Friday, June 27, 2003

The titles don't work on this template so screw it.

Trying something new, title-wise

So, yeah I never knew there was an option for posting titles, so I guess I will try it for a while... see what happens
Last night I got the urge to splurge, so I went to wal mart and bought Meet The Parents and the Coldplay CD. It's so tough to save up so much money for a car stereo!

Thursday, June 26, 2003

I got up EARLY today, because I didn't go back to sleep after the dog wakes me up every morning (she drives me nuts doing that, why doesn't mom let her out she's usually up by then!). I went to Mr. Schonke's early today, at 9, because I was late the last time. I'm going to try and get into a habit like this, because I have to get up early to work at the PMF, and I may working at UWGB. I start on Monday for that job by the way.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

It's down, so what do you do? IMPROVISE
I got a mug at goodwill. One of those tall ones so I can use one celestial seasonings tea bag, and not have to waste using it since the bags are big so you could plausibly use them more than once. I mean, bengal spice is a delicacy tea! it's my favorite. In fact, I may have some tonight.
Aria's a brat.
It is SO HOT and HUMID outside... it's supposed to get up to 90 today. Then tomorrow back down to the 70s and less humid. Ahh. Anyways, I'm home for lunch so I'm going to eat bye

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I have a day off!!! Mr. Schonke called me last night, he had to go to Madison. I wouldn't be working this morning anyway because of the rain, but still that is cool. So I'm happy.

I swear I wrote this already... am I experienceing Deja Vu? Has the matrix been changed? Are there agents outside?

I've decided I'm going to make a few changes to the appearance to this site. I don't know how to change a template and not ruin the links I have made so I'm just going to make a few color changes before I fool around with sizes and shapes.
Sleepytime tea is finally kicking in. Hopefully this stupid congested nose will go away... have a good night!

See? Now I have fireballs coming out of my mouth.

Katie, I DIDN'T! Don't make me get mad.

Monday, June 23, 2003

So, why am I still up? I got a call from Mr. Schonke today, saying that he had to go to Madison tomorrow, so I have a day off! Whoo hoo! Only thing is no money being made, but hey, now I can send out that money order for my fanta sign I got off of Ebay! Only cost me 19.55. Including shipping. so yeah. yay. I'm going to go in early on Wednesday then, unless it rains.

I'm all done spending money on stuff; after buying 44 cans of Jolly Good at the store (16 cents a can, how can you go wrong), I figure it's time to save up for my stereo again. I'm almost done paying back my parents for my car stuff so I hope to get my new stereo within the next couple of weeks.

It was hot and humid today, and it's supposed to get really close to 90 tomorrow and even more humid than today. So yeah tomorrow is going to feel like 100 or higher. You who read this and are from the south may laugh at me, but I laugh at you who call 60 cold. Wearing heavy coats when it's 60 is so weird! I wear t shirts in that weather, and some peopel wear SHORTS when it's 65. And 25 is not very cold, weatherbug.
Comments aren't working right now, due to a problem with haloscan. That kind of sucks, because my people from the message boards keep leaving messages, more than ever before (I had close to none before this so I dont' want it to stop the comments finally have use, over a year after putting them on.

Gypsy moth caterpillars are back! Kill them all! We looked under the burlap and found a couple, but then I found one in between the burlap so we had to look in between them all again. For those of you who don't know, gypsy moths are an alien species in the Green Bay area, and their caterpillars wreak havoc on native oak trees. So we have to kill the caterpillars.
Mr. Schonke got on my case a little bit for being late for work today. To make up for that I said I'd go in early tomorrow. So that was slightly embarrasing but he did say I'm a good hard worker and being late is not a good habit to get into. I just wish I did more slightly physical work than weeding more often. But he had 10 yards of mulch come in today so I know what I am doing over there tomorrow...

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Well in less than an hour ATHF is on. I should be used to this by now, this is the third week I have had to endure without watching it on tv, but still it is a major pain. Gahh!
Brada stole my font and Coke II rules.

Saturday, June 21, 2003

What a weird night. Mom is really depressed. She was crying and saying she hates her life and how ugly she is and fat she is and that she doesn't succeed in anything she does and stuff. I don't know but I think the situation with Aria and Grandma and other stuff going on in her life came to a head tonight.

Pray for her. I'm not too worried, but I am nonetheless worried.
I need to go to bed. Should I?

Friday, June 20, 2003

Argh mom ruined my good evening by meddling in my affairs again. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" "I'm typing" "FOR WHAT?" "NOTING!!!" "You are typing for nothing." GGGGRRRRRRR Why does she need to know EVERYThing. So I asked her. and she's like "Well that's what makes me a good mom. Could you imagine having a mom who didn't want to know anything?" Yes it would be better than a mom who snoops in everything and wants to know everything about people's lives and when confronted about it denies it like she denies every other fault she has... GGGGGAAAAAAHHHHh!
I started my job at UWGB today. I think it's going to be awesome. And if not at least it will be better than mowing lawns and getting bitten by mosquitoes while planting hostas along the edge of the garden. blech. My legs are finally started to get less itchy. And I have farmer's tan. oh well hopefully I will get fuller tan.

Next week it's supposed to hit close to 90 degrees. Summer has finally arrived.

Today I drove to Appleton for one reason: to get an ATHF shirt from Hot Topic. It was great. The people at the counter wanted me to get a patch but patches aren't my thing plus where would I put it?

Monday, June 16, 2003

My mom is so nosy. Ok, I was watching homestar runner. And I was laughing. And she's like going around the house saying, "Spence, are you watching TV? What's so funny? Are you watching the talking shake? (aka Aqua Teen Hunger Force I totally wish I had NEVER said anything to her about that I HATE it when she calls it that.) It better not be anything naughty!" And I'm like "You are so nosy why do you need to know EVERYTHING about my life? I'm 20 years old I can watch whatever I want."

Mom totally sucks sometimes. Especially in the late afternoon when she starts drinking wine, then totally starts getting tipsy, expressing how much she wants to play rook and whining, then falling asleep on the couch.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Whoa they changed it! The entering thing I mean. They weren't kidding. Man it does look nice. I'm liking it.

Anyways, today was a long hard day of work. I made money but yeah it was hard work. But OH MAN I took a hot bath and that was like 2 1/2 hours ago or more, and I still feel relaxed! I am GOOD!

Saturday, June 07, 2003


I swear, this summer already has inspired me when I move out and start a family to either
a. live in an apartment, so I don't have to mow a lawn, or
b. live in a house with a big yard, so I can get a riding lawnmower.

Friday, June 06, 2003

I love Rush. Yeah they are awesome. OK Yeah work is kind of stressing me out a little bit lately since I"m working really hard but yeah I'm making the big money as Geddy Lee would sing ok bye