Thursday, July 22, 2004

2 weeks

And now I update.  Wonderful.  I get so caught up in the lj thingy I forget about this.  Oh well.  When I start school, I'll use this one for every day stuff and the other for teaching.  Or maybe the other way around.  Who knows.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

New Discovery

Decided to hold off on buying KUA until this comes out...

Monday, July 05, 2004


Mom and I after our talk and arguement a few nights ago haven't been at each other's throats for the first time in a few weeks. Which I really like... she's easier to stand right now, at least. I haven't had a drink since two nights ago when we got in that huge arguement. Which is good. I'm thinking more and more it's me being 21 and the drinking thing that has caused those arguements.

Oh dang they are playing stupid ZZ Top on the radio right now...

Friday, July 02, 2004


I'm up at Grandma's now, staining the shop. So that's fun. And I'm getting paid good money to do it... and then I'm probalby mowing Grandpa's lawn tomorrow. So yeah! I'm up in door country working. And maybe I"ll get that other job so I can do that too and work up here. Ya know?