Saturday, February 28, 2004


So yeah I got all my artifacts, and all the standards to go with the artifacts on my portfolio!!! All I need to do is make my title page, and do my professional growth, and just make sure I reflected on all the artifacts (I know I didn't but that shouldn't be too hard I at least have a start on all of them) and I will be FINISHED!!!! So I hope to finish up tonite. That way tomorrow I will be free!!! YAYYYYYY!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD YOU ARE AWESOME! And thanks Vanessa for helping me!

Portfolios were dreamt up where the sun don't shine.

That is all.

I feel grubby

I didn't take a shower yesterday or today... but who cares I'm not going out anyways... actually the real reason is the majority of my clothes currently are in residence of all four washers in Hessler. Because I haven't done laundry in a while. I plan on doing only one more load of wash before I go home though. Then I can get ALL of my clothes washed for free when I go home for spring break.

Well today is the day I get (unrealistically all, more likely most, most likely some) of my ed. portfolio done. I have to get this done, I did only one thing on it yesterday and that was attach my essay, making the official artifact count stand at 8 out of a necessary 12. I'm going to go out of my mind. I learned from Kate yesterday that we need ANOTHER set of standards on there, which are exactly the same as the Millikin Teaching Standards except these are the ILLINOIS Teaching Standards... so if we have MTS 9f on there we need IL-PTS 9f as well since well they are the same. What the heck. It's so stupid. In addition we need the content area standards. I swear the ed department just wants to shove away teachers. Or put a huge strain on their love of teaching.

I just have a ton to deal with today in addition to the porfolio, I have other problems, and I'm a little stressed right now, because I don't know what to do.

Friday, February 27, 2004

Got this from Josh who got it from Odell

Fill in a band/singer for each letter of the alphabet.
a: After Dark
b: Boston
c: Coldplay
d: DC Talk
e: Evanescence
f: FFH
g: David Gray
h: Human League
j: Norah Jones
k: King's Singers
l: Liquid Tension Experiment
m: Rich Mullins
n: Newsboys
o: Orbital
p: Jean-Luc Ponty
q: Queen
r: Rush
s: Rebecca St. James
t: Tangerine Dream
u: U2
v: Steve Vai
w: Weather Report
x: ?????
y: Yes
z: Frank Zappa


I don't know where to start... I'd probably be in bed right now but I'm like emotionally drained and I can't sleep... WOW was that movie powerful... I cried like half the time. I mean I am just NUMB right now. I'll tell you one thing it definately puts my faith in perspective. It opened my eyes and had me do a double-take on some of the things I do. Wow my chest just feels HEAVY right now. I still can't explain it... this movie is just too powerful for words. There that explained it. Wow. wowwowwowwowwowwowwow.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

As of right now.

Should I switch to livejournal or stay at blogger?
33 % for Stay at Blogger
25 % for I don't care I don't read your journal anyway
25 % for Do both!
16 % for Switch to Livejournal
0 % for Switch to something else

That is with 12 votes.

I'm going to see The Passion with Steph and some other friends (I don't know specifically who she invited them all) in about an hour, so I'm going to write an entry. ha.

IV Spring retreat is this weekend. For some reason, InterVarsity decides to schedule events at the worst possible times in my life, either when I am super busy with something, either performing or projects, or when I am flat out broke. If the thing was two weeks from now, when it was actually closer to spring, I'd totally do it. But this stupid education portfolio has to take precidence right now. Either hang out with people I really enjoy being for a weekend, or work on something that is really important for my future. Yeah the second has to. It sucks but it does.

That quiz I was making before was one I started last year and forgot about. I've added a couple of questions. I'm up to 5. I need pictures and descriptions, though. I hope it works fine. I need to make the pictures smaller. It's one about what character from the wizard are you, and I"m jsut taking pictures with my webcam from my tv. It may be done this weekend.

I'm up to 8 artifacts in my portfolio. I need 4 more! Give them to me!

You are Rerun!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Quiz time... during my time finishing my essay.

Heaven: You are a true angel. You are destined to
move on to a place where there is no evil, just
people as beautiful and pure as you. Graceful
and classy, an angel like you has wonderful
things ahead! (please rate my quiz)

**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

I acually was reincarnation first but I took it again.

You are Wario. You put on like you're bad news, but
really, you're a bit confused sometimes.

What Nintendo Charater are You? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla


Now I'm making a quiz... why am I doing this I have an essay to finish.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yesterday was awesome

So yesterday she IMs me, and asks me if I like her. And I'm like wait I wanted to ask you that. But anyway, I type yes and that was really hard but it turned out she likes me too! So we both are really happy that that finally is off of our chests. Anyway it isn't like we are gf/bf but we are going to see the Passion tomorrow night so that is awesome.

After I found out that I was so hyper and goofy for the rest of the day. I just wanted to tell everyone. But I didn't because I wasn't sure if she wanted it to be known or not. I just said "the girl I like likes me back." I only told my closest friends specifically. And I was singing the song "I'm so happy/feeling snappy/my life is rosy/I'm feeling comfy cozy" by I forget what band it is but I remember it was all over Q90 FM about 5 years ago.

So yeah I'm going to be happy for a while.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Once again, I'm thinking.

I'm once again considering moving to livejournal. Most of my friends are on it, and I like the thing where you can see your friends posts and stuff. But I like the freedom of changing things around on Blogger. It's just a thing.

I hate assignments and homework and being required to do all this crap and stuff for my major; portfolios, assignments, observations... BLAH. It's a wonder anyone gets out being a teacher successfully because of all they require of you to do. And they say that work is harder out tehre but then again you don't have to do a portfolio or all these assignments for different classes, you can concentrate on ONE THING and that is much easier for me to do. I wish it was more like that for college classes instead of jumping around and then I forget to look at the syllabus and write things down in my assignment book and then I forget we have assignments and then get screwed.

Monday, February 23, 2004

no way!

Quiz Me
Spencer Lent was
a Masterful Pool Shark
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

I've been playing mad pool lately. Which is why this is so weird.

I'm in the MIDI lab

And class is going to start in 10 minutes and yeah I'm not doing the midi thing anymore I don't think. I have to think about it. And the mac version of this thing SUCKS because it is not nearly as organized as the windows version. And yeah. Fun times.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

I keep forgetting

I keep forgetting to write in this thing. Oh well, I"m not like Jacob and write in mine once every 4 months ;) j/k

OK so Thursday I had this weird dream that I was going to the coffee shop and it was in this strip mall and Dr. Hoffman was the head person there and took my order. So I was running late for class so I just took my order and went, but then I checked it and insead of getting a pretzel and nachos like I wanted I got rice and 2 hamburgers, one was just a patty. So I called or went over there (I forgot which) and said my order was wrong, please give me the right thing. So anyway, Molly and Garrett were in my class and for some reason class was in my room, and then the coffee shop delivered my food to my room, and they are like "sorry for the mixup, here I gave you some extra food" They gave me like 20 thin crust pizzas, and a couple of single slices like sbarros, and 2 pretzels and all this crap.

Then last night I stayed up until like 2:30 playing pool with Mike, Jamel, Sean, and Dustin, and playing ping pong with Nicholas. I played pool again today. I am getting better but I have improved quite a bit from what I was two days ago.

Today was weird too because I went back to sleep without knowing it. I went to bed at 2:20 or something, woke up sort of at like 9 and then I really woke up at 11:45. WTF is that? I went to bed without setting my alarm with the intent of knowing I would get up with enough time I'd get to choir on time. Then I quick take a shower because I hadn't for 2 days and my hair was all gross, and I made it for class in the rain.

I taught Dustin, Christina, and Amanda how to play Rook tonight. Dustin got it, but Amanda and Christina are still a little confused, but they got the jist. It's a lot like 500 and they play that alot so it was pretty easy for them to pick up. They want to play again but when they feel like it. The girls really didn't, and both teams got set and my team actually got all 180 points one game so the game took longer than anticipated.

OK taht's all for now I have to go to bed so I can get up tomrrow. Peace.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I feel MUCH better today.

It is SO BEAUTIFUL out. I mean I didn't even wear my coat to class. I stayed up late last night and didn't get up until about 15 mintues before my 8:00 but I took a shower the night before so it was all right, then I slept a little more after I got back. I'm still a little tired so I may nap but who knows.

Tonight would be the first night I could go back to MVOP but I just dont' feel like it this semester. I did it 2 1/2 years and for about the past year I had commitments on church days, and other things, and I just need a break. It's great, I learned a lot, but having missed a month of rehearsals because of opera I feel behind, and I don't think I am able to partake of it at least this semester. Maybe next semester one last time before I student teach or something. But I have so much work to get done this semester, even though I only have I believe 14 or 15 credits, my workload is much higher, plus I have this stupid ed portfolio to get done. It makes me kind of sad but that just has to be. I will go to their concerts and support them wholly.

I was really productive today. I got my copy of my application to student teach in Dr. Forbes' mailbox. I mailed all I needed to mail. I responded to the PMF I am going to work there again this summer. I feel that FINALLY this sememster I am starting to get things organized and done. It usually takes me a little while to get back into the scheme of things, but I feel like I am there now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Sometimes, I just don't understand student organizations.

Black Student Union decided to celebrate today, the 50th anniversary of the Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education, a milestone in STOPPING segregation, by SEGREGATING CAMPUS. They hung signs that said "Whites only" and "Coloreds only" on Benches, elevators, and doors. What the hell. It pisses me off about that because I belong to the first generation who hasn't really had to deal with all of this crap. I don't judge people by the color of their skin, like some other people in previous generations. So why go back to a time like that, especially on the anniversary of stopping it in schools? It's stupid. I don't see the point they were trying to make. They had signs even in the music building of all places. Thank God most of the signs were ripped down. They didn't even really give us a sign that this was going to happen. Sure they hung signs that said "Be Engaged" but what did that mean? No one knew. Then all of a sudden I wake up this morning to find signs that say "Whites only" on benches? It seems that the people who are trying to facilitate equality on the basis of race are rewinding to create awareness when awareness isn't really needed since many people don't think that way anymore. And it is sad, in my opinion. I don't look at a person of a different race and say "oh they are Asian" "oh they are Black". I say "Oh that's Amanda." "Oh that's Juan." "Oh, that's Taneka." So, I don't think BSU's thing today worked out like they wanted to, because many of my friends have the same feelings that I do.

Monday, February 16, 2004

I am BUTT exhausted.

I am so glad that week is over and I am so glad I never have to sing Dido and Aeneas ever again. It was a long ardouis process but tada it is over. But it took a toll on my body and thank God that vocal festival is today because the majority of my classes are cancelled because they are vocal things. But I still have piano and comp. I hate class. Why do we have to go to class. KLGJSDLKGJSLDKGJLSKDGJ

Sunday, February 15, 2004


Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results
Sociability |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Gregariousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Assertiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Activity Level ||||||||||||||| 50%
Excitement-Seeking |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Enthusiasm |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Extroversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Trust ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Morality ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Altruism ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Cooperation ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Modesty ||||||||||||||| 50%
Sympathy ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Friendliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 63%
Competence ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Neatness ||||||||||||||| 46%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Achievement ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Self-Discipline ||||||||| 26%
Cautiousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 60%
Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Volatility ||||||||||||||| 50%
Depression |||||||||||| 38%
Self-Consciousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Impulsiveness |||||||||||| 38%
Vulnerability ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||| 47%
Imagination ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Artistic Interests ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Emotionality |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Adventurousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Liberalism |||||| 18%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test

Friday, February 13, 2004

The Internet doesn't love me.

64% Of The Internet Loves Me!
I am loved by 64% of the population, including:
3901 people who love young people
3286 people who love bloggers
3889 people who love geeks
In return, I love 98% of the population, including:
947 morning people
4695 women
2440 freaks
show the love at

It is Friday the 13th

And I'm actually having a good day. I got lots of stuff done, including handing in my application to student teach, and I slept until 10:30 so I'm not tired! So I can stay up late tonite! YAY

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Another Survey, this time from Vanessa.

So yeah I added this midi thing to my blog... if it annoys you let me know but I am going to change the music in there every few days to a week. I don't know how often but it is usually going to be one of my compositions. And then when I'm out of those I'll just do a random MIDI I have lying around.

Anyways on to the survey.

[ .:name:. ] Spencer
[ .:nicknames:. ] Spence, Spencepunk, Splent
[ .:feet size:. ] 9 - 9.5
[ .:do you have a crush?:. ] Yes.
[.:age:. ] 20

[ .:age you act:. ] When I'm being myself, around 12ish. When I'm being serious or mature, in a professional setting, I act like 35
[ .:where do you live?:. ] Decatur or Green Bay, usually.
[ .:ever gone skinny dipping?:. ] No, and I probalby never will

[ .:what are you watching?:. ] nothing.
[ .:last person you talked to:. ] In real life, Jacob. Online... I think it was Tracy.
[ .:bedtime:. ] Between 12 and 1 lately, because opera drains me. On weekends when I have nothing going on I can stay up as late as 4.
[ .:most embarrassing moment:. ] That one time I did that thing and everyone laughed. That way everyone remembers.
[ .:stupidest person you know:. ] Probably Mitch, but that's mostly because he likes the Bears and gives me the most crap about that
[ .:craziest person you know:. ] ARIA.

SECTION 2 ? favorites

[ .:favorite salad dressing:. ] EW.
[ .:favorite movie:. ] Misery, The Matrix, The Red Violin, The Wizard, All 3 Lord of the Rings movies, etc etc
[ .:favorite book:. ] The Bible, Stephen King, John Grisham, J.R.R. Tolkien
[ .:favorite type of music:. ] Christian Rock, Progressive Rock, Modern Rock, Jazz Fusion, Smooth Jazz, and LOTS of other stuff
[ .:favorite car:. ] If it is blue I probably like it. But Blue Dodge Neon or VW anything

[ .:favorite saying:. ] Sweet, Tight, Janky, That sucks, awesome, ______ represent!
[ .:favorite fast food:. ] Steak 'n' Shake (though they are like semi-fast food)

[ .:favorite ice cream:. ] Mint Mackinac Island Fudge
[ .:favorite alcoholic drinks:. ] Mikes Hard Lemonade, Hooch, Skyy Blue, Parrot Bay and Bacardi Limon (the only alcoholic drinks I've pretty much ever had, besides beer and wine which are gross)
[ .:favorite holiday:. ] Christmas or Easter. Because on Christmas, Jesus was born, and on Easter Jesus rose from the dead.
[ .:favorite food:. ] PIZZA (except from dominoes... I'm getting really sick of having to order from that place)
[ .:favorite song:. ] This would take all day so I'll just say Subdivisions by Rush to shut you up
[ .:favorite tv show:. ] Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Cosby Show, American Idol, Survivor, Family Guy, Beevis and Butthead, and NFL Football when the Packers are playing
[ .:favorite radio stations:. ] Q90 FM and Mix98 in GB... I don't know here because the radio stations kind of suck down here
[ .:favorite junk food:. ] Home made popcorn with tons of butter
[ .:favorite sappy love song:. ] I'm not a sappy guy, but probalby I Will Be Here by Steven Curtis Chapman.
[ .:favorite color:. ] Blue, Cerulean, Teal, Aqua, Periwinkle, Navy, etc.
[ .:favorite sneakers:. ] No preference, just as long as they fit and are comfy. New Balance and Sketchers work just fine.

SECTION 3 ? the future

[ .:school:. ] I'm going to finish my BA in teaching and teach for a few years before going to grad school

[ .:where you want to live:. ] Someplace suburban in a nice neighborhood but not like a brand new subdivision in the middle of nowhere with no trees
[ .:how many kids you want:. ] 3

[ .:what kind of job you want:. ] High school choir teacher, teaching in a really good and stable music department
[ .:wedding song:. ] I have no idea... the wedding song?
[ .:song in your head:. ] Yeah Vanessa I agree. Why is this under the future. Well I'm sure yes there will be a song in my head in the near future.

SECTION 4 ? have you ever...?

[ .:been in jail:. ] nope
[ .:done drugs:. ] prescription yes. Illegal no.
[ .:run away from home:. ] no
[ .:hit a girl:. ] Yes. I hit my sister tons of times (you know, kids fight). Never anyone non-family though.
[ .:lied:. ] yeah.
[ .:broken a bone:. ] Nope.
[ .:cheated on a test:. ] No
[ .:cheated on a boy/girlfriend:. ] I've never had a girlfriend so how would I cheat
[ .:gotten drunk:. ] Nope but everyone wants me to do it when I turn 21
[ .:been with two guys/girls at once:. ] no
[ .:been in the hospital:. ] not for an extended period of time.
[ .:let a friend cry on your shoulder:. ] not literally, but i've listened to people pouring their heart out and stuff... I'm available anytime ;)
[ .:feel asleep in the shower/bath:. ] No but my mom has...
[ .:Never slept during a night:. ] once or twice
[ .:been to camp:. ] Yep for two years
[ .:sat in a restaurant without ordering:. ] I don't believe so
[ .:seen someone die:. ] No and I really don't want to.... I'm scared about that
[ .:didn't wash your hair for a week:. ] Not for a week. Longest was like 3 days and that was when camping. I have to wash my hair at LEAST every other day because it's oily.
[ .:broken something valuable:. ] Probably... I break lots of things

[.:thought you were in love:. ] Who hasn't.
[ .:screamed at someone for no reason:. ] I try not to. I have been screamed at for no reason but they always apolgize and I totally understand why.
[ .:said I love you and meant it:. ] Yeah

[ .:been hurt by a guy/girl you loved:. ] Not really
[ .:stayed up til 4am on the phone:. ] Nope.

SECTION 5 ? which is better?

[ .:coke/pepsi:. ] Pepsi, but Cherry Coke
[ .:cats/dogs:. ] Dogs. I MISS MY PUPPY.... :'(
[ .:dvd/vhs:. ] DVD

[ .:deaf/blind:. ] BLIND. I need music.

[ .:pool/hot tubs:. ] ooh, this is tough. Hot tub relaxes me more.
[ .:television/radio:. ] TV
[ .:cds/mp3s:. ] another toughie. mp3's on the computer, CDs everywhere else.
[ .:apples/oranges:. ] oranges
[ .:gap/old navy:. ] Old Navy. Gap is too expensive and is basically the same.

SECTION 6 ? when was the last time you...

[ .:took a shower:. ] this morning
[ .:cried:. ] I almost cried recently... it was either when I thought I was going to overdraw or when I thought I couldn't get into a class and I couldn't be a full time student. Last time I really cried was when my dog was put to sleep.
[ .:watched a Disney movie:. ] It's been a while.

[ .:given/gotten a hug:. ] I can't remember that, I give and get hugs quite often.
[ .:been to the movies:. ] Return of the King with Dad and Ari

SECTION 7 ? what is...

[ .:love?:. ] Baby don't hurt me.....

[ .:fondest memory of this year:. ] Tour. Most definately.
[ .:your most prized possession:. ] I don't know. I have many sentimental things... I love my car.?

[ .:the thing that makes you the happiest:. ] Family and friends, and the experiences we have
[ .:your favorite food for breakfast:. ] Belgian waffle.

[ .:your favorite food for dinner:. ] Italian
[ .:your ideal bf/gf:. ] Someone who is a Christian (that is a MUST), who is funny, and upbeat, and also appreciates music like I do.

SECTION 8 ? random questions

[ .:have you ever liked someone too young for you?:. ] No! That would be like me liking a 15 year old right now.

[ .:do you have multiple personalities?:. ] No, but I talk to myself often
[ .:ever walked in on someone changing/showering?:. ] Yeah but they were semi-decent so it wasn't a HUGE deal.
[ .:what's the first thing you say on the phone?:. ] "Hello" usually but something weird every once in a while.
[ .:what are you wearing?:. ] Nothing. I'm naked. No just kidding. What do you think? Clothes.
[ .:what did you do yesterday?:. ] went to class, ate, went to opera rehearsal, bed.
[ .:who was your last crush?:. ] It was Cory but she has a hardcore boyfriend now. And I can say that because she knows I liked her.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

OK Now for a real update

Seriously, opera is wearing me out. I swear, I'm never doing another Millikin production ever again, because it takes up so much of my time and I can't get what I need to get done, done. Half the people in Tudor are music ed, so they are as worn out and pissy as I am. Jacob is probably the most. But, thankfully, we are in good spirits with the whole thing so far. It's actually more fun waiting than performing at this point. I think I would enjoy it more if the chorus actually did something besides just stand there. But the production is going for a sense of historical accuracy and alas I feel for the poor opera choruses in Purcell's day.

Speaking of Purcell, I sang "I Love And I Must" in masterclass today and Carberg said I improved so much. Well thank you Terry for helping me. I swear Terry has helped me SO MUCH in just a semester. I'm going to miss having him as a voice teacher next year when I student teach. I don't know if I could ever be a voice teacher though, at least on the individual level, since there are so many things that are presented to you and so many applications on fixing the problem; it requires the teacher to think at the moment and make quick decisions and adapt quickly. Those of you who know me know how hard of a time I have making decisions, let alone QUICK ones.

So yeah, the ed department is screwing me over again. They have changed the template of the professional portfolios we are supposed to be working on for our degree, so now I have to transfer stuff to the new template. What is REALLY going to suck is that I have major work to put on it before it is due March 1st. I also have to apply to take the content area exam, and apply for student teaching, and all of this stuff. Why does time go by so fast these days? Can't it just slow down a little so I can get some more done? I guess i have to get less sleep at night... with an 8:00 it's very tough not to go to bed early. I can only imagine what it is going to be like when I have to be at school at 7:00 or earlier. If I end up teaching in Bloomington I may have to ask Aunt Barb to put up with me for a few nights a week, and if I end up in Chicago maybe ask Molly. I would prefer not teaching in Decatur. If I have to I have to.

Well I have opera in 15 minutes so I'm going to stop writing.

Let's see if I can do this.

I want to make something that shows up in tons of blogs that I am the creator of. So, let's try this.

Here is something I came up with:

26 ways to say butt:
Ass (Arse)
Your mom

OK, copy paste this and put the address where you got it... and then you will come back here!!!! AHAHAHAHAhAHAHAHA
Or you can just copy paste but I want credit for it (but me and two other people, one of them TRACY, yes THE tracy who is over there on my friend's links) on one of my HSR chats compiled it i give them credit too)

Sunday, February 08, 2004


3 best moments of the grammys.

3. 50 Cent coming on stage with Evanescence.
I just thought that was hilarious. I don't like 50 at all but at that point I loved him because that was hilarious.

2. Foo Fighters and Chick Corea.
I love Foo Fighters, and I love Chick Corea. And they made a great combo! I loved their performance and would love a recording of that performance.

1. Coldplay winning!
I was SO happy Coldplay won, because the other 4 nominees were all like rap. I hope rap doesn't take over the music scene because I hate it. Coldplay was the only artist I wanted to win and they did with my favorite Coldplay song!!! Making A Rush Of Blood to the Head an even MORE successful album (it won grammys last year)

I am NOT demented.

Misty just called me demented. Do you think I am demented? Post your thoghts:


Yep. That's me. To a T. Like Mr. T. Only I'm like just T because I hate formalities like that. But yeah. So anyways, we had opera rehearsal this afternoon, and that was a WEIRD'D OUT experience. Shanti, Christie, and Kristi weren't there, so we had 6 from the start. We got through about a third of the opera, or maybe not even because it was taking a long time because today we were working out logisitics and lighting cues, and then Erinbeth had to leave, so that left us with 5. Then let's see... about midway through the 2nd part Jacob, Scott, and Megan had to leave. So that left me and Mark. 2 chrous members. Well one would think that we could just leave, but Terry wanted us to stay, so we stayed, and it was so weird not having anyone else there. But at least it wasn't just one of us there because that would be even more nervewracking. It was BUTT weird because like normally we listen to the other parts so we could come in. And we really couldn't do that so a lot of the times we messed up. Plus, sometimes we couldn't hear the notes because Dan was using the harpsichord today (which sounds really awesome but it's softer). So yeah at least after the experience was over Terry dubbed us the "2 best chorus members EVER" so that was a little reassuring. But we have to be there at 12 tomorrow for a dress rehearsal. So tomorrow is going to suck.

Random quote of the night: "you know how sometimes your ears need to pop after you blow your nose? that is possibly the most uncomfortable sensation ever."


Thursday, February 05, 2004

It's quiz time!

25 forever cool
My Inner Age

brought to you by Quizilla

Suicide! (and you know it, so... dont u have
something to do?)

Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Another survey.

EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS = Favorite Spice/Herb + Last Foreign Vacation Spot = Oregano Guayabitos

SOCIALITE ALIAS = Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied = Buddy Decatur

"FLY GIRL" ALIAS (like J. Lo) = First Initial + First Two Or Three Letters Of Your Last Name = S. Le (sounds Chinese)

DIVA ALIAS = Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid In Your Kitchen = Lolly Pop (HAHAHA!!!)

GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS = Favorite Baby Animal + Your High School = Bunny Preble

BARFLY ALIAS = Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink = Sweettart Fanta

SOAP OPERA ALIAS = Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived = Paul Manitowoc

PORN STAR ALIAS = First Pet's Name + Your Mother's Maiden Name = Taxi Lundquist (Taxi was my fish when I was 4... it was either that or Ice Cream)

ROCK STAR ALIAS = Any Liquid On The Bar + Last Name Of Bad-Ass Celebrity Or Character = Vodka De Niro


I am just so laid back lately. Maybe I'm getting too much sleep or something, but I never feel like doing anything. I don't feel outgoing or anything. This is so weird.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So many people write poems

Personally I prefer writing music but here goes. I always used to write sonnets but I'm tired and I don't really feel like it so here is a haiku.

Just sitting here bored
staring at a lighted screen
my eyes will close soon'

Very direct isn't it. In the meantime, I'm going to start writing compositions again. I have comp again so I have to, plus I haven't finished a TPI in a while. Maybe this wekend. I don't have anything going on after rehearsal friday night, and Dustin will be at Metamorphosis so I'll have time. If I was feeling like I do right now, I'd rather stay here than go out because I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Super Bowl was dissapointing

I forgot to say that. Commercials pretty much sucked (except the fart one that was the best one) and the game was pretty bad and the halftime show was the worst concert ever capped off by Justin showing everyone Janet's boob. And Amanda screaming "OH MY GOD!!!" Survivor was better than the super bowl.

Oh and I took two quizzes... one said that loving my country was stupid and had other people loving their country include a KKK member on the picture, and totally bashing the fact that I do like G.W. And the other pissed me off even more, (which enemy of the Christian church are you) was like "You are a christian so you believe in a imaginary bliss called heaven blahblahblahblah"

Liberal idiots. Mind you. Not all liberals are idiots. But ones who don't love the country they live in and totally bash Christians and think Michael Moore is an intellectual are. Dude. I love my country no matter who is running it. I am proud to be an American. If you are ashamed to live in this country, ashamed to be an American, you may as well move to France.

Where I've been.

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide

Counts states traveled through going to other states

create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide

I want to go to more.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Go Panthers.

The Panthers probably have gained the most fans that they have ever had, if only for one day.

Anyways, IMEA was great, except I spent 30 bucks on my credit card on sheet music. But hey. This is for my future and I can pay off 30 bucks EASILY when I'm a teacher. Ya know? There was this one seminar I regret going to which was boring as hell (assessment- I went to it thinking I could get something out of it. WRONG-O!), but otherwise it was great. UChoir was great in their concert (but the high school choir before them took forever to finish and made UChoir rush and as I understand it, Dr. Holmes was pissed off about the whole thing and not just the fact that the high school teacher did that, but also that they couldn't warm up or anything but that doesn't really matter because they kicked butt anyway and people were talking about them the rest of the weekend). Speaking of which, I want a copy of "There Will Be Rest", one of the songs UChoir sings. Chapter 6 was AMAZING, of course (tame the jealousy, Misty.... HAHA).

OK. So, anyways, I have to tell you a story about....

THE B***H (you fill it in, I'm in too much of a good mood to call her that outright today.)!!!!!

OK so me and Vanessa are sitting next to each other, watching the jazz concerts. We aren't talking that much, and what we are talking about was between songs. It all came to a halt when after one song this woman with a HUGE stick up her butt was like "Are you going to continue this conversation? My kids have worked TOO hard and I have traveled to far for it to be ruined by you talking to your friend here." Jacob made us both feel much better when, after we talked about it to him, he said, "You should have said "Well, we're from Wesleyan, we TALK during concerts!"

Speaking of Vanessa, I got to know her a lot more this weekend. We hung out a lot , which is no big deal. She's a good friend. HOWEVER - Clayton comes up to me at the Millikin reception (where we get to see our professors and their collegues getting drunk and that's the best part) and he's like "So, what's with you and Vanessa? You two have this thing going on?" OK. Everyone thinks we have this thing going on. What is the big deal. People see two people of the opposite sex hang out together and they think that I am like deeply involved with her. It's not like that at all. I mean, if that's the case, they may as well assume that about Cory and Jacob (even though Cory is involved in a relationship already). Vanessa and I are just friends and we just happened to spend a lot of time together this weekend. It's not a big deal. GROW UP.

Next day I skipped the boring music ed meeting and went to a high school concert that reminded me a lot of my high school. Half of their songs I've done. They did Mata Del Anima Sola which was awesome and I'm glad that Cherry and Chad were there because I'm like "This Song is Awesome" and they are ones who are student teaching really soon so they are like marking their music how good their stuff is. I have to do that.

So the weekend finally ended yesterday at the honors concert, and man. Rick Bjella chose some WEIRD music. I mean he picked some good stuff, the men's piece was awesome, as was Chicester Psalms and Ubi Caritas, but the first two were WEIRD. I still like him, though, and think he's awesome.

The Bobby thing didn't happen this year which is too bad because I liked his mom's lasagna (IT IS JUST AS GOOD AS YOURS MOM, NOT BETTER!!!).

I slept for something like 11 hours today. I feel really good. And I can't wait for the game and then after the game SURVIVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah. Go Panthers.