Thursday, July 25, 2002

Oh yeah and I'm not upset at my mom anymore. But in any relationship you have those angry tiffs, right.
Wow. A week until August. A week until I have to go to Door county for a month. Wow. Time flies SO fast. Why does time go so fast? Time is supposed to go slow. I mean I rememeber times where the day just dragged on. I haven't had one of those days in ages. At least not this summer. The last day that dragged on was September 11th. That was a long day. I mean from waking up to seeing Bush's speech seemed like 2 or 3 days. I havent' had a really long day since then. The only thing is I'd rather have a long day filled with fun and stuff rather than grief or anger or boredom. However the long days filled with fun are very rare.

I have a voice lesson in about a half hour. So I'm going to go. THere is so much on my mind. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night because I had so much on my mind. Last night reminded me of a line from Charlotte's Web.

"Wilbur's stomach was empty and his mind was full. And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, it's always hard to sleep."

Aint that the truth.

Friday, July 19, 2002

Oh yeah she also said I am 19 going on 3. I hate when she calls me immature. I act more mature than her half the time.
My mom is SO dumb. OK. She sees I took this American Idol quiz which took me about a minute and a half to do. I ask her the first question to see who she is. Then she accuses me of having too much time on my hands and gets mad at me. She says "If you put as much effort as you do in stupid little things like that into stuff you really need then you would be much better off." I didn't have anything I needed to do that day. It is summer. There really isn't anything to do. Plus I do get good grades at school! She didn't go to college so she does not know how I feel at college and everything. She pisses me off so much sometimes. Then she asks "What did the mailman say to you today?" He said nothing to me today.

My mom is so techonollogy illiterate! She is never going to make it in society in the future when she retires. She has no idea how to turn on the VCR much less work the computer. She works hard at her business, sure, but then she comes home and lays on the couch and has about 3 huge glasses of wine before falling asleep on the couch. She didn't know that CDs started back at the beginning when you turned them off and put them back in. She thought they started where they left off. She also thinks you need to rewind DVD's. She asks this EVERY time we watch a DVD. We tell her no but she still asks. Her short term memory is crap.

I hate how she drinks so much wine! It totally hinders her. She's fine in the morning but when she starts drinking wine in the afternoon she starts acting annoying and weird. I don't care what dad says she is not doing better. She always complains about how we aren't doing so well financially well then stop drinking wine! She'd save a lot of money she goes through one of those 5 liter boxes about once every four days! And anytime I get mad at her about it she becomes a total bitch. I go to pour the wine down the drain and she threatens to disown me.

Next time I am pouring it down the drain and I don't care what she does. It's her body and brain and liver she is messing with.
My sister is in Minoqua for the next 10 days camping with her friend. So I am free from the wrath of her weirdness! Yay!! I still dont' know what choir I am in next year for Millikin. I hope it comes soon. I saw the Little River Band in Oshkosh last night. I felt REALLY young; I went with my parents and my aunt and uncle. I didn't know half the songs but their harmony was AWESOME!! Wow. They blend SO well. It was really cool.

I was surprised at how EJay was voted off on AI Wednesday night! I thought it was going to be AJ and Jim. Well Jim got off too. He wasn't very good, he never had good support and was always a little off tune but Ejay was really good! AJ was just boring and sounds like and NSync memeber. But that's ok.

I got the study guide for the Illinois Basic Skills test today. I am confused by what or if I need to take these other tests too. I need to take this test if I am to become a teacher and the registration seems harder than the actual test! Weird.

Oh well I'll be continuing to write in this as much as I can. In a week and a half I am going to door county for the month. I'm working at the music festival. So I won't be writing in it until probably I get back to school. So ok bye.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Hi how are you I am fine I am bored and I have the day off! Yes!

Monday, July 15, 2002


Thank God I am Justin and not AJ or Jim because they suck and Justin was the best.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

We are almost done painting the house. It looks really good. We have burlap on our oak trees now because of gypsy moths. The caterpillars can kill the trees. The have become an increasing problem within the last few years. My voice teacher is awesome. I have had only like 2 lessons with him so far but he has helped me alot. Thats all I can think of now so ok bye.