Monday, August 30, 2010

First week down.

My first week at my new job has definitely been an adjustment. It's similar, however very different at the same time. Adapting to a new schedule and a new age group has been a little difficult. I know I can do it though. I have all of these ideas for units and activities to do with these kids floating around in my head. It's just a matter of getting them organized in a way that would be teachable. Especially with a smartboard.

On the home front, it's also very difficult, since I know that I have like 3 more days to pack and it's not done. Lots of boxes in the living room and the 2nd bedroom, I have some of the stuff in the kitchen packed... but there is a LOT of work to do. I'm just like AHHH will this get done by Thursday night? Seriously.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wow I'm actually blogging.

So yeah the past few months have been absolutely insane. I was riffed, spent my days and nights scouring the internet for jobs, applied everywhere, had 1 interview, was hired based on that 1 interview, helped Vanessa look for jobs, witnessed the utter chaos of my old school districts school board meetings (seriously, why aren't those on public access TV?! It's THAT entertaining), realize we need a new place to live because if not we would be driving an hour in each direction, and finally we found one... we move in two weeks.

Vanessa began meetings today and I begin on Thursday. So it's still chaotic. And the baby must feel it because she is kicking up a storm inside Vanessa. It's awesome. I never get sick of that. I try to slap her belly like my brother in law Kyle did, but Vanessa doesn't like it. I don't understand why... ;)