Sunday, September 14, 2003

Still pissed at

Swearing ahead.... but I have to let my emotions flow and truly, this is what I feel NFL Field Pass is.

I don't know why had to make that NFL field pass piece of shit. I mean, why do I need to PAY to listen to the Packer game? It's so stupid. I never had to in the past, and now all of a sudden I have to. It's bullshit!!! And it's expensive!! 10 bucks a month. I hope no one buys it so they lose more money and then they have to get rid of it and make broadcasts free again. It's CRAP! I don't know why the NFL absolutely HAD to do that. Why why why? I mean, what if that was the only way you were able to get the games you wanted, and you were a poor college student? Now, you are forcing them to pay to get what they want. I guess you can't get ANYTHING for free nowadays... not even the fricking RADIO.

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