Monday, March 06, 2006

At Southwest High School Today. I am tired. Long weekend. Interview went well. I just applied for another position in Cedarburg, WI. Until I know I have a job, I'm going to keep looking.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Haven't posted in this one in a while because all the sub jobs I was getting I was too busy to make an entry. Im at lincoln elementary today. Tomorrow is my interview in LaSalle, IL. Last weekend was Solo and Ensemble. It was very hard. At one point I was suposed to be in 4 places. But I can't help that. Ok bye.

Friday, February 17, 2006

West again today, this time for choir, and I have no idea what I am going to do, because there are no plans, because of the blizzard yesterday. We got over 13 inches of snow. I guess that was a record. So I understand, but I wish I knew more of what I had to do with these kids besides solo & ensemble, because I know that not all of them are doing solo & ensemble. But eh, what can you do.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

1st one of 2006

About 2 hours ago, I got a call that I got an interview in La Salle, IL! It's a high school job! Yeah, it's a little out there, but it's not too far from Chicago, and it's not too far from friends who still live near Millikin. So I'm excited for that. It's on March 2. I may have to have a weekend at Millikin or something; either that, or a weekend at Platteville, or something like that. We shall see.

Not going to London anymore, it's too expensive. Wah. Oh well, I'll do something at home, and go on vacation somewhere this summer.


West today. I was at Nicolet Elem. on monday. I have to go to washington tomorrow for a while to accompany people, and then I"m at Preble until late doing sectionals. However, I wonder if that is still going to happen with the pending snow storm approaching. So who knows. Then West again on Friday. And that is this week.

My arm hurts.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Teaching a Preble today and tomorrow.

I am exhausted. I had an awful day yesterday, and I think it took it's toll on my body. My eyes are tired, my shoulders and neck and arms hurt, I can't think straight. It's tough. But it's a test as well, because I KNOW I'm going to feel this way as a teacher sometimes.

That's about all.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

At Red Smith just for the morning doing elementary.

I think I'm getting a cold. It started yesterday, and I've been taking Airbourne nonstop and drinking orange juice and lots of stuff. I still feel achy and tired and my nose is runny. So hopefully that's all that will happen. Or maybe it's because the last two nights I've gotten less sleep than I should. Last night I didn't sleep well at all because mom and aria and crystal were so loud talking and ari was blasting my fair lady. So grr. I'm taking a nap this afternoon. Maybe I can sleep this cold away.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Elementary at Danz today. It's fun although it wears me out sometimes. I'm only teaching Kindergarten and 1st grade today. So I only need to look at Lesson Plans. Elementary lesson plans are so nice because they list everything. And you don't have to adapt as much. High school you can wing it and get away with it but not always with success. So you know. Some of these kids are so sweet.

The rest of this week depends on if I get called or not. Who knows if I will. If it's not music I'm less likely to take it. At this point money is not an issue. I just want to teach music. Not tech ed, not elementary grades, not special ed. I just love teaching music to people of any age.

My next class is coming so bye.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Today was a W week, as I conclude my week at Wequiock. And I must say Wequiock has the best view ever, it looks out over the bay. It's awesome. I would love to teach here just for a view like this. Kids are great, plans are fine, it's all good.

Everyone wants me to sub for them. The teacher at Danz called me last night and asked me to sub for her next week as well as a day in March. Talk about getting your bases covered early. I told her I can do the March date but if an interview comes up that has to take precidence, and she agreed. Then later Ginger wanted me to sub for her again but I couldn't because I'm subbing here. It's just been insane. And I don't expect it to get any less busy. If anything it will get more busy, as I'm helping Sue with show choir things, like the retreat, and I'm transcribing something for her (which I have yet to start), and I am part of the worship team at church, plus I want to be in the choir there... I have to see how this goes and wonder if I am spreading myself too thin, even if it is something I"m enjoying. Because if you just pound and work your head off on something that you enjoy doing, and never get a break, it's not going to be enjoyable anymore. Which is hard to believe considering music is a huge part of my life, but I've seen it happen in other people. I want to be careful.

OK I have a class in here in 10 minutes. Although, I love going to lunch up here because it's like 7 minutes away from the Dyckesville Bowl. yummy.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Washington again today, and Aria makes me so mad. The system called me at 5:30 this morning and usually the phone is right by my bed. I usually know it's there. But it wasn't today, it was in Aria's room and she was freaking sleeping on it. I got so mad at her... I still am... but you know. So I missed the call, another sub was called, and Ginger had to cancel that and call me in to sub. So that was weird. But it's all taken care of. I'm still mad at Aria though. The fact remains that she had my phone in her room when she has a phone of her own in there. She makes me so mad sometimes. So I don't know.

Dream Theater tickets still are not posted on ticketmaster and that makes me a little ticked.
Aria owes me $175 for her new phone and she said she was going to pay me yesterday and she hasnt' yet.
I'm hungry.
I want to go to sleep right here and now.
I get cheese curds from the Dykesville bowl tomorrow because I'm teaching at Wequiock which is like halfway there.
I'm wearing my new denim blazer today.
In fact I'm wearing lots of new stuff for the first time today.
The end.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

West Today

I'm at West High today subbing for band. Luckily the teacher knew I was a music sub so I'm going over music terms, but I'm not conducting anything. Which is also good because I have maybe 2 instrumental experiences. So I don't know. But, it's cool. I'm tired though, Aria's friends woke me up at 2am. So who knows what will happen.

Three jobs now. The Geneva Middle School one is a long term sub job. Which means yeah, um, no, I'm not going to move down there to sub. So that one is out of there. There will probably be more jobs being posted coming up, particularly here in Green Bay, since there are retirements and movings going on... I'm hoping that if it does come down to it, I can land a job at a high school. Because then I will really truly enjoy teaching. Not that I don't already it's just hard to sub, because I don't have kids to mentor and monitor. Washington they are like 1/2 my kids, and at Preble, they know me for who I am and respect me the way that kids at Washington don't.

Speaking of which, there was a little crisis there yesterday. I dont' remember if I posted it... but two girls got into a pretty intense argument. I don'tk now what it was about... but it was something someone two years older than themprobably wouldn't argue about. Luckily it wasn't more than what it was. I told the guidance counselor and that was it.


Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm subbing at Washington today. I already know of 2 other sub jobs this week, which means as of right now monday, I have only 2 days off this week. Which is fine. I need money.

Today so far has gone ok. 2nd hour is fine. 3rd hour is insane. They would not calm down. And 6th hour about 1/2 is great, 1/4 has an attitude problem and 1/4 like to whine a lot. School is a no whine zone. And 7th hour usually is great. But now everything is screwed up because things have changed and people ahve changed hours and stuff. So we will see what happens.

I didn't get the Lake Forest job. Stupids didn't even give me an interview. But oh well, I want to conduct, not accompany. Which makes me excited that I found this opportunity in Onalaska. Which means I still have 4 job possibilities. Geneva (middle school), Onalaska (secondary), Kaukana (high school), and LaSalle (high school). So hopefully. I'm going to get started on the Onalaska application tonite. I have to look more into the job description to know just what I am getting myself into if I were to get that job. So here's praying.

I sub at West tomorrow for band. Blah. I know nothing about teaching band. Hopefully he'll know that and make it easy for me. Then I sub here at Washington again on Thursday.

Mom and dad are now gone in Mexico. I'm officially the head of the house for a week. Hopefully Aria will listen to me a bit.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I'm subbing at Preble today after subbing at Red Smith yesterday. Yesterday was easy, today is easy. I"m loving it.

I got like 0 sleep last night... I couldn't sleep at all until like 3:30am. It was awful. So I ended up getting like 3 hours sleep... thank God I had a nap earlier in the day. I think that's what I'm running on right now. It's awful. I'm so tired.

And all I can keep thinking of is that job application and how I'm hoping that I get it and that they will call for an interview today even though I'm almost positive they won't today. They probably will on Tuesday. I applied for another job in Geneva, IL... it's a middle school position. I still have to apply for the job in Kaukauna, WI, and La Salle, IL. And it's only January! I'm not worried if I don't get a job right. Although, if I do, that would rawk.

I believe that is all.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Well, it's been a year since I last posted. However, I think I may start using this blog again, as I can post here from schools I sub at. No one will probably read this... If you do comment.

I'm subbing at Kennedy Elementary today. The only reason I would ever teach elementary is those kids are so cute... it's hilarious. But I just love to conduct and you can't really do that in an elementary setting. I sub again at Preble on Friday, so that'll be all good.

I'm going to apply for that job in the Chicago area tomorrow. I hope I get it... I'm praying I get it... because I would fit in so well. I just know it.