Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Once again, I'm thinking.

I'm once again considering moving to livejournal. Most of my friends are on it, and I like the thing where you can see your friends posts and stuff. But I like the freedom of changing things around on Blogger. It's just a thing.

I hate assignments and homework and being required to do all this crap and stuff for my major; portfolios, assignments, observations... BLAH. It's a wonder anyone gets out being a teacher successfully because of all they require of you to do. And they say that work is harder out tehre but then again you don't have to do a portfolio or all these assignments for different classes, you can concentrate on ONE THING and that is much easier for me to do. I wish it was more like that for college classes instead of jumping around and then I forget to look at the syllabus and write things down in my assignment book and then I forget we have assignments and then get screwed.

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