Sunday, February 08, 2004


3 best moments of the grammys.

3. 50 Cent coming on stage with Evanescence.
I just thought that was hilarious. I don't like 50 at all but at that point I loved him because that was hilarious.

2. Foo Fighters and Chick Corea.
I love Foo Fighters, and I love Chick Corea. And they made a great combo! I loved their performance and would love a recording of that performance.

1. Coldplay winning!
I was SO happy Coldplay won, because the other 4 nominees were all like rap. I hope rap doesn't take over the music scene because I hate it. Coldplay was the only artist I wanted to win and they did with my favorite Coldplay song!!! Making A Rush Of Blood to the Head an even MORE successful album (it won grammys last year)

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