Wednesday, July 30, 2003

It is tomorrow. I am scared. I don't want dry socket. I don't want it to hurt. Tonight I"m goign to a movie with kyle for my last night of solid food.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I'm scared because I have my wisdom teeth pulled on Thursday, and I've never really had surgery in my life. What's it gong to be like? I mean everyone is telling me their wisdom teeth horror stories. Yeah that really helps guys, thanks a lot ;). I will be asleep for it so that's good, but still. For a few days I won't be able to eat anything except soft stuff. LIke soup pudding and MAYBE jello. :Yeah. NO pizza for a while. And I have to leave on Sunday besides! Hoo boy.

Anyway, I like messages. Leave a message.

Monday, July 28, 2003

I don't know why I get this way. I mean, I already posted about not getting a choir letter yet, and how I want to be in Uchoir (if you know me, you know how badly I want to be in Uchoir). But I keep worrying and worrying I will get stuck in another one. And all my friends are like "You'll get in it." Which is great because they are supporting me, but sucks because that is getting my hopes up because what if I don't get in it? My parents keep saying not to get my hopes up but let's face it. That's impossible. I just hope that I do get in. I mean I would be semi-satisfied getting into chamber. At least that tours. And at least the people in that choir are committed. When I was in concert, we had great potential. We rocked on most of the pieces we did. But before performing, during rehearsals, people were not committed. They'd come to rehearsal and do nothing. For a while, we made no progress. It was bad. I'm so surprised that Prof. Hesse maintained his composure and didn't lose it. I almost lost it there and walking out on a couple of the rehearsals I was mad at how the choir didn't memorize the first piece we got at the beginning of the semester, but we did memorize another piece in like a week. That shows how much potential the choir had, and how that at times they were willing to put it forth, but at other times, a majority of the choir didn't feel like it and that pissed me off. I mean, we are going to a top notch university here and to be honest we are lucky to be in the choir program, so why didn't some of them commit like they did to their studies? Who knows. I want to be in a choir where I can be just as committed as everybody else and perform music that challenges me.
semi random picture. Or alternate caption: I DON"T HAVE TIME BECAUSE I WORK SO FRIGGIN' MUCH ;)
No letter yet.

I'm getting kind of worried about what choir I'm going to be in now. Cory and Clayton have their letters saying they are in uchoir, BUT they were in it last year so maybe they got their letters first. All I know is if I'm in Concert again I'm talking to Dr. Holmes.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

I posted a really nasty post about my mom earlier, but now I feel bad. So I deleted it. And ripped up the note. But I'm still really mad at her. I hope she apologizes for being so rude to me. Plus we will probably talk about it tomorrow or something.

Friday, July 25, 2003

I'm at work now, but i just want to emphasize that if I'm not in Uchoir next year I will be so sad and mad at the same time. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Oh! I just remembered my seriously bizarre dream I had. I was working for Mr. Schonke, but it wasn't his house it was a farm house, and there was a tornado warning, so we went into the cellar which was like a finished basement. After that me and some other people I don't know who were driving and we were in Brussels and there were these Mexicans at the Red Owl. They had a black truck with one of those things that shone blue underneath. Anyway, about a minute after we pass them at the red owl, they pass us, driving like 180 mph, and trying to get up a hill. A very steep hill. They don't make it, and then they go backwards and lose control, doing flips and flying past our car backwards almost hitting us, but not, and landingin the bushes. The next day we were in an office giving testamony and the guy's wife is there and she was saying how she got drunk quite a bit and that was when my alarm went off.

Does anyone have the significance of that dream? This is one of the weirdest dreams I had in my life.

Monday, July 21, 2003

Considering my blase mood, any picture is random. Hence:
I worked 10 1/2 hours today. A good mood am I not in. Bye.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

My feet hurt. From 9 1/2 hours of working. Setting up chairs, showing people to the registration area that was like two feet away from the office, consoling a few angry nervous parents, and one psycho parent, skipping lunch, hurting feet, sorting papers, etc. OH sure it doesn't seem like much but if you were there you would have seen how hectic it was. It was hectic. And now my IMPATIENT parents want me to play a game. It's sort of making me angry since I have been patient with like everyone today and they arent' being patient back.

The insensitive condoners. or something slightly nastier that I'm thinking of I don't feel like printing even though the word was spelled in Starlight Express.
Ashley's play was really good. She was a preacher's wife, of all roles. That is like the most ironic role for her. Anyway, Jenny was there with her boyfriend Tete and SeƱora Granius was also there and Kasey was part of the crew and yeah it was fun. After the show me and Jen went to Ashley's and once again they were stating how many people hang at Kavarna. The vegitarian coffeehouse. So I guess I'm going to go there and see everyone a few times before I leave in two weeks. Ashley is going to SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA on Monday so this was the only time I got to see her all summer so I'm really really glad I went to the play.

Random pic #11. He liked the show too.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

So yeah I went up to Door County last night and stayed up there because I Aria lost her keys. She gave me 20 bucks which is very reasonable for my trip up there. The trip up to door county is a very boring drive so it was pretty well boring.

I saw Starlight Express today. It was an interesting show. The music is DEFINATLY Andrew Lloyd Webber. The show was very different from most shows; very flashy, and great special effects, even 3-d effects. So it was interesting.

I'm going to see Ashley's play now, but before I forget, the 10th random picture of my series. I've decided that doing only one a day is too submissive; I'll just post random pictures at random times.

Caption: "I miss Kristina"
Alternative Caption: "I met a possum"

Friday, July 18, 2003

Smooth move, Ari.

Aria thinks she locked her keys in the trunk of her car up in Door County. She can't find her keys anywhere. So if she can't find them I have to drive all the way up to door county to bring her the spare keys tonight. So much for my night by myself. Geez Aria you are stupid and you OWE ME BIG TIME if I have to do this.
Random Pic #9!!!

[a]ge: 20, first year not as a teen in 7 years.
[b]estfriend: I don't have a BEST friend, all my friends rock
[c]hoice of meat: Fish. Espeically perch. Otherwise, if you want a red meat, steak.
[d]ream date: Just a date with anyone probably.
[e]xciting adventure: I dont' know!!! I haven't had anything too exciting yet except maybe surviving soy city ghettoville decatur, IL where there's nothing to do and living to still have fun.
[f]avorite food: Pizza from Jakes.
[g]reatest accomplishment: Uh, doing as well in school as I have.
[h]appiest day of your life: Probably that one time I was happy all day.
[i]nterests: Music, Singing, Homestar Runner, Music, ATHF, Music, Books, Computers, Music, Singing, Singing, Music, and Singing and not least GOD.
[k]ool aid: Cherry.
[l]ove: God, Family, Friends, Fanta, Candy, Music, Music, Music, Music, Singing, and Millikin.
[m]ost valued: God, Family, Friends, and Music.
[n]ick name: Spence or Splent (if I'm on a message board.)
[o]utfit you wore today: Jeans, a button up shirt, and my New Balance shoes that get more and more worn out daily.
[p]izza topping(s): PEPPERONI, BABY!
[q]uestion asked to you the most: What are you DOING?
[r]adio station(s): 90.1 WORQ Q90 FM. I Q, Do You? Also 93.5, 105.7, 106.7 Classic Rock Stations, and 95.9, 98.5 and 101.1 Just Rock and Pop Stations.
[s]port: Watching? Football (go Pack). Playing? Basketball.
[t]elevision show(s): Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Star Trek Voyager, Keeping Up Appearances, Friends, Will and Grace, Home Improvement, and ATHF.
[u]r favorite song(s): Subdivisions by Rush, Yours Is No Disgrace by Yes, Lux Arumque, Water Night and Cloudburst by Eric Whitacre, and COUNTLESS others.
[w]here you live: Green Bay, WI
[x]yz?!: How about YYZ by Rush?
[y]ear born: 1983
[z]odiac sign: Either Aries or Taurus, depending on the astrologist. That's how I know astrology is a hoax, if they can't decide my sign, it's not true!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

OK my mom always talks TOTALLY random stuff when she's half asleep sleeping on the couch after drinking her daily dose of wine (yeah I know it's not alcoholism but it's enough to annoy me and it takes a LOT to annoy me but that's another story). ANYHOO, she's going to rockfest to see dad tomorrow, and she needs to get up at like 6 in the morning. Well it's 10:30 and she's asleep on the couch so I'm pulling her saying "mom you need to get up" and she's like "I need a red whisky please." She doesn't even drink hard liquor. Heres the basic conversation:

Me: "Mom, you need to go to your bed and go to sleep. It's 10:30!"
Mom: "I need a read whisky please"
Me: "You need a red whisky."
Mom: "Yeah."
(I go to write this down in the kitchen laughing)
Me: "OK you need to go to bed."
(I pull her legs off the couch but she pulls them back and one sandal falls off)
Mom: "Pick up my shoe"
Me: "No, you need to go to bed."
Mom: "Spence, dont' make me mad or I'll cancel the whole nine yards."
Me: "What are you going to cancel?"
Mom: "Your breakfast."

Yeah there have been many conversations like that. My favorite is still the time where I was like 13 and asked my mom 'Mom, can I go to the mall?' and she's like "yeah" and I'm like "can I drive" and she's like "yeah" and I asked "how fast can I go" and she says "110."
This one is just too funny to wait on.

Random pic #8

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I looked up Splent under google and got this, random pic #6 a little early... maybe I can make it every 12 hours.

Cuban cigars.
I have re-realized how much I want to see Paradise Lost by Eric Whitacre. OH MY GOD. I mean, I listened to just a little snippet that they show on the website and I'm like THIS IS GOING TO BE SO COOL!!!! Oh man. Next chance I get I'm seeing it. Which means until a new venue is selected or whatever, next chance I have of going to Berlin I'm going...

For those of you who don't know, Eric Whitacre's opera Paradise Lost is the first opera to combine classical music and electronica. Oh man. It would be SO TIGHT to see this, especially since I LOVE Eric Whitacre's music. I hope I get to see it someday...
Today was kind of weird. I mean, I am so tired, but my eyes stay open. Don't you HATE when that happens? I'm going to attempt to take a nap but I"m going to post one more time to get the april posts out of there since there are too many, ya know?
So, dad left for Rockfest today. He won't be back until like Saturday. Hope he has fun. I should be getting in the shower and ready for work now so I am bye.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003


Monday, July 14, 2003

Just a refresher of #1

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Rainbow Falls was a BLAST!! We all had so much fun going down the water slides, swimming in the wave pool, going down zero gravity, bumper boats, climbing a rock wall, lazing the lazy river, and playing mini golf. The only thing we didn't do was go karts or play video games. but we had a good day. I'm a little burnt, but that's fine because I need to even out my farmer's tan.

Me and Melissa took a couple of pictures at a picture booth, and I'll post them on my website when I scan them.
I'm leaving for Rainbow Falls water park really soon. Melissa is going with us so that's cool, I have a friend to hang out with away from my parents. Uh........ you know I forgot what I was going to say oh yeah I don't know what choir I'm in at Millikin yet. It's still kind of early to worry about that but I want to know if I'm in UChoir or not. PLEASE GOD LET ME IN THERE>
Random picture #2!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2003

Because my april archive is being a dork, here are the rest of my april posts.

Wed Apr 16, 03:02:27 PM


THE 11TH LEFT BEHIND BOOK IS OUT!!! I NEED TO FINISH THE REMNANT!!! I HAVE TO READ ARMAGEDDON!!! :(:(:( I had no idea that this was out now! I just saw Zack had it and I'm like WHERE DID YOU GET THIS and he's like "it was released last week" and wow. So now this weekend, I'm going to try and finish the book, and buy Armageddon.

Today is Aria's birthday. Happy birthday.

Sat Apr 19, 09:26:28 PM
Well, I'm home. In less than three hours, it will be my golden birthday. No longer will I have the word "teen" pasted on at the end of my age, as it has for the last seven years. It's going to be weird. What sucks having your birthday on Easter is that you can't do anything with anyone, since everything is closed and all your friends are spending time with their families. But hey. NEXT year, I'll be 21, so I will finally drink without feeling guilty but I'm not going to get drunk (although I'm wondering what that will be like).

Anyway, we are going to play Rook now, and after that maybe I'll see if Kyle is doing anything; unfortunately, it's too late to go to a movie now, most movies don't start after ten. Maybe we can rent a movie and hang out or something. Or maybe go out. I don't know. To be honest, even though I just got here Thursday night, I REALLY want to do something that doesn't involve my immediate family. I was stuck at college the entire time, and now that I am home, I'm STUCK AT HOME. Which really sucks.

What sucks about being 20 is that you are still a year away from being totally independant. I mean, I won't have a car on campus until spring semester next year, because of that stupid accident I was in and stuff. So I can never go out. I never go out with friends, because I almost never know what's going on, and by the time I know it's too late. Almost no one ever invites me to a party or tells me they are going out want to come or anything like that. I feel secluded. Which sucks.

OK. Choir is over for the year. So now I"m prepping for my audition. I need to NAIL IT so I can be in UChoir. After last years big dissapointment, I am not going to be sure of anything ever again. Garrett said I won't be in UChoir because he heard some people say that Dr. Holmes doesn't think I should be in it. Well, I'm going to be optimistic and hope that I can still be in it. I hope he saw how committed I was for Concert Choir, even though I was in the minority, it seemed. When I get back I"m going to ask around what people did for their auditions to have them be in UChoir. Because I HAVE to be in it. I'm a choir geek at heart and I need that sense of choir community. I didn't have that in Concert Choir because the vast majority of the people in that choir didn't want to be there, or thought that because it was Concert Choir they didn't need to commit. Or maybe it was because we were so big...

Anyway, happy last day of being a teen day to me :)

Tue Apr 22, 09:01:32 AM
I'm back now. Too short of a break, if you ask me.

Something is wrong with my computer, I think. Everything seems to be really slow to start up. Even when I turn on my computer, I have to press control-alt-delete to get things going. I scanned, defragged, and virus-scanned my computer to get rid of the problem but it is still there. Crap.

12:49:37 PM
I may have a virus on my computer; the lovgate virus. I keep getting these things mcafee catches about "This file has the lovgate virus and has been deleted." So I"m thinking there must be something larger in this. So I'm using a different program designed specifically to detect that virus.

Fri Apr 25, 01:04:42 AM
I wish I had posted this two hours ago, but my blog is now 1 year and 1 day old. Happy birthday.

Apr 26, 05:44:06 PM
Not very excited for the group presentation I have to do Monday. God we are so unprepared. Hopefully everyone will do their part wholly.


#177 One ~ U2

Wed Apr 30, 03:43:18 PM
It's nice out, but we are under a severe thunderstorm watch. Wonder if it will storm. I had my choir audition today, and as last year it went really well, but I just hope that the shortness of it doesn't mean anything; I want to be in UChoir so bad next year and if I'm not I will throw a fit. It wouldn't be fair if I wasn't called back, because my choir voice is totally different than my solo voice, and I want to show I can blend. I want to be in the top choir. All my friends are in it. And there is that sense of community the other choirs don't have. Oh well. I also gave blood today. It went well. Finally I got to give blood.

MILLIKIN NEEDS TO TURN ON THEIR DAMN AIR CONDITIONING NOW. I overslept through my alarm AGAIN. I'm just thinking it's because of the heat and lack of air circulation. I couldn't get to sleep last night because it was so hot and humid. I HATE this, and I'm thinking that Dr. Keagle thinks that I'm slacking off right now. Hopefully I'll wake up for Friday to explain to him what has been happening, and hopefully by that time the AC will be on. Grrr.

#201 Say the Words (Now) ~ DC Talk

04:29:22 PM
I'm still bored, so I'm going to write another entry with some thoughts.

What do I have to do before next week? I have to transcribe two journals from notes in notebooks, and write one paper on a book, and meet with Dr. Forbes. Monday I have my piano final. And my last lesson with Dan. That is going to suck. Dan has seriously helped me SO MUCH and I'm really mixed on him leaving; on one hand, it's a great opportunity for him, both jobwise and personally because then he can settle down and have kids. On the other hand, he won't be here helping people. SO MANY have said that he has been awesome. I'm going to remember every single thing he taught me. He taught me more than Cynthia did, and when I left school last year I thought SHE taught me a lot. In fact, Dan has taught me so much more. At least I'm working with Terry Stone next year. He's good.

I'm just pondering my job opportunities for the summer. The music festival is a lock; I'm for sure working there again. Which is good. It was a fun job surrounding me with something I love doing and it's good money. The thing is May, June and July I ahve no set job which really sucks because jobs are so scarce in GB right now. Mom is going to pay me for mowing the lawn. UWGB has NEVER gotten back to me about working the music camps which really pisses me off. Hopefully they will give me a job, or Mom will talk to Mark about letting me work for him for a while because that pays really good money as well. I could use that job. Seriously, I don't know if I will have a job here because I don't really have a means for transportation. I'm going to try working at KFAC as an usher or something. If that doesn't work out, I"m going to try getting a job at someplace walking distance; maybe Dollar General or something. Hey at least it's money. And experience that will look good on my resume.

I'm still psyched about seeing FFH! That's a week and a half away and me and Steph can't stop talking about it.

#210 The Revealing Science of God ~ Yes

11:27:21 PM
Hey, I'm really mad at myself. I keep procrastinating. Oh well. At least I have the weekend to do my homework. I think.

Anyway, here is the real reason I am posting again. If anyone reads this and knows where I can get Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes off the internet for free (I can't download them, school pretty much blocked file sharing programs), please let me know! I have 5 episodes so far. I need the rest! It's my new obsession.

Not listening to music right now but I know how far I am
#215 Is It Love ~ Mr. Mister

11:35:51 PM
Well that's good...

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Extreme
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Very Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

So, I guess you were wondering what this unique thing no other blog of my knowledge is doing. Well here it is...


Here is random picture #1; my HSR message board buddies will understand why I chose this as the first of many...

I will be putting in one random picture per day in my blog. No matter how many entries I have, or how personal, it will lighten up a bad day and make a good day better. So that's why I'm doing it. Plus I'm Mr. Random.

Friday, July 11, 2003

I need to republish my month of April. Half of the posts from April are not showing up. What the hell is up with that. That really sucks, and since they redid blogger I can't republish individual months anymore. Crap.
Quick before I go to dinner, I thought I would post that I am thinking about adding a message board for my blog. A few other blogs have one, so I'm thinking about doing it, especially considering that I'm going to start doing something that makes my blog different from other blogs. More tomorrow.
The schwan's guy came. That means good food.

Thursday, July 10, 2003


Bravenet has changed and now they don't have different counters!!! All they have is the stupid generic white ugly one. CRAP!! Bravenet has totally turned it's back on me. Everything now is about money, no more free services, instead you have to upgrade to "PRO" to get anything cool.

Nope it's not broken, I bet it's just ignoring me out of spite. Or Sprite.
Gah! Now the thing isn't refreshing!!! It was probably my fault. I don't know I wish MY blog was up there when it was broken, I could get more people to read it!
OK what I am wondering is why my last entry didn't make it to the blogger website. I mean, it's slow today, you can see two times on there, so I should be in the 10 latest published blogs, right? Wrongola.
Ok why aren't you guys commenting anymore? Has commenting become "uncool" or "uncouth"? Or are you interested in other affairs, or what?

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

What an interesting night. I was driving along delivering invitations to the people my mom is invitign for her How To Host A Murder party. And I stuck in my U2 cd in the player. So the first song was Desire, and then the next song was Sweetest thing. So I'm thinking in my head that the next song will be I will Follow. So then I Will Follow came on and I'm like whoa that's weird. And then I said out loud that Pride In The Name Of Love would come on. It did. I was floored. I'm like Oh My God. So then I get home and the song is about over and I said Lemon would be the next song but it was Sunday Bloody Sunday and if it was Lemon I would be going nuts right now.

Monday, July 07, 2003

OK, it's 9:30 and I still don't know my schedule for this week for UWGB. Professor Collins emulates your typical music teacher: disorganized and scatterbrained. NOW I see why I enjoy and fit in so well with my career path. Luckily Mr. Schonke doesn't need me this morning, he has something going on and the ground is wet. But still I'd like to know my freaking schedule!!

OK now to watch Strong Bad Email.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

I'm bored. I'm gonna compose maybe. Or do something else. I don't know. I can't do anything outside because it is raining.

Saturday, July 05, 2003

What a weird and expensive day so far, and it's not over yet... which is scary... here are some of the things that happened today:

I mowed Mr. Schonke's lawn, and I mowed over a hose and gashed a huge hole in it, so I owe him a new hose.

I bought my car stereo (yay!) and that cost me a lot of money.

The wheel of the lawnmower fell off while mowing the lawn at the shop.

My fanta poster and debit card came today. One of the few good things to come out of today.

Friday, July 04, 2003

OK this guy claiming to have the longest french fry kind of pisses me off. I get a french fry that's 8 1/2 inches long, and get denied by Guinness. He gets a fry only 6 3/4 inches long and sells it on ebay, creating a media frenzy. I wish I had thought about selling it on ebay and freezing it. Mine broke but not before I filmed proof of it on my webcam.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Just got back from T3 about 20 minutes ago and it was a really good movie. Probably will become the big hit of the summer. I think it was better than matrix reloaded because it wasn't so deep and didn't require another movie to finish. This one is great; filled with action, drama, and comedy, just like the 2nd one. I never saw the first one. Unfortunately no Linda Hamilton, turns out that Sarah Connor died in 1997 of leukiemia. But still great movie.

Reason for being back so late? Well we got to the marc and it turns out the movie started at 7 and not 7:30 like Kyle heard on the phone. So we went to an 8:50 showing at Bay Park. Still a great movie and worth the money I spent on it.
Well before i leave for T3, the colors are now completely done. I like them, and they are much better than what was here before. Check it out in the archives, those don't change after the end of the month, so you can see what it looked like before.
So yeah I have off tomorrow!! Because it's the Fourth!! I love the fourth of july. Well anyways, Kyle called me earlier and asked if I wanted to see T3 with him tonite so I am going to see T3. I'm pretty excited. I've never seen T1 but I've seen T2 and that movie is AWESOME. It has Budnick from Salute Your Shorts in it, and morphing technology which was like monumentally advanced for the time.... Man I can't wait for this one. This is probably the last one though.

So yeah bye.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Almost done with the new colors.... only thing I probably need to change is link colors, but this is the basic gist. You like?
I'm back after being banned from the internet for a few days... won't go into that in detail. But anyway, Strong Bad's (or Homestar Runner's this week) email totally cracked me up when he was like "Neverending Soda... ahhhhhhhhhhh" like the neverending story.

Grandma's wedding was yesterday. It was great. It was kind of hard when we were singing Shine On Us because Grandma totally started crying and I couldn't look at her anymore, and of course I can't look at mom because she makes me laugh when I look at her... and then after we had fun at Grandma's before we had to go back. I had to work at 8 this morning and I got back late so I am quite tired.