Friday, May 30, 2003

Weird thing just happened: The power went out at 9:03 (I know because the oven when the power went back on said that). So I lit all of these candles all over the house, and eventually set up my portable CD player with external speakers to play music, hooked up a corded phone to the jack, and it was weirdly soothing and freaky at the same time. Power went back up at 9:48.
I don't know, did I put this up?

You are Frylock! You may be a nerd, but you're the
only one in the group who can think clearly.
You are the brains of the operation.

Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, May 29, 2003

More financial problems.

$120 to get my car fixed? Try 400. Pisses me off. This is the worst day of my life. Luckily hopefully I'll get a loan to pay off that outstanding balance. At least I will be going to Millikin regardless but honestly I feel like crap.

Turns out I didn't have junior status last year like i had thought, so my loan was reduced accordingly. However, that means I have an outstanding balance. So if it's not paid that means I'm not going to Millikin next year which means I'm probably stuck at stupid UWGB not that it's stupid I think it's inferior to Millikin. Which hence means I'm going to miss all of my friends and stuff. Millikin should have adjusted these payments when they found out my loan was lowered. It fucking sucks. fuck fuck fuckfuckfudckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfukc. So that means I"m working my butt off for the summer not for a car stereo or for money to get books and stuff. But for this outstanding balance. WHOOPEE.


Monday, May 26, 2003

No stereo yet. More expensive than I thought. But maybe later this week.

Friday, May 23, 2003


For some reason this is really hard to load, and it's screwy so I'm just testing it. Oh yeah I"m feeling much better now. I GET MY STEREO TONIGHT!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2003


Sorry for all the swearing but I am so fucking stressed otu right now it's not funny. I'm not myself. I'm crabby every afternoon. I'm working my butt off doing all these jobs and then I get home and everyone is asking me the same questions about what I did and what to me is totally unimportant and doesn't serve a purpose for talking about and asking me to do this and that and I never really get a chance to relax and all of a sudden recently I"m so crabby snapping off at everyone in my family, not getting good sleep, and this stupid allergy doesnt' help things. It's like the shitty side of me has come out. Where is normal me? I don't like this one bit, but I don't know what's wrong with me to fix it. It maybe because I"m stressed out and everyone knows I need money but don't realize that I'm just burned out already. Even on my "day off" from the lawn guy, I went in to work for mom, and then the afternoon after my interview I mowed the lawn for dad. It's like every single moment I should have free I'm working even harder. And I'm sure everyone appreciates it but my body sure doesn't and I'm just stressed out at everyone and just need a day to relax. Well that day sure isn't tomorrow because I have to work again. THANK GOD THERE IS A "THREE DAY WEEKEND".

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Question... WHY DOE MOM HAVE TO BE SO STUBBORN AND OUTSPOKEN!?!?!? All night during american idol while Clay sang, she kept saying how she didn't like Clay because he sounded so broadway, and that she wanted Ruben to win. OK, she has said this before many times, and she's talking as if we didn't know that already. It was so freaking annoying. When Ruben won, all she raised her hands in the air and went "WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" looking like a dork like she always does. And then after Ruben won, she was like Clay was so good too.... and then just now she was saying how she heard on the radio the terrorist level was raised to the highest level, when on the news seconds before it said it was raised to high. OK. We were arguing about who was right. I know I was because IT WAS JUST ON THE NEWS. But mom was so stupid because she drank about her 10th glass of wine so she was mildly drunk so she was annoying and kind of slurring her words like she always does. This goes on EVERY NIGHT. and then she calls me crabby. WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS. It pisses me off.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Well, I am home now! So dad picked me up and I was fined for improper checkout because I forgot to email Heather about checking out with Emily and it was all really confusing but anyway, he was talking about when he went to Barb and Jim's and how it looked like that tornado in South Pekin touched down in their yard, hit their barn, blew the roof off of the garage, then skipped over to their neighbors house, then went across the street. He said that there were cars on top of each other and stuff, and it was just eye opening. We offered to stay for a few days but she said no because they needed the estimates and the adjustor was going to be there tomorrow which is now today. Anyways I'm home safe and sound, and continuting to unpack.

Monday, May 12, 2003

Well, today is over. But it was fun.

I went to Molly's surprise birthday party at Fairview Park with Bobby. Shanan was already there and we helped her set up. It was very windy, and the balloons she had tied to the pop flew away so she got pissed and said "Schiesse" alot. Then Molly and Joe showed up and she was surprised. A little later we were all playing frisbee and football and it was fun because it was so windy. Me and Shanan went on the swings and she was like "Dude, are they fucking with my car?" and I being the gross guy I am said, "Probably, the gas tank hole is big enough." Then a few of us got on the roof of the pavillion, but someone saw us and talked to the park ranger and he kicked us out of the park which is stupid because even though he was looking out for our own interests he could have just said don't do that again. So the party moved to Shanan's apartment, where everyone proceeded to throw the football or Mollys yoyo thing at people's crotch. Tade got me in the balls with the football I was so mad so for the rest of the day I was trying to get him back. Then after that we went to the caf and they were playing hockey with spoons and the top of the salt shaker it was hilarious. So that's the party in a nutshell. Leaing out many details, but I have to go to bed because my last final is at 8. About 10 hours before I go home!

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Holy crap.

Mom just called and said that a tornado hit Aunt Barb's house and that her barn is gone, the horses got out, all her windows are broken, parts of her roof are gone, her neighbor lost his house and is at the hospital.

My God. Thank God nothing has really hit here....... although it may tonight..... the weather is still bad but all the bad storms have missed us thus far; but who knows we may still get tornadoes.

Pray for them!!!!

OK. The FFH concert seriously kicked butt and rocked my world. I got to KFAC at 1:35 and there was already a line forming. We ended up in the 4th row but the seats were absolutely awesome and the bands could see us. Paul Coleman actually made fun of Stephanie because she was crazy (no joke it was so hilarious). So me, Stephanie, Sarah, and Nicole were all sitting together for like an hour before the show started. I got a necklace and an FFH picture for them to sign. Then after that Go Fish sang the national anthem, then Paul Coleman Trio came out and just ROCKED. THEY WERE AWESOME. They got the audience involved big time. And that's when he made fun of Stephanie, he was playing and he looked at her and she was going nuts. They played a good set, and then FFH came out and Steph was just like freaking out and I knew so many of the songs. Sarah had to move because we were so close to the speakers because they were hurting her chest. But they rocked. Then there was intermission. Then Go Fish came out and were awesome. They did a short set of like 4 songs, but one I knew and I didn't realize they did it. I guess they aren't as well known south of Chicago, because that was what it sounded like when they explained. Then FFH came out again and totally rocked, and after the last song they encored with Paul Coleman Trio with this awesome southern gospel tune. Then the concert was over. That was it in a nutshell.

We found out that they weren't signing autographs until after the night show so we went back and did that and I GOT MY PICTURE WITH FFH AND PAUL COLEMAN TRIO. THAT WAS SO COOL they were interacting with everyone, talking to them, saying hi, nice to meet you. IT WAS GREAT. UNFORGETTABLE CONCERT and I want to go to another concert this summer. Maybe I'll go to Lifest or some other festival if I have time. But it was so awesome. I'm going to be talking about it all day tomorrow...
Testing to see if the resized text will work now...
And I forgot this
#440 You're the Voice ~ Rebecca St. James
I was just awoken to find out that there was a tornado warning and I was like, 'SWEET I want to see the tornado" but I didn't. Anyway, I went to bed last night, I had a nightmare that I found a little boy dead on a tree limb, like he fell and his back was broken, and I was going hysterical.


I'm so excited. Not that anyone would be able to tell...

Friday, May 09, 2003

I JUST HAD THE BEST JURY EVER, I SHIT YOU NOT (I know that was bad I just always wanted to say that after hearing that in The Rock). Never before had I been so happy after my jury was over. They picked behold and see and lamento! Like the best ones after Mai! I was so happy.

1 exam
3 days until I go home..

I forgot to tell you about how I like the X-Files now. I'm not obsessed like Stephanie is but I was up until 2:30 on Wednesday night watching X-Files episodes with like this huge group of girls.. They were really good. Not the girls the episodes.

Best line ever in the series; from the Pilot episode:

#426 Memorial Jam for Stuff Smith ~ Jean-Luc Ponty and Stephane Grappelli

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Well, I took my first two exams today; I think I did all right on them. I hope I do better than I think I did on them. I got a B+ on the conducting part of the conducting exam, but the written portion I had a blank for some of the terms and I got them confused with the other classes of terms. Hopefully I did better than I think I did.
1 jury
3 exams
2 days until FFH
4 days until I go home
Still on #400

It is raining AGAIN. We have seriously been getting rain like every day for the last few days. Storms and rain. And we are going to be getting more storms today and probably tomorrow. We were under a severe thunderstorm watch and we didn't get any but we were on the edge of that watch and now we are like right in the middle of a tornado watch and I'm wondering if that makes it more likely later we will get storms and tornadoes.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

And the study fest begins.... I'm about to start studying. Maybe.
1 jury
5 exams
3 days until FFH!
5 days until I go home!!
#400 Lord of the Rings Soundtrack ~ Howard Shore

Monday, May 05, 2003

I am so exhausted and I don't know why, but tonight is NOT the night to be exhausted. I still need to write my internship journal, and type out my conducting listening things, and write out my recital observations or whatever. I wanted to stay up late tonight working on that. But that looks to be impossible given my current state. Which fucking sucks. I am so pissed off at myself for not doing this earlier in the year when I could have and should have. Why must I put crap off until the last minute? Especially when I won't know how I will feel? I mean I'm tired, and a code red mountain dew would hit the spot, so I could at least stay up and work on it, but I'm BROKE, except for the $5 I'm going to need for juries. I mean, I could take out $20 from the ATM. You know what, I'm going to do that. I have an old $5, and that will go into the change machine in the basement, and I'll get myself a code red, and that way I can stay focused on the task at hand. And that is getting all of this stupid work done. Not an all nighter. Maybe bed by three like last time. That worked out fairly well. Maybe 2:30. Yes. I WILL DO THAT!
#358 Take Five ~ Dave Brubeck

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Well, I believe I got the journal pretty much done, so now I'm working on the Educating Esme paper. Wish me luck, I'll probably be posting on one of the 5,000,000,000 message boards I post on instead ;)
#327 What I Am ~ Edie Brickell & New Bohemians
Look, a half hour has passed, and I've done nothing!!!! Man, I'm responsible...
Well, I didn't get what I wanted done yesterday. Time flew by. I got just a little bit done of everything. I have to get it done today. I may have a late night in the lab tonight if it doesn't happen... Oh well. So I'm working on homework. And praying that I will get it done today.

#301 Oh Sherry ~ Steve Perry

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Just for reference, what I need to do this weekend (can't believe it's already 3:30 I need to get something done)
Journal for Intro
Journal for Internship
Esme paper
Listening things for Conducting
Stuff for Voice lessons
Practice Juries

I believe that's it! I hope to get one of the journals done today and the stuff for voice lessons as well.
#283 Phaedra ~ Tangerine Dream

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Just trying to get the archive back up.... I forgot why this happens. Stupid train blaring in my ear...
This shows how awesome my life is:

I searched for teeth, "plaque conspiracy", metallica and found nothing.

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --