Sunday, March 07, 2004

Been a few days.

Oratorio was at the front of the lifelife for me... it's over now thank goodness. It was a long night.

I can't wait until this year is over. I mean, I'm not looking forward to this 20 hour internship that i have to do... to make it worse, it's during the afternoon. I mean, I gave them my schedule for a reason. my mornings are definately open. and what do they do. Oh, they put me with a teacher who only teaches afternoons. Great. Why does everyone demand so much of me... spring break can NOT come soon enough. Less than two weeks. Thank God.

I signed up to do a pool tournament. It should be fun. I probably won't win, Jamel probably will, if he signs up (he hasn't on the downstairs one). So who knows.

Anyways that's it.

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