Saturday, May 04, 2002

I just saw Spiderman last night. Man it was awesome! I liked X-Men a little better but Spiderman rocked. And there's going to be at least 2 more. Cool. Didn't know what to expect but it was really good. What else is so cool is that spiderman in the movie is like 19 because he is a freshman in college like me. I think I could be Peter Parker if Spiderman was real only I'd be like him before he was bitten by the spider.

Well today is barriers. I have a busy weekend. I have a lot to do. I have barriers, then I need to get more research, then I have the musical tonight, then tommorrow I'm going to do my interviews (I HAVE TO!!! If I don't I'm most likely screwed. The latest I could possibly do it is Wednesday but I have got to write a paper on this as well... I am so frekin glad that next year I don't have to take seminar or critter so hopefully no papers that I don't want to do...) and I have to finish my OTHER paper for another draft due monday... GOD WHY IS COLLEGE SO HARD AT THE END OF THE YEAR????????? WHY DO TEACHERS GIVE OUT PAPERS IF THEY DON'T EVEN LIKE READING THEM????????????

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