Sunday, November 30, 2003

And hell week begins

So begins another week of vespers rehearsals every night. And woo I am excited. No seriously I am exhausted right now. I have a big paper due tomorrow and this is the least amount of motivation I have EVER had on doing a paper. It's really important I do it but my mind is saying "no don't do it it's stupid you already presented on it". I heard it had to be 10 pages long. I already have a couple done but it is all incomplete and just ideas. I'm probably going to try and work on it for about another hour before I go to bed; I haven't really even unpacked from being home yet. But seriously I can't keep my eyes open right now. I am going to try and get at least one or 2 more pages done, and my source page, and be through for the night. I can finish it tomorrow afternoon.

OK so what did I do when I was home?

Got home. Laid down and watched Aria's Friends DVD again (she has season 2 and that Smelly Cat episode is the best ever). Ate manicotti with Grandpa and Barb. Played Rook. Taught family Euchre.

Did a lot of nothing. Helped prepare dinner with Uncle Mike and Great Grandma. Watched Packers humiliating loss. Ate turkey. Felt tryptophan flow through my body. Got over it. Played Shove-It.

Worked. Made money. Did some of my homework at work so I could feel like I got something accomplished this weekend. In all actuality I got about a quarter of what I wanted to get done done this weekend. But I guess I am satisfied.

Got the tree. Decorated it. Started my paper. Practiced.

To be frank I thought the weekend flowed by way too fast, and I didn't get enough sleep because my mother decided to wake me up every morning at 8:30 instead of letting me sleep in like she usually does. She's getting really scatterbrained lately but that's no excuse. Still I didn't lash out at her, because 8:30 is a kind of normal time to get up but it's like she woke me up and let Ari sleep in sometimes... I don't know I just wanted sleep and she's like "Spence do you want french toast for breakfast?" And I"m like "Sure" when I should have been like "Woman let me sleep"

Screw the paper one more page and I'm asleep

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Tudor Concert

It went ok. I mean it wasn't the best. But we got through it all right. It was kind of nervewracking having all of those important Millikin people right next to us. Dr. Holmes right to the left, and Dr. Luxner right behind us. It was REALLY hard for me because I was on the end in the back row of guys, and we were tilted the other way so I couldn't hear ANYONE. I couldn't even see Prof. Carberg. So I had to judge it by ear. Now from the little I heard we were ok. But Jacob's dad recorded it so I'll hear it on Tuesday.


You are receiving this email because you are a junior or senior who could potentially be scheduled for University Capstone IN450 in the coming January or Spring 2004 terms.

Students graduating in Dec 2004 or later will now be exempt from taking IN450-University Capstone as a required component for your degree program. The faculty has voted to discontinue this requirement for all students who will be graduating Fall 2004 and later. The overall number of credits needed to graduate with a degree from MU has been lowered from 124 to 121 earned hours. You may or may not need another course to replace the 3 credits of IN450. Those specific 3 credits are no longer required. Please consult with your advisor if you were counting those hours among the 39 upper level credits (300 & 400 level) courses required for graduation.

For those who don't know capstone is a really really useless class basically asking you what you are going to be doing in 5 years and telling you what may happen or something like that; I don't know because I DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE IT!!!!!!

Almost there.....

All I have is this concert tonite at 7:30 and pack and sleep and I can GO HOME!!!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Another survey? Who would have thought?

Ah, but it is a MUSIC survey so that's more like it.

1) Makes you wish you knew how to dance: "Move Your Feet" by Junior Senior (yeah Ryan I know it's the same but hey I feel that way too)
2] Makes you happy: "Don't Worry" by Rebecca St. James
3] Reminds you of an ex-lover: I never had a lover, but probably "Kiss the Rain" by Billie Myers.
4] Reminds you of an ex-friend: Same as #3
5] Makes you cry: "Why" by Annie Lennox
6] Makes you laugh: "The System is Down" by Strong Bad (off the CD - DANCING ROBOTS!!)
7] Makes you ponder life: "You're the Voice" by John Farnham or Rebecca St. James
9] You once loved but got sick of: "Blue" by Eiffel 65... yes I liked that song but they overplayed it so much now I pretty much hate it. I still love the color blue though.
10] You love by a band/artist you hate: "Work It" by Missy Elliott - it's like 1 of like 2 rap songs I like. I wouldn't say I love it though.
11] You sheepishly admit to liking: "Someday" by Sugar Ray; I don't like them that much anymore.
12] You'd do anything to see played live: "Subdivisions" by Rush. Then again, I'd do anything to see Rush live.
13] Reminds you of your childhood: "Jump" by The Pointer Sisters - Earliest song I remember hearing
14] Sums up your teenage years: "Jesus Freak" by DC Talk... They need another album soon.
15] Most people like but you hate: Anything by Matchbox 20. I HATE Matchbox 20. Although the guy sings better than he used to (he's not singing in his throat anymore...)
16] You love the lyrics of: "You Get What You Give" by New Radicals - I love that one about Marilyn Manson at the end because I hate Marilyn Manson. Either that or "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
17] You used to hate but now love: "Hanging By A Moment" by Lifehouse... I didn't really get into it until after the song's popularity died down and now it's cool
18] Is best played in the car: "Clocks" by Coldplay.
19] You like to fall asleep to: Anything by Enya. She's so soothingly cool.
20] You like to wake up to: "Move Your Feet" by Junior Senior. OK yeah I've said this already but it's so upbeat I can't not dance when I listen to it even in the car
21] You love, and that you wouldn't know if it wasn't for someone: "Magic Power" by Triumph (thanks mom)
22] You love the video more than the tune: "Move Your Feet" by Junior Senior (that squirrel and yes Ryan same as #1)
23] Is good to listen to whilst holding hands: "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel (I don't know! I have never held hands with anyone because I HAVE NEVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND!!)
24] Makes you think of sex: "Work It" by Missy Elliott
25] You love to hear at clubs: I've only been to a club once, but one song I love to dance to is "Scatman" by Scatman John and that song is a little older for club style but it is SO AWESOME
26] Is not your "typical type" of style but you love anyway: "O Superman" by Laurie Anderson. I heard it in my 20th century music class when we talked about modern women composers... it's so weird but I love it (especially the ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah......).
27] Reminds you of your siblings: "The Memory (I Won't Worry)" by Jason Mraz. Aria is like obsessed with him so yeah. If not that then "Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Hart or "Two of Hearts" by Stacey Q.
28] Reminds you of the one you want but can't have: "Shattered Dreams" by Johnny Hates Jazz
29] You can sing really well: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. OK yeah this is the song I ALWAYS sing at Karaoke, and when I sing it at Karaoke, it's the only time I can hit that really high Bb Freddie Mercury sings.

See I hate these things because they always assume you've had a girlfriend before... that's it I'm asking someone out before the school year is out... I would say before the semester but there's no time left

Friday, November 21, 2003

Decatur TV is once again stupid

OK, since WHEN do they show high school football instead of NFL football? They always show high school football on the public access station on cable, and usually in the afternoon, not on FOX at NOON on SUNDAYS! Except of course in Decatur. I guess I have to go to the holiday inn tomorrow...

Holy wah

This Strong Bad CD is absolutely awesome! Well worth the 12 bucks I paid for it. It's very fast paced and I'm going to listen to it again after I get some late lunch :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Coca Cola nad Pepsi should learn from all natural sodas

OK I opened this bottle of Reed's all natural ginger ale (It's good but it's an aquired taste) on either Sunday or Monday. I left it in the fridge and forgot I had it in there until now. I thought it was flat, so I shook it a little and it remained so. So then I start walking down the hall to pour it down the drain, when it starts foaming at the top! I drank som AND IT IS STILL AS FIZZY AS BEFORE!! HOLY CRAP! Now the difference between this and coke or pepsi (besides the fact that it is all natrual and in a glass bottle) is that the bubbles are tiny like champagne bubbles, whereas coke bubbles are humongus.

That was my random thought and discovery.

Monday, November 17, 2003

So yeah, really.

I had opera rehearasl tonight. I knew before that we would be standing still for almost an hour, but I was thinking, "Yeah I stood still for choir concerts for most of my life. This shouldn't be so bad." Well I had forgotten that during choir concerts, especailly boy choir concerts, we were eitehr done, or moved after like 3 songs, maybe 4 at the most. This was totally different, and I feel it right now. That was HARD and my legs still kind of hurt. I should go in slippers next time since my tennies made my feet fall half asleep after the second time through it.

This is a week from hell. Sunday was Vespers. Tonight was opera. Tomorrow night is vespers. Wednesday night is opera. Thursday thank God I have nothing going on. Friday MVOP is singing. Saturday nothing, then Sunday, MVOP Church day and Vespers rehearsal.

In all honesty, I am considering taking a break from MVOP for the rest of the semester. I'm not going to be there Wednesday for rehearsal, but I think I'll go on Friday, and if it strains my voice I'll not go on Sunday. I'm trying to conserve my voice, and I can't really do that in MVOP, being gospel music and all. Plus with all of these concerts, not to mention some sort of choir rehersal every week day, I'm exhausted already and it's only been two days. And about 75% of the Vespers tunes we are singing are like right in my break. I hope when the show is put togetherI will like it better, since from what I have seen already I don't think I'm going to be enjoying Vespers as I did the first two years.

Speaking of which, our new piece we got today in chamber SUCKS. It's a butt-easy butt-boring version of I Saw Three Ships. I knew we were going to be singing a version of I Saw Three Ships but come on Dr. Forbes, you should know better! We should be singing something cooler not some really boring traditional version with nothing exciting in it that one woudl expect in a high school Christmas concert. I thought for a split second about arranging my own version of it, one that is cooler, then handing it to Dr. Forbes and say "Sing THIS version instead." We are singing two other really cool pieces but this new one has got to be a joke. I like the carol, I HATE the arrangement. The arrangement would probably be going into the "Throw away" pile if I was doing annotations on it for Secondary Methods. And NO ONE LIKES IT. So why do it? Do a cooler version like UChoir did of Ding Dong Merrily on High last year. Not a stupid version that the freshman choir at Preble could do. I mean, the men aren't even split up! It's BUTT EASY. And not exciting at all. Unless he takes it like really really really fast or soemthing and knowing Dr. Forbes he won't because he's a very passionate conductor who takes things really slow sometimes.

So I'm really exhausted right now. How much more can this little body take? It better be a lot.



Sunday, November 16, 2003

I do like this key...

Eb major - you are warm and kind, always there for
your friends, who are in turn there for you.
You are content with your confortable life and
what you are currently achieving; if you keep
in this state you will go far.

what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Never again

What a weekend. I went home to see Ari's musical. So, I skip Human Development and leave at 1. I hit Milwaukee rush hour, but luckily it wasn't that bad north as it was south. I get home around 7ish. So I make good time. Then at 9:30 me and dad saw the Matrix and the MOVIE WAS AWESOME but the sound sucked so my dad complained and I probably will have to see it again but the movie was seriously awesome.

Saturday, I worked for 3 hours and then got flowers for ari. Uncle Mike, Angie, Regan, and Matthew came to see Aria as well. And OH MY GOD.

Last night's musical was SO WORTH the drive. It was the BEST MUSICAL I HAVE EVER SEEN AT PREBLE. The orchestra was awesome, the stage was awesome, the cast was INCREDIBLE. And not only Willie and Megan. But WOW ARIA CAN SING! I had no idea she could sing that well. And I mean everyone was just awesome and I wanted to cry. The cast was crying when the show wasn't even over yet (although it was a good spot to cry) and OH MAN I AM SO PROUD OF PREBLE. Even if next year there is virtually no one I know there anymore (these guys were freshmen when I was a senior, so I no noone at preble after they graduate) I am considering going. Probably not, because the musical here will probably be the same week.

The only way I will even CONSIDER doing this again is if I have time, and if I think it would be worth it. Hence, hopefully I will have time to see Cabaret and the play next semester. Because I as well haven't gone the last three years. Unfortunately, I"m sure the play will be the same weekend as finals. And I have two finals on Monday. So yeah. If it is the week after I'd be able to go. Cabaret is usually in March or April but never when I am home. I did get a chance to see sort of cabaret last year since I was doing observations, I got to judge cabaret auditions.

OK I have Vespers rehearsal in a half hour, I have to put stuff away. I drove back in less than 6 hours, like 5 and a half hours or something. So yeah. My car needs rest. My body needs rest.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

It's windy

yeah it is. My presentation went well and my conducting went ok. So I'm happy. OK bye.

Monday, November 10, 2003


Everyone calls McNabb a superstar. You want the truth? He sucks except for like three plays, and those three plays happen to win the game. WHOOPDEEDO. And I am mad at the Packers for giving it away in the secondary. And I hate cold rain EVEN MORE now. If it was not raining the Pack would have won. If it was SNOWY the Pack would have won. But NOOOOO. It had to be rainy and slippery, and Favre's thumb had to be broken so he couldn't hold the ball, and the STUPID REFS had to not dry it enough, except when it was in the Eagles hands. GRRR. Oh well. Even with fumbles Ahman ran well. But STILL. We HAD this game. We HAD it. And then the stupid Eagles had to come back and win. I AM REALLY MAD right now. Leave a message because I don't feel like talking to anyone right now.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

I am mad

After a good Saturday (the MVOP concert went well) my sunday has sucked because I can't get into like half the classes I need to get into! They either have some stupid prerequisite error or are closed (I NEED to get into Choral Tech; and it's closed. What's with that?) And the problem is, I can't really take anything else. I don't want to be taking Music Ed Practicum until next semester. I HAVE to take Ethno at the closed time because Piano Skills for teaching is at the other section's time. I HAVE to take Ed Psych but stupid prereq error. I want to take composition but stupid prereq error. I HAVE to take Choral Tech but it is already closed; there are only 10 spots open in that class! There are tons of music ed students. I bet I can list them: Cory, Jacob, Clayton, (Chad, Jason, and Rachael if they didn't take it yet), Kate, Breanne, and Wendy. Those are probably them. If the three seniors I listed already have taken it, then it's probably Jarvs, Matt, and Vanessa. So I'm the odd one out. I NEED to take it. Otherwise I won't have enough classes; I only could sign up for 14 credits, and 4 of them are 1 credit classes, so that bills me 12 credits, the lowest you can get to be full time. If I don't get into these classes, I will be considered a part time student, I'll lose my scholarship, and all this other bad stuff will happen. Now, I'm not worried about getting into Choral Tech, I'm sure Dr. Holmes is anticipating on signing a lot of copies of schedules; there are more people who need to get in. I mean there are at least 20 of us in Secondary Methods. Comp is simple. Ethno, if I explain to her my situation, she'll probably sign it. I am a little worried about Ed Psych, though. It says on muonline that I need to take content area exam to get into that and I haven't yet. Although, Cory took that and I don't believe she took that yet. So I think I'll be OK, but I don't know the teacher at all. I HAVE to get all this done tomorrow.

Registering would be a LOT easier if I didn't register at 12:30 like I did, I should have registered at 9 when muonline came back up. 3 1/2 hours and the classes are closed. DGHJSLKDJGLKSDJFLKS

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Say hey, it's a good day

Yesterday was a GREAT day. I mean one of the better days of my life. One I won't forget soon.

OK. D woke me up because it was like 20 minutes to my class, and I slept thru my alarm. So thank God for him. I got to class only about 5 minutes late. Secondary methods went well, Chamber Chorale went well (chamber love!), and then the class I dreaded because I had to present: Human development. Surprisingly, our presentation went really well. We had a good response from the rest of the class. Then I went to the store and got some stuff, and they were selling pomegranites at Kroger so I got one. I haven't had a pomegranite in a couple of years but OH THEY ARE SO GOOD.

At 4:30, I met Odell and Natalia and we went to Pastabilities to see Shanti. That was so much fun. We had good food and Shanti talked to us quite a bit at first because it wasn't that busy. We had so many weird conversations and stuff, it was great. I hope we do it again. The food was pretty good too. After that I had an MVOP rehearsal, our last before our fall concert (which is today, I'll talk about that later). After that I headed to IV and it was a good meeting. Nice and deep, lots of worship, a good speaker (the guy from word of life), and a good time.

After that we went bowling. I bowled with Phil, Joe, Jenny, and Erik. It was awesome. We had fun. I was going crazy because I forgot to take my pill but I don't care everyone was acting crazy. I was so bad though because of it. ANYHOO, I bowled a 70 the first time (sucked), then 100 the second time. It was awesome because I wanted to bowl at least 100 and get at least 1 strike. I got that strike the 9th frame, I believe, maybe it was the 8th but I got a spare either right before or after it. It figures I start bowling good right at the end of the last game. It was fun anyways.

Finally a group of us headed to Amanda's apartment, because it was her 21st birthday. so we headed over there, had cake and ice cream, and watched Amanda open her presents. Then we played 500 for a LONG time. It was a lot of fun. I was up until 4:15am and people were going to play ANOTHER game while I was leaving. So D and Caleb are still in here sleeping at 1:30 but they were up until like 6 I'm sure. So I kind of figured.

OK the MVOP concert is at 5, I meet in the arrival court in like an hour. So pray it goes well! This was a GREAT end to a long couple of weeks for me.

Friday, November 07, 2003

My glove compartment is a piece of shit.

I'm so sick of this. OK the lock on my glove compartment doesn't work. So? No big deal right? YES BIG DEAL, as it is stuck in the LOCKED position. So the only way to get to my car stereo, which is locked in there, is to pry it open, which is just a major pain in the ass. I am SO SICK of doing that that I just brought my car stereo inside tonite. I would much rather leave it in the car, because that way I don't risk leaving my stereo behind, and having to go back inside and get it, as often is the case. I just hope it's fixable. problem is, I have to wait a week.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Some previous quotes of the day, including todays:

Nov. 4:
Prof. Carberg: What's the difference between a countertenor and a castrati?
Spencer: One of them has tools.

Dr. Forbes: I told the women in my choir to go get em, and it worked, I had the entire football team in my choir the next year.
Cory: What do you allure them with?... OH the girls!!!

Nov. 6:
Bobby: FUCK me!!! (After dropping his pizza)

Spencer: Yeah, the voice is priceless. You can always buy a new instrument but you can't buy a new voice.
Jessica: Unless you're Ariel.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

So yeah....

The Matrix Revolutions comes out tomorrow and I REALLY want to see it... however Wednesday is like the worst day for me to see a movie so I'm probably not going to see it until maybe this weekend... perhaps Sunday.

Anyways I'm still going back and forth about my hair. It doesn't look REALLY bad, but on the other hand it's not good. It is jsut ok. So maybe next weekend when i go home mom can redo it Sunday morning.


So it doesn't look as good as when mom did it. But hey for my first time ever self-applying hair dye, I think I did an all right job. It doesn't look like crap. When I first came out of the shower it did, but now it doesn't.

I'm toying with the idea of completely dying it next time.

I am highlighting my hair right now.

I just hope I do as good of a job as mom did... but my hair looks as it did when mom did it, all sticking up and stuff so I know I"m on the right track. I'm going to be blonde again!! Awesome. Anyways... yeah it's raining right now and getting colder! WOO HOO!! Advising day is a great day today, a nice break for a long week to come:

MVOP Rehersal, our last major one before our concert sat.

Human development presentation with Breanne and Matt. We will be working on it probably Wed. or Thurs.
MVOP Dress Rehearsal, just a run through.

MVOP Concert.

Register for classes next semester online.
First Vespers rehearsal, 7-9

Human Development CD assignments due.

Vocal Pedagogy Presentation with Breanne and Rachel.

Be back in time for Vespers rehearsal on Sunday.

So yeah that's my outlook for about the next 10 days.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Weirded Out!!!!!

Yeah, so I was defragging my computer, and all of a sudden the power on my side of the room went out. The TV stayed on, and Dustin's side was on. However, my side wasn't. So I was confused. I called UIC, they said I had to wait until tomorrow to call the physical plant. Then about a half hour later Kim and Harmony from downstairs called me and asked if I had half power and I'm like yeah. So I think it just affected 112, 212, 312, and 412. Then about a half hour after that the power came back on.

It's so hot in here since the heat is on from when it was cold about 3 days ago. I hope all the complaining that has been going on doesn't work, because it's supposed to get cold again on Wednesday. It's going to get up to close to 80 tomorrow. But then it's supposed to get down to about 55 on Wednesday. So if they are stupid enough to turn on the AC tomorrow I'll be mad.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Concert went well

Our concert went really well today. Except for sing joyfully. SO I'm happy. That's it.

I love my Green Bay Packers!!!!

(stolen from Sean)

Told you the Vikings are goin down, bitch. HAHA!!!! PACKERS BEAT THE VIKINGS IN THE METRODOME!!!! YEAH BABY!!! I LOVE THE PACKERS!!! It's all uphill from here, guys!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!



Saturday, November 01, 2003

It STILL didn't.

ARGH and I said cheese curds about 5,000 times!!! Oh well.

Well it didn't. Let's try something else.

Cheese curds!! OK, let's try cheese curds. Cheese curds are something I have been craving for a long time because I didn't have any over fall break. And cheese curds are so good. Everyone is like bring down some but they aren't as good raw. I'm more of a cooked cheese curd guy. Cheese curds are so good if anyone ever comes to Wisconsin you have to have them. Cheese curds are still good raw though. I wish they had cheese curds in Illinois. Cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds cheese curds . Wisconsin is the best state because they have cheese curds.

OK THAT better change the stupid topic in the ads to something that has to do with Wisconsin or cheese curds.


I'm naked. Naked but squeaky clean. Because I just got out of the shower.

Why did I post this? Because I want to see the ad change to something that has to do with naked people.