Thursday, February 26, 2004

As of right now.

Should I switch to livejournal or stay at blogger?
33 % for Stay at Blogger
25 % for I don't care I don't read your journal anyway
25 % for Do both!
16 % for Switch to Livejournal
0 % for Switch to something else

That is with 12 votes.

I'm going to see The Passion with Steph and some other friends (I don't know specifically who she invited them all) in about an hour, so I'm going to write an entry. ha.

IV Spring retreat is this weekend. For some reason, InterVarsity decides to schedule events at the worst possible times in my life, either when I am super busy with something, either performing or projects, or when I am flat out broke. If the thing was two weeks from now, when it was actually closer to spring, I'd totally do it. But this stupid education portfolio has to take precidence right now. Either hang out with people I really enjoy being for a weekend, or work on something that is really important for my future. Yeah the second has to. It sucks but it does.

That quiz I was making before was one I started last year and forgot about. I've added a couple of questions. I'm up to 5. I need pictures and descriptions, though. I hope it works fine. I need to make the pictures smaller. It's one about what character from the wizard are you, and I"m jsut taking pictures with my webcam from my tv. It may be done this weekend.

I'm up to 8 artifacts in my portfolio. I need 4 more! Give them to me!

You are Rerun!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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