Friday, April 30, 2004

I just want the year to be over!!!!!!!!!!

I'm tired of all the things I have to do!!!!!!! It seems like everyone is demanding more and more and more of me as the years' end looms closer. And frankly, I'm tired of it, but there is nothing I can do. GAH! I bet lots of you feel the same way.

(side note: Misty, this post was for you, since I'm not going to be posting this in my LJ :-p)

Thursday, April 29, 2004

New idea!

With the Rush concert coming up in about 40 days, I'm going to have a Rush song of the day. It's going to be in my LJ too.

Rush song of the day:
The Big Money

From "Power Windows"

I found that I am obsessed with a different Rush song every day. So I thought this would be kind of cool.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


I'm looking up website about how different people relate different colors, especially those with perfect pitch like me. I'm just wondering because usually I don't associate color with pitch, and in high school someone interviewed me with what colors I see. What spurred my mind is I am listening to subdivisions by Rush, which starts off in F# major. And I close my eyes and I almost see an infrared room and someone like running. Or something. Anyways, I see a purplish pinkish magentaish color with that. With the song Big Money, I see blues and whites. With closer to the heart, I see blues and sandy browns. With Spirit of Radio, i see Reds and Yellows. With Leave That Thing Alone, I see Blues and Yellows (but that may just be from the album cover). As with Tom Sawyer. I see Reds and Blacks. Fly By Night, I see blue. Grand Designs I see Purples, Yellows, and Blues. Anthem I see greens and blues. Working Man I see pink (probably from the Rush logo on the first album). Some of those colors I see because of the album cover.

Which led me to wonder. What colors do I think of when I hear certain pitches? So I tried it. I looked it up and everyone else see different colors than I do (which proves that that "Buy Perfect Pitch for only $100" crap is crap). So here is my list.

C - yellow w/ hint of orange
Db - a really really dark and deep blue with a hint of purple
D - purple (anytime I hear baroque music in this key I think purple)
Eb - a rusty yellow
E - orange
F - darker red
F# - infrared magenta
G - blue
G# - greenish
A - brighter red
Bb - dark brown
B - light brown

Maybe someone can use this for a research paper.

No seriously

It has been a good week... My recital went SOOOOOOOO well!!!!! I played Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!! I cut my lip!!!!! It is scabbed and bugging me now!!! Yeah! SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!!! AW RIGHT!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

I wanna go home.

Updating because Misty wants me to...

Here you go Misty. I updated it. hahaha

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I'm 21 now

Yeah Livejournal is definately becoming my primary blog. I like it better. I like how you can make this your own, but I like livejournal because no ads and I love the friends features and the commenting. Here is the link to it:

I may continue posting here, or start up posting here again. I'm not sure. Like I said, we shall have to see.

My birthday was great. It was fun times. Thanks to all who wished me happy birthday. I bought alcohol for the first time, that was fun except I couldn't decide what to buy. I would have much rather gone out but we got to Bennigans and they were closed so what can you do. Oh well. I got hard raspberry lemonade and it is sooo good.

Monday, April 12, 2004

I always forget to write in this one

My livejournal is slowly but surely taking the place of this one.... I feel bad for neglecting this one. But what can you do. It was a good Easter. Lots of fun times. I sang a couple of songs to my family but then int eh middle of one dad started laughing at Uncle Todd and then mom saw him and hit him and said "how dare you laugh while your son is singing" or soemthign to that effect... but he apologized today so that's ok. I'm exhausted now though... no chances to sleep in over the weekend because I worked friday and saturday, sunday we went to the early church service, and today I woke up a little later but I had to get everything ready. I made good time though, less than 6 hours. Ok I'm going to sleep.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

I"m tired

I woke up really early yesterday to go on the egg hunt, and I was majorly disapointed that I didn't get any fruits for my labors... at least one of us did (Amanda) but she didn't wake up early so that doesn't count. So yeah I'm a little mad but now I"m up waiting for middle level methods at stephen decatur. So peace.

Monday, April 05, 2004

I'm slowly turning to livejoruanl...

Livejournal is slowly becoming my primary weblog. I don't know if it will happen yet, but it's kind of hard to abandon the journal you've used for almost 2 years. So I'll probaly still use this.

Thursday, April 01, 2004


I can't think of anything.