Friday, January 27, 2006

Today was a W week, as I conclude my week at Wequiock. And I must say Wequiock has the best view ever, it looks out over the bay. It's awesome. I would love to teach here just for a view like this. Kids are great, plans are fine, it's all good.

Everyone wants me to sub for them. The teacher at Danz called me last night and asked me to sub for her next week as well as a day in March. Talk about getting your bases covered early. I told her I can do the March date but if an interview comes up that has to take precidence, and she agreed. Then later Ginger wanted me to sub for her again but I couldn't because I'm subbing here. It's just been insane. And I don't expect it to get any less busy. If anything it will get more busy, as I'm helping Sue with show choir things, like the retreat, and I'm transcribing something for her (which I have yet to start), and I am part of the worship team at church, plus I want to be in the choir there... I have to see how this goes and wonder if I am spreading myself too thin, even if it is something I"m enjoying. Because if you just pound and work your head off on something that you enjoy doing, and never get a break, it's not going to be enjoyable anymore. Which is hard to believe considering music is a huge part of my life, but I've seen it happen in other people. I want to be careful.

OK I have a class in here in 10 minutes. Although, I love going to lunch up here because it's like 7 minutes away from the Dyckesville Bowl. yummy.

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