Wednesday, January 28, 2004

My roomie is AWESOME.

My roomie just gave me $10 after telling me this story about how he fought at $50 ticket in court and won and he prayed to God that if he won he'd give the money away and stuff... He is the absolute best. I PRAISE GOD FOR DUSTIN.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Why is this still funny?!?!?!?

I keep watching this guy that was on American Idol, and I think he's so hilarious. He gets so into the music and he's out of tune and then the does this thing with his lips that was so hilarious... he was the guy who sang Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

I got my schedule figured out. But I still need to buy books.

Friday, January 23, 2004

This REALLY sucks.

I didn't get into Ethnomusicology, which puts my full-time status as a student in jeopardy, which in turn puts my scholarship in jeopardy. What I need to do is find a class that's 3 credits and ideally has no books because I'm freakin sick of having no money because of books. So God help me to find a class that's fun and has some pertinance in my future.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Quizzes before class

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Power Rangers Movie!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

I hate this state

OK first of all, they have toll roads. Then, bad drivers who don't use their signals. Then, the Bears. Then, no winter (or at least what I would call winter) with 60 degree days in January, and no snow. Finally, their law is different than in Wisconsin regarding prescriptions, because they can't fill prescriptions a week after they were filled. In WI it is two weeks. I can't take it anymore and I'm sick of WalMart.


Taking a break between classes to explain my frustration about not being able to get into Ethnomusicology, as like 6 others had to get into that section, and it was closed. So yeah. I hope she makes a third section because I need that class. OK bye.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Money sucks.

Why does it always seem that my whole family seems to get in financial trouble at the same time? It drives me crazy. I have no money, my parents have no money to help me in times of need... I'm seriously considering getting a weekend job. I can't get a daytime job because I have classes during the day. I could work Fridays as well. But still. A job would REALLY help right now. I think I'm going to update my resume and start sending out applications to people. Shanti said that they needed help for lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I believe) at pastabilities, but I can't do that since I have classes. The only time I can work really is on the weekends, including Friday. I'll work at freakin' Kroger if I can. I'm not going to work at McDonalds. I promised myself that from day one. But still. Credit card bills are enough to drive me mad, imagine when I have other bills to pay. I think this week I'm going to look for jobs in the paper. Oh well. Things can only go up from here.

I hope.

Monday, January 19, 2004


It's been a while, so here goes.

You are Joe from Digimon. You are almost perfect,
but people think of you as a loser. You have a
lot of friends, and they are all good guys, but
the average person would think that you were
such a loser. You are a nerd, and you had/have
straight As in school. You dont get into
fights, and people you dont like or know would
glance at you, and then continue walking. They
wouldnt say anything to you and would
completely ignore you. All your good friends
would at least say Hi to you. You have a pretty
good, long life. You help a lot of people when
they are passing hard times when they are
feeling sad etc. People appreciate your help,
but they are sill not your good friends anyway.
Thank you for your help, Joe!

brought to you by Quizilla

Um, who is this guy?

Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin


Why do you suck so bad?

You suck because: You think you're funny.

Let me be the first to tell you... the only thing funny about you is how much you suck.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz!

I think I'm funny....

And here we go! I just want to post these all and see what YOU think:

  • My #1 result for the selector, Alphabet Personality Test, is
  • My #2 result for the selector, Alphabet Personality Test, is
  • My #3 result for the selector, Alphabet Personality Test, is
  • My #4 result for the selector, Alphabet Personality Test, is
  • My #5 result for the selector, Alphabet Personality Test, is


    I predicted H before I knew what H meant, so I did pretty well on my prediction.
  • A Wild Week!!!!

    Ok now for the detailed remembrance of the last week.

    Sunday, we sang in Farmersville. That was a drive there and drive back kind of thing. But people were already crying after the performances. And at that point we weren't even really close as a choir!

    Monday morning, we had to be on the bus at 7. So we were all tired. We were on our way to Quincy, home of Megan's high school. So we sang there. It was the beginning of bus happiness, so we did a section a day. Tenors were first. What bus happiness is is everyone gets a cheap gift or something, and then also people could pass notes to each other and you would have to do what it said on the note. For example, Dan had to say "Don't mess with Texas" every time Lauren went to the front of the bus and speak on the microphone. I didn't get any and I think I was the only one who didn't. Another thing we did was the Chamber Chain, in which all of us got one chain that everyone wrote something on, and then after that you could write a chain for someone who did something significant to you or something nice or something like that.

    Monday night, we were at Pekin in a church. I was hoping Aunt Barb would be there but I kind of figured she wouldn't be since she was going to a basketball game. But it was cool. Every church we sang at was cool on the inside. And this was the smallest church we sang at. It was Mary's church. We sang well. And after when we circled up more were crying and Mike is like "People. This is the first day." So that was funny. We saw the beginnings of a close bond form between us that night. Our host family was awesome. She made brownies and we had ice cream and their daughter was so cute and THEIR SON WAS A PACKER FAN! So he was like cool you are from Green Bay. His room was all done in Packer just like mine was at his age.

    Tuesday morning we had a long drive ahead of us. It was soprano 1 day. We were on our way to Glenview, to perform at Natalia's high school. Her high school, she reinforced to us, was NOT the one with the hazing incident. That was Glenbrook South, she was at Glenbrook North. So fun stuff. Then after that we drove to Rockford which was Kyle's home church. The cathedral was beautiful, and it reminded me of St. Norbert Abbey. We sang really well. And then after Mike was like "Dude, this is the second night and we are already so close. It's nuts!" And then Kate is like, "Yeah by the end we're going to be doing it." Then me and Stephen went to our host families, and it was the first time they ever hosted somebody but they were the perfect hosts and so I hope they host someone again. And Stephen took a picture of every room he stayed in. He was like so psyched that every family was so awesome.

    Wednesday we headed to Gurnee. We went to Gurnee Mills Mall and shopped for a while. I bought myself a shirt for going out in Indy. After that we sang at Tim's high school. It would be our worst performance on tour, but it's not like it wasn't bad. I think it was the mid-week lull lots of people have. Plus the fact we really didn't warm up before. Then we headed to Naperville, to sing at the church there. Another big cathedral. Oh, I forgot to mention that Mike was like so amazed by all the organs he saw in the churches before and he was mad he couldn't play them but they let him play the organ that night after the performance so he was excited. And then our homestay was good too. Like they had this kog that kept nudging if it wasn't petted so it was like Millie reincarnate. So that was that.

    Thursday we sang at Naperville North, which was Marcy's high school. That was the worst because it was at 8:30 in the morning. I was SO tired. Then after that, we drove to Indianapolis. When we checked into the hotel, we learned that there was a shuttle that could take us to the mall. Some people took advantage of it, I didn't. I wanted to chill, plus I fully expected people to be back at like 7 to go to dinner. Boy was I wrong. People didn't get back until like 9 or so, and so I didn't get to dinner until like 10. We ate at Champp's. Then, we learned that there was a karaoke contest that night (awesome) with a top prize of $100 (double awesome) but it was 21 and over (you suck Champp's). However, a few of us performed from the group. They awarded prizes for top male, top female, and random drawing. Megan and Jarvs both won so that was awesome. Then I went back. I slept on the floor. It was a little more comfortable than when I was a the Par-A-Dice because I had a pillow, but I didn't want to wake them up to get a blanket, you know? I'm nice like that.

    Friday we didn't check out until like 11:30 so we got to sleep in, then we all went downtown to the mall for lunch. That was fun. We walked around downtown a while after the mall, got something from starbucks (I hate coffee so I got tea) and then we headed to Ft. Wayne for our final performance. It was Jason's church, and I'm not sure if it is Emilie's as well but I know she's from there. Once again, Mike had his fun with the organ. Then we sang. And we NAILED it. It was SO AWESOME. We all were crying at circle up. And the tour wasn't even offically over.

    Saturday we drove back. It was unusually quiet (except the back of the bus which was always loud) and we watched movies. Then we were in Decatur. Depressing Decatur. Ha. But it was so weird since you would think that we would be sick of each other by now, right? WRONG!! We watched The Count Of Monte Cristo at Liz's apartment. So that was fun. The girl's face looked like Lauren's.

    Sunday was the day of our final performance. And our final performance went really well. I was afraid that UChoir wasn't going to be there because I knew their tour ended but I didn't know when they would get back and a group of them showed up a couple of songs into the concert so that was awesome that they would do that. Then after that was a party at Shanti's, which was great. She threw a party because her house got robbed the night before and she needed company. It was funny because Barrett, who was the quietest person on tour, got drunk and was blabbing his mouth away and he totally opened up. The highlight of the evening was most definately when everyone was trying to persuade me to have some shots and I was like "No I'm driving people home" because I've never had shots so how was I supposed to know how it affected me? And then I'm like "OK FINE I'll have a shot" and Megan was like shouting "YAY!!" And then she got everyone else to gather in the kitchen and watch me have my first shot. And surprisingly, I LIKED IT! The chaser helped (it was mountain dew) but it was really really good! And everyone cheered and Shanti even took a picture. I had another shot later. I didn't feel much of anything except in my stomach. It was like a pleasant tingling; I guess that is what a buzz is because I didn't feel anything in my head and I thought that is what a buzz was. So yeah. I mean I was fine. People were asking me if I was OK and I didn't feel anything. So that was kind of weird. But yeah I'd do it again. But 3 months from now, when it's my 21st birthday, Megan said she was going to get me tanked. So let's see what happens!

    That was the summary for the best week of my life. Hope you enjoyed it! And hope something like that happens again in my lifetime.

    Saturday, January 17, 2004


    Wow this tour was absolutely amazing. We got SO CLOSE as a choir. I cried after performances. Only time that has ever happened was after the musical my senior year, and my last performance with the Green Bay Boy Choir. After the last performance in Ft. Wayne, we were all crying and I know I'm going to ball the last performance on Sunday. I'll go into a bit more detail later (I promise) because I'm just too tired to do that right now. In the meantime I'm going to WalMart to do some grocery shopping and to get some dishes because I left all mine at home (I leave something behind on EVERY trip I make... I left behind my groceries and my strong bad CD :()

    Sunday, January 11, 2004


    1. Philadelphia Eagles. Why? They fool everyone into thinking they are going to beat them and then at the last second they win. That's just cruel. And everyone thinks Donovan McNabb is so great when he really isn't. Brett is the MAN.
    2. Minnesota Vikings. Why? One man: Randy Moss.
    3. Chicago Bears. Why? Because I'm from Green Bay.
    4. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    5. St. Louis Rams
    6. Dallas Cowboys
    7. New England Patriots
    8. Seattle Seahawks
    9. Detriot Lions
    10. Denver Broncos

    In other news, I will be gone until next Saturday for tour. Peace.

    Saturday, January 10, 2004

    Does anyone have this?

    OK, I'm back at school for a few days for rehearsal before tour. But I am wondering if any of you few who read this have the first episode ever of American Idol because I want to see the bad auditions. I stupidly missed that episode and shrugged it off. And I wish I didn't because now I can't find specifically the episode where the girl says "I'm just gonna sing whatever God puts in my mouth" and I want to see that.

    Tuesday, January 06, 2004

    WOW it has been a while...

    I go back to school on Friday and don't want to. I have to leave early to get back for rehearsal, and I forget what time the rehearsal is at... is it at 5 or 7?

    Plus, I didn't pay my credit card on time, and now I owe 30 MORE bucks to the credit card company. YOU SUCK CREDIT CARD COMPANY!!!