Sunday, November 07, 2004

Copying Misty

Misty is all excited because she signed up for 5 classes. Here is MY class schedule next semester:

Supervised Teaching, Elementary: TBA
Supervised Teaching, Secondary: TBA

The end. 2 classes, 12 credits, and that's all she wrote. How about that? Granted, I'll be gone every day, so much of my money is going to be getting gas. The miles are gonna rack up on my car. I'm just about to hit 80,000 miles on my car, by the time student teaching is done I wouldn't be surprised I would have driven up to 85,000 or even 90,000.

OK the end.

Friday, November 05, 2004

I am stupid

How is that for a subject heading?

But I am. I skipped practicum today, and this time was becuase I forgot. Not because I went out the night before, like last week. I COMPLETELY forgot, I have no idea how. Forbes wasn't too happy with me... that's all I'll say about that.

I went to Moweaqua on Tuesday for a LONG time. Like all day almost. And observed. I finally got to observe the high school, so that was cool.

OK that's all I'll write for now, I have work in a bit and I ahve to get ready.... my room is such a mess right now, I need to do laundry....... asdfgjlasdjfgalksdgjlkasdjglkasdjglkjsdalgf life is hard