereas I know about 95% of those in UChoir. Oh well. Maybe Chamber will have a banquet. If anyone is reading this and is from Millikin and is or has been in Chamber and knows wheather or not there is a banquet let me know. Leave a comment.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

OK first things first.

Tracy is a dorkbutt.

OK now on to news that you may not know.

I made Tudor Voices! So I'm excited. Only 8 people are in that group. And we get to be in the opera so that kicks butt. I get to be in the opera without auditioning. I'm totally psyched. Down side is I can't be in jazz but hey, I would have been in Vocal Jazz Company again which wouldn't be too bad except I wanted to do something a little more challenging. And then OneVoice is going to be weird with Dr. Holmes conducting it this year. But anyway, time for something knew I decided so I got into Tudor. I'm happy.

Had my first lesson with Terry today. And he has helped me already. I have a good feeling he's going to help me the most and what's more I will have him the rest of my college career. YAY NO MORE SWITCHING VOICE TEACHERS!!!! So I'm excited about that too.

MVOP had a lot of people at the meeting last night and even more who signed up at the table at the activities fair who couldn't show up at the meeting so that is REALLY encouraging. I"m excited about that too.

To make a long story short, I have a big feeling that this year is going to be an excellent year.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

So this is my first post in September. It was weird because so far September has been about 30 degrees cooler than August. It was sooooo hot last week, and it's been cloudy rainy and cool this week so far. I spent Labor Day at Aunt Barb and Uncle Jim's. So that was a break from Decatur although I took about 25 wrong turns so I was on the road about 45 minutes longer than I needed to be. But hey I got there and now I know the right way to get there.