Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Coca Cola nad Pepsi should learn from all natural sodas

OK I opened this bottle of Reed's all natural ginger ale (It's good but it's an aquired taste) on either Sunday or Monday. I left it in the fridge and forgot I had it in there until now. I thought it was flat, so I shook it a little and it remained so. So then I start walking down the hall to pour it down the drain, when it starts foaming at the top! I drank som AND IT IS STILL AS FIZZY AS BEFORE!! HOLY CRAP! Now the difference between this and coke or pepsi (besides the fact that it is all natrual and in a glass bottle) is that the bubbles are tiny like champagne bubbles, whereas coke bubbles are humongus.

That was my random thought and discovery.

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