Tuesday, November 25, 2003


You are receiving this email because you are a junior or senior who could potentially be scheduled for University Capstone IN450 in the coming January or Spring 2004 terms.

Students graduating in Dec 2004 or later will now be exempt from taking IN450-University Capstone as a required component for your degree program. The faculty has voted to discontinue this requirement for all students who will be graduating Fall 2004 and later. The overall number of credits needed to graduate with a degree from MU has been lowered from 124 to 121 earned hours. You may or may not need another course to replace the 3 credits of IN450. Those specific 3 credits are no longer required. Please consult with your advisor if you were counting those hours among the 39 upper level credits (300 & 400 level) courses required for graduation.

For those who don't know capstone is a really really useless class basically asking you what you are going to be doing in 5 years and telling you what may happen or something like that; I don't know because I DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE IT!!!!!!

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