Saturday, July 19, 2003

So yeah I went up to Door County last night and stayed up there because I Aria lost her keys. She gave me 20 bucks which is very reasonable for my trip up there. The trip up to door county is a very boring drive so it was pretty well boring.

I saw Starlight Express today. It was an interesting show. The music is DEFINATLY Andrew Lloyd Webber. The show was very different from most shows; very flashy, and great special effects, even 3-d effects. So it was interesting.

I'm going to see Ashley's play now, but before I forget, the 10th random picture of my series. I've decided that doing only one a day is too submissive; I'll just post random pictures at random times.

Caption: "I miss Kristina"
Alternative Caption: "I met a possum"

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