Saturday, August 30, 2003

OK you know I love the wizard. I can quote the movie front and back. But there was one thing I didn't know about it until this week when I read it on And here it is.


That is correct!!! That is freakin' hilarious in my book. This was like his first role. So that makes more famous people starring in a movie most people think is cheesy but awesomely nostalgic. I mean we have Fred Savage at the height of his stardom, Beau Bridges playing another role as a dad, and Christian Slater AND NOW Tobey Maguire before they became big stars. Who would have thought Tobey Maguire would be the biggest star of them all today?

Friday, August 29, 2003

I have one thing to say.

Dustin is weird. ;)

OK maybe I have a bit more to say. Like I can't seem to focus on reading. Granted the book is boring as heck. Child development. I can't seem to concentrate. Could I be pregnant? Dude what a coincidence.

Also my class is so weird this year because Some days I start at 9, some at 10, and some not until 11. So my sleep is all screwed up, especially after waking up early for work the last two months. That I needed to work at 7:30 for music camps at GB really screwed up my sleep metabolism and now I have such a hard time going back to sleep if I wake up at like 7 or 7:30.

Tonight we had a fire drill. At least it wasn't at like 6 in the morning like it was once for a tornado drill, or when Jason Fairfield woke up the entire dorm to yell at us about smoking pot (that was freshman year in Mills, the all guy dorm for those of you who don't know millikin and didn't read my archives.) OR at least it wasn't 20 below (overexcaggerating slightly but it still was like close to below freezing at least) like it was last year. when I was in shorts. and a t shirt.

My audition for Chamber is tomorrow, and I'm fairly confident it will go well. I hope it does. I really want to be in a choir that is committed, not only to creating great music but also committed to all rehearsals and activities, and is going to tour. UChoir just didn't work out.

Oh I forgot about my audtion yesterday for Vocal Jazz. Dr Holmes is teaching OneVoice this year so the audtion was weird. OK the song was fine, but the scat wasn't. When Wiedenhoffer did it he played an upbeat chorded beat pattern (although then some of hte chords were kind of hard to pick out since they were so dissenent). Dr Holmes however doesn't play the piano as well as Dr. Wiedenhoffer. All Dr. Holmes did was plunk out a medium pased bass line. Which is REEEEEEALLY hard to scat to. All in all I think I did OK, but I doubt I will be in OneVoice since it's so small and they already have Ian and Chris who were in it last year as tenors so..... you know...... I wouldn't mind being in Vocal Jazz Company again except that I was in it the last two years, and I think I am ready for something a little more challenging jazzwise. So if I don't get in it I may try out for Tudor Voices. But I still don't know.

OK that's about it except now FINALLY my space is ALL ORGANIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Dustins is TOOOOOOOOOOO! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Well that was weird.

OK Tuesday, my internet stops working. So I go to the lab and email the annoucements if anyone elses was working. Turns out my network access was blocked because of the Welchia virus (WHICH, PARDON MY FRENCH, SUCKS MORE ASS THAN THE BLASTER VIRUS). So I went to AT and got the disk and cleaned it and they said my internet access would be restored within 15 minutes. So I go home and wait. and wait. and wait. Still no dice. So I called them and went to bed internetless. Which made me sad.

Wednesday morning. I got a call from the head AT guy and he was coming over. So that afternoon he looked it over and thought maybe my ethernet card had died because the light didnt' even go on and nothing was working. So I took it to AT to be replaced.

About an hour later, I get back and they said my ethernet card worked fine. I take this back and it worked fine, except AIM didn't work. So I updated that along with Windows Update, and AIM worked fine until I tried to start a chat and it didn't work. Someone else started it, and invited me but it didn't work. A third person did and it did.

And to top it all off, the internet is still kind of slow. But basically that's the end of my day minus internet and I hated it.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Well I have resolved my problem with the 14 credit problem.

I have emailed Jeremy Brunk about taking Intermediate Composition instead of Beginning, and that may up me to 2 credits. It said one or two but I don't know how that works.

I am going to take Orchestra/Instrementalization. That is 2 credits. I figure hey if the chance arises where I may conduct an orchestra I'd like to be able to read scores or something like that. Or compose a symphony, like I have started to do. It's about 8 measures done with violin, viola, and cello. Maybe it will be done by the end of the year or something!

I am also going to be taking either Vocal Jazz or Tudor Voices, which is 1 credit.

So, I will end up with 17 or 18 credits. Which is more respectable.


OK on to other news. I left my backpack at home. AHHH. Especially to mom. So she is mailing it to me.

IV party was awesome. Ultimate frisbee is tomorrow! I got an IV shirt FINALLY! YAYAYAYAYAYAY.

Um ok I think that's it. Oh yeah there are these stars on my ceiling that the guy before left so that's weird. Ok bye.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

I'm back at Millikin and I'm really tired.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Well, this is it. My last day in Wisconsin. I should have stopped by Pellitier's one more time before I left but I didn't and I'm going to spend some time with Great Grandma. But tomorrow I go to school WITH MY CAR!!!!! Thank you GOD. So tonight and tomorrow are going to be hell, since tonight we tear down everything and tomorrow I have a long day of driving. Fun fun fun. But hey. At least it's not going to be like last year where we had to move 3498 ton risers in and out.

My time up here in Door County actually went pretty quickly. But I'm REALLY excited to get back to school and see everyone. Cory, Clayton, Jacob, Steph, Garrett, Jenny, Bobby, Becky, Dustin, and all of my other friends. I have missed them SO MUCH. It's so weird. Last year I didn't feel this "school-sick."

Friday, August 22, 2003

Ryan, thanks for making me take another survey :-p

Five details about you:
[x]I am a Christian
[x]I'm obsessed with music
[x]I love blue especially cerulean
[x]I'm a vocal music ed major
[x]I have a lot of quirky likenesses

Five details about your appearance right now:
[x]Khaki colored shirt
[x]Khaki shorts
[x]Bare feet
[x]Hair is damp and getting longer (I'm growing it out or attempting to since I"m not getting a haircut until october I think)

Five things you did today:
[x]Woke Up
[x]This sucks because this is the morning
[x]Watched TV

Five memorable things that happened in the last year (in no real order):
[x]Went to See FFH and PC3 (May 2003)
[x]Got 3 jobs (Summer 2003)
[x]I sang with an opera star (March 2003)
[x]I was intruduced to Homestar Runner (November 2002)
[x]I saw Troy win the feature for the first time (not his first time, first time I saw him win (June 2003))

Five things that everyone should know about you:
[x]I am very nice
[x]I do not smoke, I drink very rarely and swear rarely
[x]I am waiting until I'm married
[x]I have a wide variety of musical tastes
[x]I have ADD

Five favorite bands...currently:
[x]After Dark
[x]Anything really Prog Rock
[x]DC Talk

Five favorite movies:
[x]The Red Violin
[x]The Matrix
[x]Enter The Dragon
[x]Lord of the Rings

Five things that make you happy:
[x]Hanging out with my friends
[x]Knowing I'm going to like what I'm going to school for
[x]Knowing where I'm going

Five things that disgust you:
[x]How everything is becoming about sex (look at the media lately)
[x]People openly and loudly talking about their sex life in intimate details. (I thought that was private stuff...)

Five things that impress you:
[x]God (How can someone say that he didn't create this earth. So many things that we take for granted or don't even notice couldn't just be that way because.)
[x]The Packers (Yes, some packers do take pay cuts to stay on the team, plus so many are great role models for kids and a lot are Christians)
[x]My family
[x]Music Ed Students (Going through all that hell in school just to be in school again)

last cigarette: Never
last car ride: Me driving? last night home. Me riding? A couple of days ago with grandma
last kiss: None intimate, although Ashley and Jenny kissed me at midnight on New years...
last good cry: Last month when I got into a fight with my mom but she wasn't even there (when she got mad at me because I forgot to tell dad to call her and she didn't know where to go but she was there anyway and kept hanging up on me)
last library book checked out: The Age of Anxiety Score, I think. Maybe it was something else for school.
last movie seen: Tomb Raider 2
last book read: Armageddon (I'm reading East of Eden now)
last cuss word uttered: yesterday
last beverage drank: Water this morning
last food consumed: Rice Krispie treat
last phone call: Mom
last tv show watched: Rocko's modern life (when nicktoons were GOOD...)
last time showered: About an hour ago...
last shoes worn: Lees (they are brown shoes, kinda dressy)
last cd played: A cd I made with lots of songs I like on it
last soda drank: Pepsi
last thing written: Just some random thoughts
last key used: Car key
last word spoken: Something to Grandma I don't remember, who pays attention to that?
last sleep: Last night from about 2 to 9
last IM: It was a few days ago
last weird encounter: I saw Angela at the mall for like the first time in 3 years
last ice cream eaten: Cookies and Cream
last time wanting to die: Never (I don't wanna die)
last time in love: Never really, except for crushes
last time hugged: Gina hugged me when I said yes to working her shift earlier this week.... I think that was it otherwise it was someone in myfamily
last time scolded: It was probably at work...
last time resentful: I don't know... some day I was in a bad mood
last chair sat in: This one
last lipstick used: When a few years ago my sister and my two girl cousins dressed me up as a girl (I dont' know why I let them do stuff like that)
last underwear worn: blue underwear
last bra worn: Thank God it didnt go that far...
last shirt worn: I wore my class of 01 shirt to bed
last time dancing: I remember dancing but I dont' remember where... it wasn't that long ago
last poster looked at: the posters they have on the wall at the auditorium
last show attended: FFH
last webpage visited: A forum
one minute ago: Still doing this survey
one hour ago: In the shower
one day ago: Working at the PMF
one week ago: Working at the PMF
one year ago: Working at the PMF...
Well, last night I tried wine at the party and didn't really like it. Tonight I tried Leiny's beer and it was OK. Not a big beer fan. I like this though. Because Sharon doesn't give a shit that I'm not 21 yet (or because maybe she's OK with it because I"m close enough and NEED to try some alcoholic beverages so I have somewhat of a social life), I can drink alcoholic drinks and not have to worry about being carded. Not that it matters because I don't really like anything alcoholic yet. Except for hard lemonade and Skyy Blue.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Another reason I feel slightly left out is because the majority of my firends have apartments and I don't. Although my plan is to have one next year, as well as get a cell. Now that I'm bringing my car down to school a cell isn't a bad idea for me anymore. I wouldn't mind getting one. It doesn't have to be right away. If I do get one, it will probably be from decatur because I'm there the majority of the time anyway.

Monday, August 18, 2003

I seriously totally feel left out of the loop at Millikin. Because so many people I know are already there in apartments or houses or dorms. And I'm not going to see them for 5 more days. WAH. I MISS MY FRIENDS. I never thought I'd say this but I serioulsy miss Decatur. It is too weird.
I'm home for the day yesterday and for the morning today so I"m going to be leaving to go back within the next couple of hours. I had to be here to shop and pack for school and I got most of that done.

Friday, August 15, 2003


No more urkel pic

Thursday, August 14, 2003

You're Homestar Runner

You are athletic, funny, and good with at least one lady. Unfortunately people have had conversations with trees smarter than you. You'll always be the life of the party, even if you don't know why.

Which Homestar Runner Character Am I?

What else is new? I'm always HSR in these quizzes.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003


Monday, August 11, 2003

I'm tired and I spend WAY too much time on this computer lately..................................... I need to go do something else besides sit on my butt on the computer or in front of the TV while I am up here if not at work.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

-- Name: Spencer
-- Birth date: 4/20/83
-- Birthplace: Green Bay, WI
-- Current Location: My current location is Sister Bay, WI, but I commute to Fish Creek WI almost every day
-- Eye Color: green
-- Hair Color: brown
-- Height: 5'7". I think.
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty-o, neighbor
-- Zodiac Sign: Aries or Taurus, depending on which bogus astrology article you read

-- The shoes you wore today: Today I haven't worn any shoes. So how can I say.
-- Your weakness: ADD
-- Your fears: dying too young (meaning dying before I'm 180.)
-- Your perfect pizza: That pizza I make in the breadmaker with italian seasoning and parmeasean in the crust. mmmmm
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: To live to be 180 and to be a great conductor/teacher/dude person
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
-- Your thoughts first waking up: ooooh. why me.
-- Your best physical feature: Physical? Oh WHY physical? I don't know.
-- Your bedtime: Usually around midnight but that is because I work in the morning. On non work days more like 2.
-- Your most missed memory: Being in England.
-- In love?: Sometimes.
-- Have a weird fetish?: Not really.
-- Prefer a certain position?: I am a virgin.
-- Smoke?: HELL no.
-- Cuss?: When provoked.
-- Sing?: YES.
-- Take a shower everyday?: Usually.
-- Have a crush?: Yes.
-- Do you think you've been in love?: I dont' know.
-- Want to go to college?: No I don't. That's why I'm going there now.
-- Like(d) high school?: Yeah.
-- Want to get married?: YES.
-- Believe in yourself?: Usually.
-- Get motion sickness?: Not often, once in an eon.
-- Think you're attractive?: Once in a while.
-- Think you're a health freak?: Not really, although my metabolism speaks otherwise. Although, I love herbal tea and all natural ginger ale.
-- Get along with your parent(s): Usually.
-- Like thunderstorms?: During the day, or at night when far away. If it's a bad one I get paranoid.
-- Play an instrument: Piano.
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol?: Yes. 1 Skyy Blue. I LOVE it. More alcohol than a beer but better taste.
-- Smoked?: HELL No.
-- Done a drug?: Prescribed or Over the counter? Yes. Illegal? No.
-- Had Sex?: No.
-- Made Out?: No.
-- Gone on a date?: On a friendly one.
-- Gone to the mall?: Yes.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No
-- Eaten sushi?: No.
-- Been on stage?: Yes.
-- Been dumped?: No.
-- Gone skating?: No.

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: No
-- If so, was it mixed company?: No
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: No.
-- Been caught "doing something"?: No, because I've never done the implied something if that was the implication.
-- Been called a tease?: No
-- Gotten beaten up?: Yes
-- Shoplifted?: No
-- Changed who you were to fit in?: Not really. Slightly perhaps but I fit in everywhere.

-- Age you hope to be married: Before I'm 30.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 3 children. Girl names: Sonata, Samantha, and Melody. Guy names: Ian, ......... I don't know. Guys names are harder.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I don't know.
-- How do you want to die: As the oldest man in the world.
-- Where do you want to go to college: Yeah Millikin is out of the question.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A famous conductor. But then again, I'm never really going to grow up because that means getting old.
In a girl...
-- Best eye color?: doesn't matter.
-- Best hair color?: doesn't matter.
-- Short or long hair?: doesn't matter
-- Height: doesn't matter.
-- Best weight: doesn't matter.
-- Best articles of clothing: doesn't matter.
-- Best first date location: doesn't matter.
-- Best first kiss location: lips.
-- # of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- # of people you could trust with my life: I could count them on my hands.
-- # of CDs that I own: Like 100 but I have more mp3s
-- # of tattoos: 0
-- # of piercings: 0
-- # of scars on my body: 1 tiny one
-- # of birthmarks: quite a few
-- # of things in my past that I regret: that I wasn't more outgoing
Today I have a day off. So I dont' know what to do. I may go to Pellitiers for my luncheon meal and may tip aria. or maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Although I won't have much time tomorrow... ARGH

Thursday, August 07, 2003

OK it works now.

I'm in Chamber Chorale. I don't know if I wrote this. But I got a letter that I"m auditioning in Chamber. So I'm semi-dissapointed but hey I"m going to be in a commited group and that is all I wanted. Unfortunately all my friends are in UChoir, but hey we sing hard music. SO I'm happy. Hope Dr. Forbes picks some Eric Whitacre :)
Just checking something because nothing shows up when I wanna read my blog

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Oh and I am eating solid food again. Thank God. I am not eating Jello for at least 3 months.
I have a new favorite song and it's Move Your Feet By Junior Senior. It's so addicted I can't stop listening to it! And what's awesome the guy singing IS NOT MICHAEL JACKSON BUT HE SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE IT. And the video is so weird it's sweet. So, I have decided the next album I'm gonna buy is this:

And get it before I go back to school

Monday, August 04, 2003

Friday, August 01, 2003

The surgery went well. I don't remember the actual act, they put me to sleep. I didn't even feel the shot, they froze my arm. That is really nice. I think everyone should do that. I mean, they put freezing cold water on the vein and give you the shot you don't even feel it. Then the last thing I remember, they are like "How are you feeling" and i"M like "I'm still up." I was up for another minute, and the next thing I remember I wake up with gauze on my mouth and stuff and they wheeled me out of the place. I t was really hard to get up. And I peed my pants but you are asleep I didn't even realize I did that until I went home. Kind of embarassing but I"m sure it's normal. And my mouth bled but it stopped before I went to sleep. It doesn't hurt as much as I thought but it's a dull pain. Dull continuous pain sucks. And I can't eat hard stuff yet, but I got me all this pudding, jello, popsicles, meal shakes, etc. So I should be allright.

Tomb raider was cool. I told the popcorn guy to put tons of butter on because it was my last night of solid food for a while. I mean I"m not going to be eating popcorn for a while. SO I thought I'd make it GOOD. It was. THe movie was all right. The first one was better. The next night a guy that my dad played in the band Worlds with came over and I don't rmember him because the last time I saw him I was probably 4. So it was cool but also kind of embarrasing because I had bloody gauze in my mouth. I was still disoriented a little last night. I left bloody tissues on the counter and mom is like "SPENCE!" And other crap. I watched Shanghai Knights. It was good but the first one was better. And I bought rush hour 2. I guess I'm in my Jackie Chan mode for the time being.

I have to start packing for door county today. I hope I"m recovered enough.