Sunday, November 30, 2003

And hell week begins

So begins another week of vespers rehearsals every night. And woo I am excited. No seriously I am exhausted right now. I have a big paper due tomorrow and this is the least amount of motivation I have EVER had on doing a paper. It's really important I do it but my mind is saying "no don't do it it's stupid you already presented on it". I heard it had to be 10 pages long. I already have a couple done but it is all incomplete and just ideas. I'm probably going to try and work on it for about another hour before I go to bed; I haven't really even unpacked from being home yet. But seriously I can't keep my eyes open right now. I am going to try and get at least one or 2 more pages done, and my source page, and be through for the night. I can finish it tomorrow afternoon.

OK so what did I do when I was home?

Got home. Laid down and watched Aria's Friends DVD again (she has season 2 and that Smelly Cat episode is the best ever). Ate manicotti with Grandpa and Barb. Played Rook. Taught family Euchre.

Did a lot of nothing. Helped prepare dinner with Uncle Mike and Great Grandma. Watched Packers humiliating loss. Ate turkey. Felt tryptophan flow through my body. Got over it. Played Shove-It.

Worked. Made money. Did some of my homework at work so I could feel like I got something accomplished this weekend. In all actuality I got about a quarter of what I wanted to get done done this weekend. But I guess I am satisfied.

Got the tree. Decorated it. Started my paper. Practiced.

To be frank I thought the weekend flowed by way too fast, and I didn't get enough sleep because my mother decided to wake me up every morning at 8:30 instead of letting me sleep in like she usually does. She's getting really scatterbrained lately but that's no excuse. Still I didn't lash out at her, because 8:30 is a kind of normal time to get up but it's like she woke me up and let Ari sleep in sometimes... I don't know I just wanted sleep and she's like "Spence do you want french toast for breakfast?" And I"m like "Sure" when I should have been like "Woman let me sleep"

Screw the paper one more page and I'm asleep

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