Wednesday, March 31, 2004


OK so I'm driving home from Kroger, and I see a pedidal (for those who don't know that's a car with only one headlight working). And i'm like "that's so ghetto lol" so I turn in to the parking lot, and in the reflection of the truck in front of me I discover one of MY headlights is out! WTF! I'm so mad! It's kind of ironic, though, but still I'm a little upset because now I have to have it fixed. Which I can't afford to do.


RIP Lefty



Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Back at school...

Bleh. Oh, well, only a week and ahalf until Easter, plus advising day is next Tues. So yea.

I just came back from my recital hearing and I passed so I'm happy!

I got another journal on livejournal... I think I"m going to use it for teaching stuff or maybe just to have two I don't know. But yeah.

OK bye.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Calvin and Hobbes...

Man lately I've been thinking about how much I miss that comic strip... I mean I've talked to some people and they said the never heard of it and that just blows my mind... how could you NOT hear of Calvin and Hobbes? Best comic ever. Sometimes I wish Bill Watterson would come out of retirement and start making it again, but I know he won't. In a way, I am like why would you retire something so awesome and successful? But at the same time he didn't want others to pervert the true nature of the comic by copyrighting and trademarking and stuff like that... kind of like how Garfield is now, and Garfield isn't nearly as funny as it used to be and I kind of think it is because of that. There are the illegal trademarks (i.e. Calvin peeing on a car logo, etc.) but that's bad too.

I related to Calvin a lot. Because I feel like I was Calvin at that age, having a huge imagination, my add getting the best of me. That's why I loved it. Calvin's undying imagination. My mom was saying how she didn't like Finding Nemo because she couldn't imaging a fish being stuck in a fish tank and going in the ocean to find his dad. Um mom. Obviously you don't like any children's animated feature then. It's stupid. She's lost her imagination. Something I hope never to do.

Why is it already Tuesday night? Where has this week gone!?!?

Monday, March 22, 2004

El Breako de Primavera

What a break so far. After some weird driving mishaps I got home safe and sound Thursday night and we had lasagna and it was soooooo good. Then Friday we did pretty much nothing... I worked that was it.

Saturday was a good day. I called Ashley and we went to Kavarna and caught up with what was going on. It was her last day on spring break as she had to go back to Iowa the next day. A couple of other friends showed up and we played Set. Then Jenny and her boyfriend showed up and we went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It was really really good. And I put a link in there. I'm like Katie now.

Sunday Grandma came and we went to church and then we went shopping and then me and dad watched the badgers lose in a nailbiter (Stupid Pitt). So my bracket is totally screwed up as is everyone else's I'm sure.

Today I went to the dentist and I learned I brushed too hard.

The end.

Wait! Crap. OK Blog entry part deux


OK now the end

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

What a difference 24 hours can make

I feel really good today, and I got into Oakland, I'm rooming with Eric Glawe so that's cool plus he's studying abroad so I get the room to myself second semester which I almost need since I student teach

Last bout of procrastination I promise!

They changed the thing so I'm redoing it. I'll state which I want to go to of non-visited.

create your own personalized map of the USA

Washington, Texas, and Missouri. Maybe Massachusetts and Maine. And Alaska and Hawaii.

create your own personalized map of Canada

Prince Edward Island and British Columbia.

create your personalized map of europe

Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichstenstein (however you spell it), Norway, and Greece.

create your own visited country map

Japan, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Brazil, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Russia

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Thanks Vanessa... ;)

15 Random Favorites
1. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
2. Rush
3. Music
4. Friends
5. Family
6. Getting money from relatives in the mail :)
7. Steak n Shake (Frisco melt with no sauce, fries, banana shake)
8. Navel Oranges
9. Progressive Rock
10. Lord of the Rings
11. Great Britain
12. Survivor
13. Retro
14. Q
15. Fanta

14 Favorite Foods
1. Cheese curds!!! (esp. from Dykesville Bowl)
2. Pizza (esp. from Jakes)
3. Perch (esp. from Mariques)
4. Lasagna
5. Manicotti
6. Tacos
7. Doughnuts
8. Cookies and milk (counts as one because I say so)
9. Tea
10. Milkshakes (esp. from Steak n Shake)
11. French Fries (esp from Steak n shake)
12. Chocolate mint anything
13. Mint Mackinac Island Fudge Ice Cream
14. Nachos

13 Most Watched Shows
1. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
2. Survivor
3. The Cosby Show
4. The Price Is Right (Thank God for no 10:00 classes)
5. American Idol
6. Dream Job
7. Trading Spaces (yes I watch that show from time to time thanks Mom)
8. South Park
9. Saturday Night Live
10. Biography (only if I flip to it and it's about someone interesting)
11. The Weather Channel
12. Beevis and Butthead (because I couldn't when it was really on)
13. Boy Meets World (OK who DIDN'T watch this show when they were in Mid-high school?)

12 Good Bands In Your Opinion (I wrote just bands, not individual artists)
1. Rush
2. After Dark
3. Coldplay
4. Liquid Tension Experiment
5. Evanescence
6. Yes
7. FFH
8. DC Talk
9. Styx
10. New Order
11. Dream Theater
12. Junior Senior

11 Memories
1. Getting the notice that my dog was being put to sleep
2. Drinking shots for the first time with my chamber buddies
3. When I got after school detention for saying crap and Ryan saying "crap is stuff that comes out of your butt"
4. Seeing all of London in the London Eye
5. The sunset on the beach in Mexico
6. My butthole teacher saying it was my problem after someone spat in my seat and I sat in it
7. Getting the stomach flu in Toronto before I was to see Phantom for the first time
8. Getting in trouble for having our shirts off in Minneapolis at the baseball game (it's illegal in a dome, I guess)
9. My last concert with the GBBC at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburogh
10. When I burned my hands on the stove when I was 2 1/2 (earliest memory)
11. Trying pepperoni pizza for the first time after seeing Alice try it on Adventures in Wonderland

10 Close Friends
1. Bobby
2. Kyle
3. Steph
4. Dustin
5. Vanessa
6. Garrett
7. Ashley
8. Chip
9. Cory
10. Aria (ok she's techinically my sister but I've told her things I've told no one else, and I trust her more than anyone except God and maybe my parents)

09 Things You're Looking Forward To
1. Spring Break
2. Having a drink legally when I'm 21
3. Seeing everyone at my recital on April 23 at Kaeuper Hall 6:00 pm
4. Teaching somewhere other than here
5. Working at the PMF again
6. Student Teaching (I also dread it at the same time)
7. Going to Milwaukee this weekend out to the Safe House
8. Going to another country some day... maybe for a festival!
9. Seeing Heaven (but that's not going to be for a VERY VERY long time since I'm living to be older than methuselah)

08 Things You Wear Daily
1. Glasses
2. Watch
3. Underwear
4. Socks
5. Pants
6. Shirt
7. Jacket
8. Backpack

07 Things That Annoy You
1. People calling during Survivor
2. Buzzers
3. When people go just slightly flat
4. When people make fun of me because of my accent (hey, to me, YOU all have accents.)
5. People thinking cheese curds are cottage cheese (these people need exposure)
6. Homework/Papers
7. Vagueness

06 Things You Touch Every Day
1. My Glasses
2. A pencil
3. My computer
4. The Remote
5. The telephone
6. My keys

05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. The Wizard
2. Misery
3. Rush Hour
4. Rush Hour 2
5. Groundhog Day

04 Of Your Favorite Toys When You Were Little
1. Legos
2. Game Boy
3. Nintendo
4. That little "computer" that I played hangman with

03 people you've shared the most with
1. Kyle
2. Bobby
3. Garrett

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
1. "Don't Wanna Fall In Love" by Jane Child
2. "Bizarre Love Triangle" by New Order

01 person you'd Spend the Rest of Your Life With
1. I can't name anyone.... but there are a few out there with potential ;)


Today was a horrible day. Culminating from yesterday. Every teacher decides to assign a paper or something and chooses the class before the class when it's due to either assign it or explain it in detail. So I have two papers due tomorrow. Plus I had the stupid management plan for ed psych, plus stuff for choral tech, plus the teach STILL hasn't called me back, plus some other stuff... I'm just so stressed out I want to scream.


There that's a little better.

Anyway something that made me laugh for the first time in two days was something Vanessa said

Me: I said "shit" and I was like "yes I swore I'm so stressed out I swore"
Me: And someone was like "Even thogh that's not really a swear word"
Vanessa: you know, it's wierd, i wonder who actually decided that those are "bad words"
Vanessa: cause it's not like the bible says "thou shalt not say the word shit"

And then Dr. Forbes told us about how Dr. Holmes left for a festival in Iowa early this morning, and he rented a car because he doesn't like taking his car out of town or something. 15 minutes after he left they called the school and said the festival is cancelled. 5 hour drive. Wow.

OK back to the crapload of homework... I leave in about 41 hours for spring break.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Packer analysis

So Josh Bidwell is leaving the Packers which starts the search for a punter. Now, I wish Kevin Stemke was still a free agent or something, because as a fellow Preble High School grad he has a shot. Problem is, he signed with Washington back in January, but now that they signed Tom Tupa he's most likely going to be let go when the teams start cutting people in preseason. I hope we sign him if that happens that would be awesome for him. That is unless we pick up a quality punter before that.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Fun times.

So Dustin's bible study group (myself included) all went to Jenny and Erik's house for snacks and male (+ 1 female) bonding stuff. We talked for a while, and it was a little uncomforting at first (lots of awkward pauses) but after awhile we were just laughing all the time and stuff. Then we played Mario Kart and Dustin beat everyone except Erik. Then I played pool. I'm getting better. I need to play quite a bit more though.

So hopefully I will get $150 to get to do room draw, and then hopefully I'll get into Oakland, and then hopefully it will either be a single or an open double with Garrett or even if not that sign up to be a roommate with someone else I know. Ah well, just saying things are looking up living-quarters wise.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Been a few days.

Oratorio was at the front of the lifelife for me... it's over now thank goodness. It was a long night.

I can't wait until this year is over. I mean, I'm not looking forward to this 20 hour internship that i have to do... to make it worse, it's during the afternoon. I mean, I gave them my schedule for a reason. my mornings are definately open. and what do they do. Oh, they put me with a teacher who only teaches afternoons. Great. Why does everyone demand so much of me... spring break can NOT come soon enough. Less than two weeks. Thank God.

I signed up to do a pool tournament. It should be fun. I probably won't win, Jamel probably will, if he signs up (he hasn't on the downstairs one). So who knows.

Anyways that's it.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

belief o matic


1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Orthodox Quaker (93%)
3. Seventh Day Adventist (78%)
4. Eastern Orthodox (76%)
5. Roman Catholic (76%)
6. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (71%)
7. Islam (69%)
8. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (69%)
9. Orthodox Judaism (69%)
10. Bahá'í Faith (68%)
11. Jehovah's Witness (65%)
12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (52%)
13. Liberal Quakers (49%)
14. Sikhism (44%)
15. Jainism (39%)
16. Reform Judaism (39%)
17. Mahayana Buddhism (37%)
18. Theravada Buddhism (36%)
19. Unitarian Universalism (36%)
20. Hinduism (29%)
21. Scientology (29%)
22. New Thought (28%)
23. New Age (23%)
24. Neo-Pagan (20%)
25. Nontheist (16%)
26. Secular Humanism (15%)
27. Taoism (11%)

And it is right. If you want, take it at _7665_1.html

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

24/7 AIM Chat!

Hey few and faithful readers!

Come to my AIM chat room "Randomocity"! I'm going to leave it open 24/7, and you can come and go as you please. It's going to be fun! Lots and lots of people there. Even just come and say hi while I am asleep. I dont care! Just have fun.