Monday, May 27, 2002

I have been home for 12 days now. Man that went really fast. I have been really busy lately applying for jobs and playing Scrabble for mom (I kicked her butt like 5 games in a row and she kept wanting to play and I didn't want to and she actually payed me $20 to play with her! I'm like oh my God that is really weird and she is desperate.)
Today is Memorial Day. Remember everyone who died for our country today.
Man that bridge in Oklahoma City collapsing is really sad. I can't imagine how that would feel being up on that bridge right by the edge. Freaky. I feel really sad for those people who died. They said it wasn't an act of terrorism but a tragic human accident.
Dad is working on the bathroom which is amazing. He usually never works on the bathroom.
OK that's about it for right now.

Saturday, May 18, 2002

I'm home now!!! Yes!! Lots of fun but lots of work too. Mom had me work the last two days, and I am also looking for another job because I need money. But doesn't everybody? Yes. So I'm going to work somewhere. I never thought I'd want to be this (not as a career but as a summer job) but I'm trying to be a waiter. They make good money and tips too. So I'm going to try to do that.
Dad and I saw Star Wars Episode II Thursday night. It was fricken awesome! I'm not going to say anything about it yet because if there is someone reading this and they haven't seen it yet I don't want to spoil it. All I'm going to say is that it is much better than Episode I.
So far as grades go, pretty good. Hopefully my last few grades will be A's. Got to eat now so I'm going bye.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

OK. I just tried to sell about $75 worth of books. Not all of my books. But only a few. $75 worth. And I would have gotten $11 back if I had sold them back. $11. That is a total ripoff. I am seriously thinking about selling them online now. I just might. I also have this paper to do based on those interviews which I never did. Wow, I'm smart, I'm an honors student. Isn't that wonderful? I have to bs my way through my last paper. Wow... I'm going to try and do the interviews but the stupid paper has to be 10-12 pages long which was my fear. I'm going to be up all night, I'm assuming, unless I get off my butt and get the stupid interviews done. I'm going to do Erick, Bobby, and someone else but I don't know. But if I do one interview at a time, I can do the interview and then write about it, and get a couple of pages done at a time. I got the other paper done, thank God, and also thank God it was a short paper. I feel good about that one. But this one scares me. Moreso than the 12-20 page one. Sigh...

On a much lighter note...
1 day left
1 paper
1 final

I GO HOME TOMORROW!!!!! YES!!!!! Mom and Dad are on their way to my aunts right now! Oh, yeah baby that makes me feel so good. I'm not sure if I did the song one but 142/300

Monday, May 13, 2002

It's been awhile... I've been busy. Studying, playing games, packing, whatever. Day after tomorrow I'll be home. I can't wait.

Saturday, May 11, 2002

It's 4:20 and I haven't done anything productive today. I hope to do at least something productive today. like start packing, or read that last packet for seminar. But who knows what will happen?
I think I'm going to start packing to go home tomorrow, maybe sunday. I am so excited! Only 4 1/2 more days!

Friday, May 10, 2002

My paper is done!!! When I handed it in I felt this huge weight lift up off of my shoulders... I feel so happy. Wow. I had a busy morning. I had juries, and then my theory final. Then I had to finish my paper. But at 1:00 I handed in my paper. Then I watched a movie. Then I did some stuff on the computer. It's now 6. I can relax for a while. The only thing I have to focus on is the stuff I need to do for my seminar class.

5 days till I go home
1 final
2 papers

Thursday, May 09, 2002

Oops I forgot to add the countdown:
5 1/2 days till I go home
2 finals
2 1/2 papers (I discovered I do have another small one I have to do for my seminar)
Well, it's 10:41, and I've gotten my diction final due tomorrow done, my commuications final due monday 99% done, and I've gotten a little farther on my paper! I still feel pretty scared, I don't know why I am writing a journal entry, but I'm pretty confident I will be in bed before 2. I'm aiming to finish the paper at midnight, 12:30 at the latest. But it's looking really good! I've also put a collection of 300 songs together, and if I am not done by the time the 300 songs are done, I'll be upset. I know, that is very unlikely, since the 300 songs probably take up like 10 hours or something, but who knows how long I'll have to stay up? I'm on song 25 right now, and I started it like an hour and a half ago. I started "working" on the paper about 8 or 9. But at least I got some of it done and hopefully I'll get the rest done ASAP. OK back to work. I need to get this done. Busy night tonight and busy day tomorrow and then I can take it pretty easy until Monday or so.
I need to get my paper done TONIGHT.

I'm getting nervous about this paper. I need to get it done today. I got some done last night but it needs to be done and edited tonight. I can't stay up way late because i have juries at 9:40 tomorrow morning and my theory final at 10:30. My goal is to go to bed at 2 at the latest, wake up at 8, and do my things, then go to bed after lunch tomorrow. But today, my goal is to finish my communications final and my critter paper. I'm almost done with the communications. I also need to finish my diction final today. Lots to do so little time. Oh well once the day is over I'll be half done with everything, and when tommorrow is done the only thing I need to worry about is my piano proficiaency and my seminar paper and final. But I'll work on that over the weekend. OK back to the paper!
Well we just got storms for the third night in a row, and luckily nobody came out in their jockstraps and played football. Thanks be to the Lord God Almighty. But one person in a long sleave shirt almost naked from the waist down (the only one thanks God again) was in his jockstrap. Everyone else was in their swimming shorts, or suits because some girls were there too. But it's raining yet again, and we are defineatly going to get some flooding.

Today was Dead Day and I did get some stuff done. No interviews again! I am so stupid! I've got to do them ASAP otherwise just BS my way through a paper but that's not a good idea. I got one quote from mom and that's it. I'll use it but of course I'm going to need more. I've got some free days ahead of me. But I have a paper due on friday. 12-20 pages. I'm scared. I got a little bit (emphasis on little) done tonight but mostly I read for it. I'm also about half done with both my diction and communications final. I think I've got a pretty good start. I'm now going to read something for seminar, and then I'm going to bed. Bobby has an 8:00 percussion final so we've both got to get to bed plenty early.

My CD rom was being a dickhead earlier [thunder] and wouldn't copy some songs from my burned Jean Luc Ponty CD's. I want to put the 4 part suite of enigmatic ocean together so nothing would be cut off, because each song fades into one another. It's not like that in many of his other suites, such as the struggle of the turtle to the sea. Wow. Enigmatic ocean is an AWESOME album! If you like jazz, especially fusion, and you don't have it, GET IT. It's Jean Luc Ponty's best album!

I totally got confused on my piano profeciency today. I was really confused so I rescheduled to take the "easier" proficiency on Monday. The weird thing is this proficiency looks harder than the other one, which gets you out of everything. But if I don't pass this (hopefully I will) I'll have a pretty easy A so it won't be too bad. I hope. I think my piano skills, technically, are really lacking. I mean, I can play artistically really well, I can compose and stuff on the piano, but my technicality is putting those 8 or 9 years to waste. For playing that long I suck.

Today was the School fo Music picnic, and there was this squirrel there that was not afraid of me. It came right up to me and took food out of my hand! It was so cute. When he grabbed the bread I could feel his little claws. It was so neat. I think it was a baby because it had very short hair and it's tail wasn't really bushy. Bobby said it was ghetto tail. Anyway, Mary Ellen Poole and Neal Smith both got pied for the faculty, and Clayton and Bobbi got pied for the students. I want to be pied next year! I'm joining MENC next year, not for that reason, though.

Here is the current stats:
7 days till I go home
4 finals
2 papers

I need as much prayer and luck as I can get to get through the next week with flying colors... I need to get A's on all my finals. I have got to do well or else I lose my scholarship and bye bye Millikin hello school I don't want to go to I go.

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

My other site is moving to a new address, thanks to Paul Tilly. I'll give out the other address when all is ready. It looks like it will be within the next few days.

I just got back from Un Bit Butter. What is that? you may ask. Well, it's put on by a few theater students, and they do 30 plays in 60 minutes. Some are funny, some are serious, some are deep. It was really good. But someone dropped a beer right behind me and my butt is now wet. Gross. In one sketch they may have smoked marijuana. They were saying "This is a play about marijuana" and they were smoking it. Fun stuff.

I'm tired. Tomorrow is dead day!! YEAH! BUt I have a voice lesson at 10:30 and a piano proficiency at 3, not to mention I want to get some major work done on my papers. I am really scared. These days are just flying by, and I keep wasting days. Why does time fly so fast when you don't need it to? It doesn't matter if you are having fun, if you need that extra few minutes they seem to fly fast.

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Today is the last day of class!!! YEAH! 8 more days until I go home. Now all I have to worry about is this stupid paper.

It stormed like a mother last night. Major thunder. Recorded some on my computer. Then some stupid people went out in only underwear and jock straps and played football in the mud. Some claimed it was a tradition but it wasn't because no one was there! but it was funny because at one point they were going "Ahhh!!" and then all of a sudden as everyone else was ending their AHH someone with a higher tone of voice came in with Ahhh! It is hilarious.

Monday, May 06, 2002

1 more day of class
9 days till I go home
4 finals
2 papers

I just wanted to post like right away again because I'm being nostaligic and because I am hyper!!!!!!!!!!! kdfjglkadjgaSJDBNJD;LKHND;SD GNJLK;ADFGMLKSDFMLKDAKDFKFKDFKKFKFFKDKD3g7wh667oie4u67hgesirgeouííù½ƒÜ8484564156£1¤ 13326P++1ƒ££üÇ£b`1

Loo!!! Toilet in England is loo!!!!! adjsfklajsdl;kfjas;dlfkja;sldkfj hahahah I'm just going nuts right now and I am not drunk because I don't drink I'm just hyper and have major ADD!!!!! GAGGWGASFGDksdfhsz
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
Doo doo doo doo doo doo

-Minnie Riperton

I'm bored. But I am happy! One more day of actual class, then I have finals. I go home in 9 DAYS!!!
I'm happy. Can't you tell?

Sunday, May 05, 2002

**WARNING** This section has mild profanity in it. if you don't want to read it because of that don't just skip it.


Fuck papers. Whoever came up with the idea of the research paper should be forced to research something he doesn't want to do forever in eternity. Papers are the only thing I hate about college. That and loud Dave Matthews or Doors or Rap or other stupid music blaring at odd hours. But I so don't want to do this paper. I keep saying "OK I'm going to work on it now" but then I don't. Why? This is an important part of my grade. Why can't I just focus and get the piece of shit done?!? I hate this fucking paper. God! Why do I have to do it? Why is it so complicated? No wait, why isn't it complicated because my teacher wants me to complicate it. I so hate writing analysis papers, research, etc. Why can't this paper be a creative writing? That would be easy and sweet! But NOOOO!!! It has to be something that you follow strict guidelines for. I even wrote my first college paper on how I hate that. And lo and behold, a semester later, I have to do it. I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY.

I can't wait until 10 days from now when I don't have to do another paper in at least 3 months. I will love it. I never want to do a paper again. If I have to do another paper I'll scream. I still have to do another one for another class I haven't even started but that will be a little better and not as long. Easier to write by far. pooppooppooppoopppooppooppopopopopopopopopoppopopopoppooopopopopoppopop.
Just got back from the musical Into The Woods. Wow. The set was amazing. The show was funny! I laughed so hard at some points. It was a really good show. I wouldn't mind going again except that I have a paper to finish tomorrow and another one to start tomorrow and stuff like that. I'm really getting scared right now. I'm afraid I"m going to flunk one of my classes because the paper is going to suck. The weird thing is, when I have to do something important that I don't want to do, I procrastinate even more. I hate that. Why can't I just get it done instead of basking in my own guilt?

Barriers was ok. I think I did all right, even though I screwed up on the frickin whole tone scale I didn't know they were going to ask me to do. See, I assumed that I was going to sing under the Douglas column since my voice teacher is Cynthia Douglas. So when she said "Dalheim column" I'm thinking to myself. "Oh, shit." And it wasn't too bad except the stupid scale. I made an ass out of myself there. That is the only part of the entire barrier that I'm kind of afriaid I didn't pass. The rest of it went ok, except during my singing of the piece I had to learn overnight she asked me to sing 3 verses and 2 of them were the bottom line since the second three verses were on the back. I hate singing the bottom verse because then I'm more concentrating on the words than the music and then I start singing the first verse when I go to the next system. I think they should think of a better way to organize verses in music.

Bobby is tired. He is singing "dega dega Dee dee dee deee de deee de I'm so tired. dega dega Dee dee dee deee de deee de I'm so tired. " I'm tired too so I am going to go to bed after I drink a Fanta because I am thirsty too.

Saturday, May 04, 2002

I just saw Spiderman last night. Man it was awesome! I liked X-Men a little better but Spiderman rocked. And there's going to be at least 2 more. Cool. Didn't know what to expect but it was really good. What else is so cool is that spiderman in the movie is like 19 because he is a freshman in college like me. I think I could be Peter Parker if Spiderman was real only I'd be like him before he was bitten by the spider.

Well today is barriers. I have a busy weekend. I have a lot to do. I have barriers, then I need to get more research, then I have the musical tonight, then tommorrow I'm going to do my interviews (I HAVE TO!!! If I don't I'm most likely screwed. The latest I could possibly do it is Wednesday but I have got to write a paper on this as well... I am so frekin glad that next year I don't have to take seminar or critter so hopefully no papers that I don't want to do...) and I have to finish my OTHER paper for another draft due monday... GOD WHY IS COLLEGE SO HARD AT THE END OF THE YEAR????????? WHY DO TEACHERS GIVE OUT PAPERS IF THEY DON'T EVEN LIKE READING THEM????????????

Friday, May 03, 2002

Wow. I can't believe it. I went over 24 hours without entering anything. Well, not much has happened. Let's see. Just got done watching Ocean's 11. Good movie. Tomorrow night I'm seeing Spiderman with IV so hopefully that will be good. Went to a recital before the movie so I am up to 12. Need 14 before the 15th. Wow. I have less than 2 weeks before school is done! YES! I can't wait. Only 3 class days of school left. Awesome awesome. Let's see. I can't think of much else. Life has been pretty normal here lately, which is unusual. Weird things usually happen more often. Hopefully this weekend will have more things of interest to talk about.

Oh yeah I had another weird dream last night and I forgot it again but I had another one a couple of days ago. I dreamt that my dad was warming up his voice in the stairwell here at school. That's it. I wish I remembered the dream I had this morning! Usally you only remember your dreams right when you wake up for some reason. I want to remember them all.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I'm tired.
Wow. I stayed up until almost 5:30am this morning working on my paper. I was starting to fall asleep so I'm like "I can't do this anymore." I got 9 pages done so that's better than nothing. Bobby did accomplish the all nighter, while I slept and skipped my Theory class (one of my few skippages for the year since he doesn't count attendances for MWF only TTh) so I slept until 9:30 then got to class at 10. Four hours. Not bad considering Bobby got like none. Also, I took a half hour nap at like 3:50 last night and woke up at 4:30 and felt refreshed enough for another hour. I think I'll take anohter small nap today. Not too much but I'll try not to wake up Bobby if he takes one because he needs the sleep.

I felt really weird about the 9 pages I got done and hearing other people say how many pages they did (some were like 19 and they weren't done yet!) I was like I didn't do enough! But some people only had like 10 and I have at least another section to write about and my conclusion. I'm aiming for an ideal 15 pages with 12 at the absolute minumum. I want to do a little more than the bare minimum expected. But if that doesn't happen ok.

Anyway, more quizzes!

Who am I most like in Chrono Trigger?
#1 Lucca
#2 Magus
#3 Marle
#4 Schala
#5 Ayla
#6 Masa
#7 Mune
#8 Crono
#9 Frog
#10 Robo

I'm glad I got Lucca since she is my favorite character.


Take the >'Which Nintendo Character are you most like?' quiz by !


Take the >'Which Nintendo Character are you most like?' quiz by !


Take the >'Which Nintendo Character are you most like?' quiz by !

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Mario.I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble. What Video Game Character Are You?

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.

There is another choice called "geek" and I think I fall in between the two which is perfect.

I'm in between!

How much of a freak are you?

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

I think I am going to pull my first all-nighter in my college life tonight. My Critter class is at 10. It is 1:12. I have a 12-20 page draft of a research paper due then. I am about halfway done and I get stuck often. I am drinking a lot of black tea right now. When I do write or get an idea, it comes out in paragraphs so I think I'll be fine. I'll miss my theory class if I have to - hopefully we don't have a test.

I was so almost totally pissed off because I thought I had accidentally delete my "My Documents" folder on my computer. I downloaded (and uninstalled right away after the incident) a program I forgot what it was called but it was a file share program anyway I was adding a shared file folder because I thought I couldn't connect unless I had a shared folder (turns out I wasn't connected) but I only wanted my music not the entire my documents folder so I tried to delete it and it said "are you sure you want to delete my documents from your system?" so that freaked me out so I said no and tried to rename it. Then it disapeared. I tried opening my documents and it said it couldn't find it. I'm seriously like "Oh, my God. Oh, shit." in my mind and I don't swear at all for those who know me unless I am like in total awe (Sept. 11) or totally pissed. Then I found it was accidentally moved to a folder called incomplete for some reason so I was SO happy. OK that's it wish me luck if you read this before 10.