Monday, May 27, 2002

I have been home for 12 days now. Man that went really fast. I have been really busy lately applying for jobs and playing Scrabble for mom (I kicked her butt like 5 games in a row and she kept wanting to play and I didn't want to and she actually payed me $20 to play with her! I'm like oh my God that is really weird and she is desperate.)
Today is Memorial Day. Remember everyone who died for our country today.
Man that bridge in Oklahoma City collapsing is really sad. I can't imagine how that would feel being up on that bridge right by the edge. Freaky. I feel really sad for those people who died. They said it wasn't an act of terrorism but a tragic human accident.
Dad is working on the bathroom which is amazing. He usually never works on the bathroom.
OK that's about it for right now.

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