Sunday, November 16, 2003

Never again

What a weekend. I went home to see Ari's musical. So, I skip Human Development and leave at 1. I hit Milwaukee rush hour, but luckily it wasn't that bad north as it was south. I get home around 7ish. So I make good time. Then at 9:30 me and dad saw the Matrix and the MOVIE WAS AWESOME but the sound sucked so my dad complained and I probably will have to see it again but the movie was seriously awesome.

Saturday, I worked for 3 hours and then got flowers for ari. Uncle Mike, Angie, Regan, and Matthew came to see Aria as well. And OH MY GOD.

Last night's musical was SO WORTH the drive. It was the BEST MUSICAL I HAVE EVER SEEN AT PREBLE. The orchestra was awesome, the stage was awesome, the cast was INCREDIBLE. And not only Willie and Megan. But WOW ARIA CAN SING! I had no idea she could sing that well. And I mean everyone was just awesome and I wanted to cry. The cast was crying when the show wasn't even over yet (although it was a good spot to cry) and OH MAN I AM SO PROUD OF PREBLE. Even if next year there is virtually no one I know there anymore (these guys were freshmen when I was a senior, so I no noone at preble after they graduate) I am considering going. Probably not, because the musical here will probably be the same week.

The only way I will even CONSIDER doing this again is if I have time, and if I think it would be worth it. Hence, hopefully I will have time to see Cabaret and the play next semester. Because I as well haven't gone the last three years. Unfortunately, I"m sure the play will be the same weekend as finals. And I have two finals on Monday. So yeah. If it is the week after I'd be able to go. Cabaret is usually in March or April but never when I am home. I did get a chance to see sort of cabaret last year since I was doing observations, I got to judge cabaret auditions.

OK I have Vespers rehearsal in a half hour, I have to put stuff away. I drove back in less than 6 hours, like 5 and a half hours or something. So yeah. My car needs rest. My body needs rest.

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