Tuesday, December 31, 2002

My posts are posting now. Good! I had a good last few days... we went to the mall of america. It was fun. OK that's all for now... my grandpa and his wife are here and we are going to have dinner and then I don't know what I am going to do for the final 6 hours of 2002. But happy new year! Next post will proabaly be in 2003.

Thursday, December 26, 2002

My latest posts aren't showing... but ok. Christmas was great. I GOT WINDOWS XP FOR MY COMPUTER AT SCHOOL!!! I am so excited about that... windows Me sucks. I also got some flannel pants... I love those things. They are so comfortable. And some other stuff. Fun times.

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I got the vespers CDs today.... OH MY GOD. They sound SO GOOD!!! So much better than that bootleg copy of last years vespers I got... Lux Arumque gives me shivers every time I hear it. I'm still listening to it right now. I gave Mrs. Mac hers and she was so happy to get it!

Friday, December 20, 2002

OK for some reason my latest post isn't showing up anymore and also my counters are gone (although that could be the work that bravenet, the website who hosts the counters, is doing some maitenence.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Well, I'm home now! I'm so glad to be home. I need to do Christmas shopping though. That's pretty hard to do when you are broke. But I'm getting excited because of the concert tomorrow night and I'm getting mad at classical archives because my compositions aren't up yet and it's been almost a week. I hope they are up soon!

I just found out that my mom has to have a historectomy next month. :( Please pray for her!

Monday, December 16, 2002

Oh yeah, how could I forget? I'm a poster child for Millikin now! I'M ON THE MILLIKIN WEBSITE!!!!!!!!! YEAH BABY! It was during the cookie party. I saw that and I'm like Woah! Awesome!
Well in less than 36 hours I WILL BE HOME!!! YEah.. I can't wait. I have 2 finals tomorrow and I need to pack and I'm all set. Awesome. Talked to Tember online and she said that Grandma loved the movie and that everyone cried when they showed her the scrapbook. I SO WISH I WAS THERE!!! Damn, you Millikin, for scheduling finals after yesterday. OK I'm going to study or pack now...

Sunday, December 15, 2002

I want to type a really long post for some reason so here goes:

Why is there no snow in Decatur? I just seems like it never snows here, whereas it snows north of us, or south of us, or west of us ( I don't know about east of us; oh wait that DID happen once) and it just takes a break as it passes over Decatur. Sure we had a few flurries one day and another day it was an icy mix that left the ground semi-dusted with the white stuff. But hey! I'm waiting for the foot of snow that better fall while I am at home. I have been snow deprived. Last year it didn't snow much at all here, and it didn't snow much while I was home. Ironically enough the day I leave back for school last year, we are in Illinois and Molly calls home and they are having a blizzard. That ticked me off. We didn't get our first real snow until like March and it was like 70 degrees in January. Well I hope we get tons of snow this year. I hope that when I get back to Decatur that it will be covered waist high with snow. OK I know that is kind of a high expectation but who cares. I should get it to make up for all the snowless days I went with last year.

Only 4 (or is it 3? I don't know whether to count today or not since it is 1 in teh morning) more days until I go home. I leave on Wednesday morning. I miss Aria's Christmas concert but that's Ok I saw it last year and anyway I'm just glad I'm going home! What's weird is that anytime I'm at home now the time goes by so fast. And a lot at school time drags on. Why can't it be the other way around? I mean pre-college days I couldn't wait to come down here. Now I go home every chance I get. It's weird.

I taught a song to 1st graders yesterday and it was SO MUCH FUN! I had doubts about teaching elementary children but they had so much fun! They loved the song. Everyone says how I'd make a great elementary school teacher. And I probably would love doing it since I get along well with kids (especially younger ones:)) But I want to keep my options open. High school might be great. And I really want to conduct. I mean teaching college choir would be awesome too. Each setting has it's pros and cons. When it comes time to find a job, I probably won't have a hard time finding one (the general consesus is that there is a major shortage of music teachers (hopefully no one will cut music from their school that would be a GRAVE MISTAKE just throwing a random statement in about my beliefs but that's another rant), the hard thing is just CHOOSING what I want to do. I mean take Ms. Kuo. She was a student teacher at Preble when I was a Junior, I believe. Maybe a Senior. But Mrs. Mac says that she is teaching elementary music now and loves it. But she would have made an awesome high school teacher as well. So I want to keep my options open. In time I know that God will guide me in the right direction.

OK That's it for now.
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! MY ARCHIVES ARE NOW MONTHLY!!! That is AWESOME! It only took like what, 3 weeks? But hey I am psyched!

It doesn't take much at 12:50 in the morning does it? Oh well, I don't have any finals tomorrow so I am taking advantage of staying up late.
I changed my comment above and listen to it. No one has ever left me a message on the comments. I feel neglected :(

Saturday, December 14, 2002

LOL I just found out that there was a Japanese animated series called "Torappu ikka monogatari". Guess what it is? THE SOUND OF MUSIC!!!!!!! OK maybe not the sound of music, but it is the story of the Trapp family singers (whose biography I saw last night was VERY interesting!) and from the few english reviews I have read, it is strikingly authentic. If I can find it anywhere I'd rent it or get it and see it.
I wrote my best two part invention last night. It is in 7/8 time and sounds awesome. I can't stop listening to it. I also had a nightmare last night which my alarm clock woke me up thank God. I dreamt that on the news they were showing pictures of this guy who sliced his son and his wife in half and the faces were still like normal; it was freaky. Like their eyes were still open and there was a lot of blood and it was scary. And they showed other nice pictures of them and I was crying. And then Aria called and left a message saying "My God. Spence pick up the phone." Then the alarm clock woke me up.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Well the party went well. I wish more people could have come and stayed longer; the majority of the people had to leave at 7 and Garrett doesn't like Jakes pizza. Oh well. It was still fun. Garrett gets to leave to go home tomorrow. Lucky. Oh well. I have juries tomorrow and a lesson plan to do for teaching at the LSA tomorrow and I can't post on the Homestar Runner message board because I can't get to the page it says it can't find it whereas other people can. What gives?
Our party is in 3 1/2 hours and we can't watch movies in the lounge because of dead hours so we don't know what to do.
I had the weirdest dream last night. I was at this mass christmas concert with lots of choirs there, including UChoir. I went with Garrett and we arrived on time, but Garrett was in the wrong place because he began singing and everyone around him was a bass. After this one big chord the floor started moving in a circle. When it reached stairs I went down them, and then I noticed all these kids floating and I wanted to float so some kid began carrying me and then I started to float and fly through the air!!!! It was awesome. Then Dr. Forbes saw me (he saw me last time I levitated in another dream) and then I started to go down because floating I guess makes you dizzy. And then when I was on the ground I swore him to secrecy.

Why do I have these weird dreams?

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

WHY IN THE HELL does the stupid counter keep changing the option NOT TO COUNT MY OWN HITS BACK ON?!?!?!? It is really annoying.
I haven't done some of these in a while so I thought I'd do a few!
You are Civilian Calvin!
You don't get to travel much outside your neighborhood, but you still manage to get in plenty of trouble. When you're not acting up, you like to wax philosophical.
Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by contessina_2000@yahoo.com!

Ahh Calvin!!!

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I'm Grover on Ecstacy. lol. I think Grover is the best Sesame Street character anyday. Grover can kick Elmo's butt. Elmo is just annoying but Grover is awesome (Cookie Monster is a close second)

which song describes you the best?

This is interesting... I think this song is OK but I don't like it that much....
There was another one that described your musical genre but none of the questions fit me! Like "Who do you like out of these people" and they had aaliyah, britney spears, blind guardian, eminem, linkin park, daft punk. I don't like any of them (I have no idea who Blind Guardian is though so maybe I like them but I don't know.)

Which Magical Order Are You In?

brought to you by Quizilla

This is interesting.... I don't distance myself from others though I am not very social...

Which Season are you?

Even though the question about makeup through me off I love winter :)

You are 27% geek

You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.

Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend.

You [to Geek]: We need more than that, Scotty. You'll have to stay until you can squeeze more outta them engines!

Geek [to You]: I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!

You [to Normal]: He wants to know if he gets overtime.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

Lol this is funny. I guess I am a little geeky but not a lot I'm pretty normal.

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!

I actually played around with this a little because I wanted to be Frank. I haven't yet seen a room he did that I didn't like and my mom remodeled the upstairs bathroom after his Mexican kitchen (the one with the sarape on the ceiling).
Just got done with barriers so I am happy. But now for a rant and rave.

Why did I even put the comment things on the board? No one EVER leaves a comment. I put them up there so people can leave comments but no one ever does. Same with my guest book on the other site. No one ever signs it. Why? It makes me mad. Grrr.... Oh well. I guess I can't help it.

6 days
5 finals
Tomorrow is the party
9 days till I go see Chapter 6

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

I saved Jenny's life (or at least I saved her $1) because after many tries by her friends and herself, I took a hanger and got into her room where she locked herself out. ON THE FIRST TRY! Awesome awesome awesome. Fun stuff.
Well classes are finally over. So the countdown begins:

7 days
5 1/2 finals
0 papers (thank God I had like almost no papers this semester :) I am lucky

I'm really annoyed of two things:
1. the homestar runner message board won't work AGAIN. What is the deal with that? Why doesn't it ever work? It's weird. There must be something wrong with it or something because it happens ALL OF THE TIME!!!
2. I really hate those stupid popups that take up almost the entire screen and fool you into clicking an ad with an x in the corner when there is a button that says "close window" and when you click it nothing happens so you have to right click it on the bottom of the screen and say close. Those things are annoying and I hate them.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

All righty VESPAS IS OVAH!

I am SO mad at Garrett right now he makes fun of my Wisconsin accent in his Christmas cards he is sending to all of his relatives. Grr. Oh well. I can't help it. He has an accent and hates to admit until he is trying to prove a point so he looks like he is right.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

Garrett keeps making fun of my parents for saying "Clean up before we come because your grandparents are coming." I don't blame him. I mean was our room ever really messy? We don't have (much) crap on the floor like in most dormrooms. Oh well they are coming today. So I guess I have to "Clean up".

Vespers performance @3 today wish everyone luck especially on Præludium Noël because we keep forgetting the words (Arise used to be just as bad now it's OK.)

Friday, December 06, 2002

I'm hungry.
Well, tomorrow my family comes and is Vespers Performance #1. Tonite is the dress rehearsal. I have a piano final in a little while and stuff..... I am so overwhelmed again and I have to take 20 credits again next semester. AHHH!!! I have decided that if there is a likely chance that I don't have to take that many credits next semester I won't.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Also, and I'm not sure if I will do this yet or not; I might move this over to another blog site or something... I see so many other sites that are better where you can enter your mood and what music you are listening to and stuff but i don't know if I will do that yet or not.
This is making me mad;
I wanted to observe the nursing home today but I was too late to get a ride.
I was late to recital attendance I probably won't get all 14 (I have 12 that really sucks if I don't get them all)
Blogger is not changing my archives to monthly. I still have a huge list of weekly archives.
I don't know. I'm having a blah day even though I have no vespers tonite.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Hell week day three:

Actually this rehearal wasn't so bad. The funniest thing was seeing Giovanni go nuts because we had to go back and forth practicing the logistics. Actually he and Kurt were standing on the edge of the risers where two risers met and he's like "OK, I'm standing on the riser's buttcrack." And I said "Well Kurt is straddling the riser's buttcrack." And it was so funny.

The highlight of the evening was when everyone sang happy birthday to my great-grandma on camera!! Last night when I asked Dr. Holmes said "Let me think about that" and earlier when I told Chris he said that, he said "which means no." I brought the camcorder just in case and he did it and she is going to love it!!!!! I can't wait. Well off to class. I can't wait until this is over!

Monday, December 02, 2002

Hell week day two:

Funny thing happened during Concert Choir rehearsal. Prof. Hesse was like " I have faith that you can move the audience with this song and it will come" and then Nick says loud enough so everyone could hear "everywhere all over the audience" it was kind of sick but it was so hilarious because he said it so loud.

Yet another vespers rehearsal finished. Mostly we worked on logistics. I am going to be toast after vespers and stuff. I had my voice lesson today and I didn't work much over the break but I need to work on my songs and it is going to be almost impossible to do that because of Vespers taking up pretty much all of my vocal energy. And juries and barriers are right after vespers is over. Great planning, Millikin.

Sunday, December 01, 2002

Hell week begins:

Vespers rehearsal was exhausting. Much more exhausting than I had anticipated. And it's going to get worse. Oh well. I hope my voice doesn't fail me.

Thanksgiving was fun. I was so glad to go home, but it seemed so rushed. It went way too fast. Wednesday I went and observed 3 hours for intro. And worked. On Thanksgiving I went to grandpa's and had prime rib. Friday I DID NOT SHOP, I worked. We had turkey at home. Saturday we got the tree. 14 footer. Great stuff. Sunday I went home. Sad. I wanted to stay. But it was vespers time. Vespers. Plus I'm seeing my family on Saturday. SATURDAY?!?!? Vespers is this weekend ALREADY?!?!?!? Holy crap. I hope I can survive. Luckily most of my classes are taking it easy on us Vespers kids.