Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Another Survey, this time from Vanessa.

So yeah I added this midi thing to my blog... if it annoys you let me know but I am going to change the music in there every few days to a week. I don't know how often but it is usually going to be one of my compositions. And then when I'm out of those I'll just do a random MIDI I have lying around.

Anyways on to the survey.

[ .:name:. ] Spencer
[ .:nicknames:. ] Spence, Spencepunk, Splent
[ .:feet size:. ] 9 - 9.5
[ .:do you have a crush?:. ] Yes.
[.:age:. ] 20

[ .:age you act:. ] When I'm being myself, around 12ish. When I'm being serious or mature, in a professional setting, I act like 35
[ .:where do you live?:. ] Decatur or Green Bay, usually.
[ .:ever gone skinny dipping?:. ] No, and I probalby never will

[ .:what are you watching?:. ] nothing.
[ .:last person you talked to:. ] In real life, Jacob. Online... I think it was Tracy.
[ .:bedtime:. ] Between 12 and 1 lately, because opera drains me. On weekends when I have nothing going on I can stay up as late as 4.
[ .:most embarrassing moment:. ] That one time I did that thing and everyone laughed. That way everyone remembers.
[ .:stupidest person you know:. ] Probably Mitch, but that's mostly because he likes the Bears and gives me the most crap about that
[ .:craziest person you know:. ] ARIA.

SECTION 2 ? favorites

[ .:favorite salad dressing:. ] EW.
[ .:favorite movie:. ] Misery, The Matrix, The Red Violin, The Wizard, All 3 Lord of the Rings movies, etc etc
[ .:favorite book:. ] The Bible, Stephen King, John Grisham, J.R.R. Tolkien
[ .:favorite type of music:. ] Christian Rock, Progressive Rock, Modern Rock, Jazz Fusion, Smooth Jazz, and LOTS of other stuff
[ .:favorite car:. ] If it is blue I probably like it. But Blue Dodge Neon or VW anything

[ .:favorite saying:. ] Sweet, Tight, Janky, That sucks, awesome, ______ represent!
[ .:favorite fast food:. ] Steak 'n' Shake (though they are like semi-fast food)

[ .:favorite ice cream:. ] Mint Mackinac Island Fudge
[ .:favorite alcoholic drinks:. ] Mikes Hard Lemonade, Hooch, Skyy Blue, Parrot Bay and Bacardi Limon (the only alcoholic drinks I've pretty much ever had, besides beer and wine which are gross)
[ .:favorite holiday:. ] Christmas or Easter. Because on Christmas, Jesus was born, and on Easter Jesus rose from the dead.
[ .:favorite food:. ] PIZZA (except from dominoes... I'm getting really sick of having to order from that place)
[ .:favorite song:. ] This would take all day so I'll just say Subdivisions by Rush to shut you up
[ .:favorite tv show:. ] Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Cosby Show, American Idol, Survivor, Family Guy, Beevis and Butthead, and NFL Football when the Packers are playing
[ .:favorite radio stations:. ] Q90 FM and Mix98 in GB... I don't know here because the radio stations kind of suck down here
[ .:favorite junk food:. ] Home made popcorn with tons of butter
[ .:favorite sappy love song:. ] I'm not a sappy guy, but probalby I Will Be Here by Steven Curtis Chapman.
[ .:favorite color:. ] Blue, Cerulean, Teal, Aqua, Periwinkle, Navy, etc.
[ .:favorite sneakers:. ] No preference, just as long as they fit and are comfy. New Balance and Sketchers work just fine.

SECTION 3 ? the future

[ .:school:. ] I'm going to finish my BA in teaching and teach for a few years before going to grad school

[ .:where you want to live:. ] Someplace suburban in a nice neighborhood but not like a brand new subdivision in the middle of nowhere with no trees
[ .:how many kids you want:. ] 3

[ .:what kind of job you want:. ] High school choir teacher, teaching in a really good and stable music department
[ .:wedding song:. ] I have no idea... the wedding song?
[ .:song in your head:. ] Yeah Vanessa I agree. Why is this under the future. Well I'm sure yes there will be a song in my head in the near future.

SECTION 4 ? have you ever...?

[ .:been in jail:. ] nope
[ .:done drugs:. ] prescription yes. Illegal no.
[ .:run away from home:. ] no
[ .:hit a girl:. ] Yes. I hit my sister tons of times (you know, kids fight). Never anyone non-family though.
[ .:lied:. ] yeah.
[ .:broken a bone:. ] Nope.
[ .:cheated on a test:. ] No
[ .:cheated on a boy/girlfriend:. ] I've never had a girlfriend so how would I cheat
[ .:gotten drunk:. ] Nope but everyone wants me to do it when I turn 21
[ .:been with two guys/girls at once:. ] no
[ .:been in the hospital:. ] not for an extended period of time.
[ .:let a friend cry on your shoulder:. ] not literally, but i've listened to people pouring their heart out and stuff... I'm available anytime ;)
[ .:feel asleep in the shower/bath:. ] No but my mom has...
[ .:Never slept during a night:. ] once or twice
[ .:been to camp:. ] Yep for two years
[ .:sat in a restaurant without ordering:. ] I don't believe so
[ .:seen someone die:. ] No and I really don't want to.... I'm scared about that
[ .:didn't wash your hair for a week:. ] Not for a week. Longest was like 3 days and that was when camping. I have to wash my hair at LEAST every other day because it's oily.
[ .:broken something valuable:. ] Probably... I break lots of things

[.:thought you were in love:. ] Who hasn't.
[ .:screamed at someone for no reason:. ] I try not to. I have been screamed at for no reason but they always apolgize and I totally understand why.
[ .:said I love you and meant it:. ] Yeah

[ .:been hurt by a guy/girl you loved:. ] Not really
[ .:stayed up til 4am on the phone:. ] Nope.

SECTION 5 ? which is better?

[ .:coke/pepsi:. ] Pepsi, but Cherry Coke
[ .:cats/dogs:. ] Dogs. I MISS MY PUPPY.... :'(
[ .:dvd/vhs:. ] DVD

[ .:deaf/blind:. ] BLIND. I need music.

[ .:pool/hot tubs:. ] ooh, this is tough. Hot tub relaxes me more.
[ .:television/radio:. ] TV
[ .:cds/mp3s:. ] another toughie. mp3's on the computer, CDs everywhere else.
[ .:apples/oranges:. ] oranges
[ .:gap/old navy:. ] Old Navy. Gap is too expensive and is basically the same.

SECTION 6 ? when was the last time you...

[ .:took a shower:. ] this morning
[ .:cried:. ] I almost cried recently... it was either when I thought I was going to overdraw or when I thought I couldn't get into a class and I couldn't be a full time student. Last time I really cried was when my dog was put to sleep.
[ .:watched a Disney movie:. ] It's been a while.

[ .:given/gotten a hug:. ] I can't remember that, I give and get hugs quite often.
[ .:been to the movies:. ] Return of the King with Dad and Ari

SECTION 7 ? what is...

[ .:love?:. ] Baby don't hurt me.....

[ .:fondest memory of this year:. ] Tour. Most definately.
[ .:your most prized possession:. ] I don't know. I have many sentimental things... I love my car.?

[ .:the thing that makes you the happiest:. ] Family and friends, and the experiences we have
[ .:your favorite food for breakfast:. ] Belgian waffle.

[ .:your favorite food for dinner:. ] Italian
[ .:your ideal bf/gf:. ] Someone who is a Christian (that is a MUST), who is funny, and upbeat, and also appreciates music like I do.

SECTION 8 ? random questions

[ .:have you ever liked someone too young for you?:. ] No! That would be like me liking a 15 year old right now.

[ .:do you have multiple personalities?:. ] No, but I talk to myself often
[ .:ever walked in on someone changing/showering?:. ] Yeah but they were semi-decent so it wasn't a HUGE deal.
[ .:what's the first thing you say on the phone?:. ] "Hello" usually but something weird every once in a while.
[ .:what are you wearing?:. ] Nothing. I'm naked. No just kidding. What do you think? Clothes.
[ .:what did you do yesterday?:. ] went to class, ate, went to opera rehearsal, bed.
[ .:who was your last crush?:. ] It was Cory but she has a hardcore boyfriend now. And I can say that because she knows I liked her.

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