Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm subbing at Washington today. I already know of 2 other sub jobs this week, which means as of right now monday, I have only 2 days off this week. Which is fine. I need money.

Today so far has gone ok. 2nd hour is fine. 3rd hour is insane. They would not calm down. And 6th hour about 1/2 is great, 1/4 has an attitude problem and 1/4 like to whine a lot. School is a no whine zone. And 7th hour usually is great. But now everything is screwed up because things have changed and people ahve changed hours and stuff. So we will see what happens.

I didn't get the Lake Forest job. Stupids didn't even give me an interview. But oh well, I want to conduct, not accompany. Which makes me excited that I found this opportunity in Onalaska. Which means I still have 4 job possibilities. Geneva (middle school), Onalaska (secondary), Kaukana (high school), and LaSalle (high school). So hopefully. I'm going to get started on the Onalaska application tonite. I have to look more into the job description to know just what I am getting myself into if I were to get that job. So here's praying.

I sub at West tomorrow for band. Blah. I know nothing about teaching band. Hopefully he'll know that and make it easy for me. Then I sub here at Washington again on Thursday.

Mom and dad are now gone in Mexico. I'm officially the head of the house for a week. Hopefully Aria will listen to me a bit.

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