Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yesterday was awesome

So yesterday she IMs me, and asks me if I like her. And I'm like wait I wanted to ask you that. But anyway, I type yes and that was really hard but it turned out she likes me too! So we both are really happy that that finally is off of our chests. Anyway it isn't like we are gf/bf but we are going to see the Passion tomorrow night so that is awesome.

After I found out that I was so hyper and goofy for the rest of the day. I just wanted to tell everyone. But I didn't because I wasn't sure if she wanted it to be known or not. I just said "the girl I like likes me back." I only told my closest friends specifically. And I was singing the song "I'm so happy/feeling snappy/my life is rosy/I'm feeling comfy cozy" by I forget what band it is but I remember it was all over Q90 FM about 5 years ago.

So yeah I'm going to be happy for a while.

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