Sunday, September 28, 2003


1. Favorite band? I hate this question. There are too many.
2. Favorite band-aid? I guess band-aid..?
3. Favorite colour? BLUE.
4. Favorite colour for a television set? Black or maybe gray... i wish they made blue tv's
5. If you were a donut, what kind would you be? Iced Pershing, BABY!
6. Why do you start crying if you look at the sun for too long? Because you are blind now!
7. David Duchovney or Brad Pitt? Brad Pitt. I know Steph would chose the former, though!
8. If you could be a SuperFriend, which one would you be? I would have to guess Bobby, since he's the best roomie I ever had. I've had some great roomies mind you but he was the best!
9. Do you eat fish? I'm from Wisconsin. Of course. Perch is the best.
10. Do you think we should take Mexico quickly by force, or through years of duplicitous negotiations? I like Mexico, especially the cheapness of it. If we take it over everything would be expensive. So no.
11. Do you think God hates homos? God loves everyone. Even homos.
12. Do you think it's offensive to call people who choose a homosexual lifestyle "homos"? Only if they don't like it; I personally call them "gay".
13. What's your sign? I have this Fanta poster in my room...
14. What do you want out of life? Longevity and fullfillment
15. What do you want out of your social life? Fun.
16. What do you want out of your bank? FREE MONEY!
17. Which do you put on your eggs: catsup or ketchup? Ew. Just salt pepper and toast that I can dip it with.
18. You're too young to drink aren't you? Yes... less than 7 months though! And I've already delved a bit.
19. What do you sing in the shower? EVERYTHING.
20. How many licks to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop? I actually counted once when I was like 10, and it was over 1,000.
21. If you were a Tim Burton movie, which would it be? Edward Scissorhands.
22. Do you sell moonshine on the black market? Ew. I'm not TOUCHING that stuff after the everclear event last year...
23. You find a sizable, lavender lint ball (with a hair going through the middle of it). Do you give it to your girlfriend? Uh... prolly not. See, I don't have a girlfriend so that kind of defeats the purpose.
24. Summer dress or long black skirt? I'll say summer dress because I like to dress nice in the summer.
25. When I say "1980s," what's the first song to come to mind? Take on Me
26. When I say "poor fashion taste," what do you think of first? A person the opposite of my sister, the fashion queen
27. When I say "Bananas in Pajamas," how do you most want to respond? AHHH!
28. Will you hit me as hard as you can? No because I don't want to join Fight Club.
29. Who would you pay NOT to live with? An asshole
30. Do you get along with ethnic people? Yes
31. When I said "ethnic people" just now, were you afraid? No
32. Quick, cold shower or cozy bubble bath with vanilla-scented candles and lilac soap? Bath. I love baths.
33. Would you rather be a Beatle or one of the New Kids? BEATLE. New Kids on the Block SUCKED.
34. Have you ever kissed your mom... in that way? That's disgusting.
35. If, because of entering into the Witness Protection Program after providing testimony of your intimate knowledge of the dealings and activities of the notorious Gambino crime syndicate, you had to change your name, what name would you pick? Kyle Glatt
36. Have you ever awoken with a horse head on your bed? OK this is more random than even me. That's scary.
37. How much do you like kitties? They are all right.
38. Do you have any regrets? I don't know.
39. Do you have any regrets involving kitties? That we didn't get Lucy declawed and then she got all weird peeing everywhere and then we had to put her to sleep...
40. What slogan or colloquial phrase best describes you? "Bizzare."
41. Are you a traveller? Yeah!
42. Are you a peach? No. But I do like the song "Millions of Peaches, Peaches for me."
43. Are you a glue stick? ...
44. Would you surf? Yeah that would be fun!
45. If you could have one literary figure-come-to-reality fall indefensibly, unassailably, and just plain madly in love with you, whom would you prefer him (or her) to be? Juliet. Juliet is always hot.
46. Do you ever misuse the word "unassailably" yourself simply because it sounds cool? No, but my premature side would say "heh heh... unASSailably"
47. Are you a registered voter? Yes.
48. If you were, would you be a Libertarian? No. I vote conservative before I vote republican though, although that usually means voting republican.
49. I didn't think so. You didn't know so.
50. What's your favorite hymn? How Great Thou Art.
51. What's your favorite him? Are you calling me gay.
52. What about her? Now you are talking! But I'm still not saying as she may be reading this right now and I'm not ready to divulge that info to her.
53. Are you shy? Sometimes.
54. What is your honest opinion of basset hounds? HUSH PUPPIES ARE COMFY.
55. What's your scam? That one time when I did that and tricked those people playing mafia.
56. Under what circumstances would you devour a plate of rocky mountain oysters? How do oysters get up to the rocky mountains? ANSWER ME THAT QUIZ MAN.
57. Under what circumstances would you join the circus? Ew.
58. When did you first realize that you were not a midget clown? Huh?
59. When did you first realize that you were not a seal? That one time I tried catching the ball and I caught it.
60. Best potential for a boyfriend/girlfriend: fudgsicle, creamsicle, or 50/50 bar? 50/50
61. High-end blockbuster or edgy art film? Either. Love both.
62. Did you know that llamas spit? Yes I did.
63. In gangsterland, would you ride shotgun or running boards? Running boards because drivebys always hit shotgun people.
64. Do you really like gin as much as the rumours say? I've never played gin.
65. If you could be a puck, who would you most want to slapshot you? Anyone I guess. I asked Joe to wrestle me on Friday. I can take it.
66. Recognizing your fashion prowess, could even you make a tube top or pedal pushers look good? I HATE tube tops. That always reminds me of the price is right when the lady went down and her boobs popped out of her tube top.
67. How often do your parents embarrass you? 87% of the day, and 87% of that time is my mom.
68. How often does your brother embarrass you? Never. I've never had a brother.
69. How often do your so-called wives embarrass you? That one time she threw that picture frame at me and I had to go to the hospital
70. Are you Asian? No
71. Why not? Because I'm not
72. And what's did you have for dinner? Pizza!
73. Would you ever try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with shredded beef? ew.
74. Favorite colours to be found on your barber's pole? BLUE AND RED. You gotta have blue and red for barber's poles, and a barbershot quartet.
75. Goatee or sideburns? Goatee.
76. Do you fear babies or rabies more? Rabies.
77. Can I be in your posse? Possibly but you can't be more random than me the butterfly of souls.
78. Thong or g-string? Ew.
79. What's your favorite boiled cabbage joke? Ew.
80. Thinking as would a praying mantis, under which circumstances would you devour your mate? I thought the female devoured the male... wait... AHHH
81. Rice: steamed or fried? steamed
82. Music: vocal or instrumental? VOCAL
83. Are you black? No.
84. Are you sure? Yes.
85. If you had to be a sexy mermaid, in which of the seven seas would you prefer to reside? Mediterranean
86. What about if you were an ugly mermaid? Dead
87. Love: can you spell it out in 25 words or less? HELL no.
88. If you were to be a Mark Ryden painting, which would you be and would you hope that he painted more sausages in it? Who is Mark Ryden. Is he Oscar Meyer?
89. Boxers or briefs? Briefs but they have to be COLORED. No whitey tighties.
90. It's Tattoo Day! Where and what? NONONONONONONONONONONONONO.
91. Do you think Bruce is an inherently gay name? BRUCE LEE IS NOT GAY.
92. What would you put on a necktie? Ew.
93. John Cusak or Mel Gibson? John Cusak because he's funny in Sixteen Candles.
94. What will you do for your next publicity stunt? Run off screaming "THERE IS NO SPOON"
95. Favorite colour for a paper bag? Gray
96. Would you rather be a Spice Girl or one of the Go-Gos? Neither, because I'M PROUD OF BEING A MAN.
97. Spectator or player? Depends on the activity.
98. Paper or Plastic? Whatever.
99. If you could be a ninja turtle, which one would you be? Leonardo because he had the swords
100. Are you glad it's over? YES AND NEVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN YA PUTZ!

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