Friday, August 29, 2003

I have one thing to say.

Dustin is weird. ;)

OK maybe I have a bit more to say. Like I can't seem to focus on reading. Granted the book is boring as heck. Child development. I can't seem to concentrate. Could I be pregnant? Dude what a coincidence.

Also my class is so weird this year because Some days I start at 9, some at 10, and some not until 11. So my sleep is all screwed up, especially after waking up early for work the last two months. That I needed to work at 7:30 for music camps at GB really screwed up my sleep metabolism and now I have such a hard time going back to sleep if I wake up at like 7 or 7:30.

Tonight we had a fire drill. At least it wasn't at like 6 in the morning like it was once for a tornado drill, or when Jason Fairfield woke up the entire dorm to yell at us about smoking pot (that was freshman year in Mills, the all guy dorm for those of you who don't know millikin and didn't read my archives.) OR at least it wasn't 20 below (overexcaggerating slightly but it still was like close to below freezing at least) like it was last year. when I was in shorts. and a t shirt.

My audition for Chamber is tomorrow, and I'm fairly confident it will go well. I hope it does. I really want to be in a choir that is committed, not only to creating great music but also committed to all rehearsals and activities, and is going to tour. UChoir just didn't work out.

Oh I forgot about my audtion yesterday for Vocal Jazz. Dr Holmes is teaching OneVoice this year so the audtion was weird. OK the song was fine, but the scat wasn't. When Wiedenhoffer did it he played an upbeat chorded beat pattern (although then some of hte chords were kind of hard to pick out since they were so dissenent). Dr Holmes however doesn't play the piano as well as Dr. Wiedenhoffer. All Dr. Holmes did was plunk out a medium pased bass line. Which is REEEEEEALLY hard to scat to. All in all I think I did OK, but I doubt I will be in OneVoice since it's so small and they already have Ian and Chris who were in it last year as tenors so..... you know...... I wouldn't mind being in Vocal Jazz Company again except that I was in it the last two years, and I think I am ready for something a little more challenging jazzwise. So if I don't get in it I may try out for Tudor Voices. But I still don't know.

OK that's about it except now FINALLY my space is ALL ORGANIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Dustins is TOOOOOOOOOOO! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY.

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