Monday, September 08, 2003

So yeah the power went out last night for about 2 hours. It was a lot of fun actually. Someone wrote in their away message something like "Power goes out, everyone goes outside. Power is on, everyone goes to sleep." Well yeah. That's how it went. So here is my experience:

12:10. As in ten after midnight. I'm engaged in a not-too-important conversation on AIM with somebody when all of a sudden my computer went out as well as all of the lights, outside as well. It was weird. Pitch black. I could barely see anything. So I stumble to the door, running into the plant and something on dustin's side of the room and open the door. A few people were looking out to see what was going on. The only light we had was emergency lights. I walk out and go to the lounge and look across the street and everything is dark up to Main Street. So the Woods and the New Halls were unaffected by this lack of electricity. Jacob comes by with a flashlight and shines it in my eyes. So I'm wishing I had a flashlight but I remember Dustin had two so I went and got them so we could have light. Not everyone had a flashlight, and I lent one to Bryan to look for his although he couldn't find it. So there were about 8 of us huddled in the lounge and this mob of people is outside screaming and cheering and stuff. We were shining our flashlights on them, they on us. Some REALLY random conversations popped up between the eight of us while we were discussing the situation, and parts of these will be on my quotes page on my website.

Eventually we just sit down and start talking about nothing and stuff like that, the people changed back and forth, bonding was happening. So then, the mob all gathers around and we think there is a meeting so we go downstairs and outside just in time to hear Annette say "Everyone go quietly inside your dorms" so we did although not very quietly. But heck, who was? We weren't loud or anything. Anyway, we go back to the second floor and are just getting the convo back when the RA's said to take it to the first floor because people may be sleeping. OK. No one in my wing was asleep, they were either there or gone. basically everyone on our floor was up or gone. So we weren't sure, but we went to the first floor anyway, and we were there for about 20 minutes, discussing the possibility that we may not have class tomorrow, and how everyone was going to skip and stuff, when ten after 2, power comes back on. First words out of Kristin's mouth were "SHIT!!" Because it was too early for the power to come back on. We were thinking like 5 or 6 the power would come back, so we would be able to miss our classes. But we would be able to get sleep so I'm sure most of us went to our early classes today.

Anyways, that's the experience of the year so far.

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