Friday, May 03, 2002

Wow. I can't believe it. I went over 24 hours without entering anything. Well, not much has happened. Let's see. Just got done watching Ocean's 11. Good movie. Tomorrow night I'm seeing Spiderman with IV so hopefully that will be good. Went to a recital before the movie so I am up to 12. Need 14 before the 15th. Wow. I have less than 2 weeks before school is done! YES! I can't wait. Only 3 class days of school left. Awesome awesome. Let's see. I can't think of much else. Life has been pretty normal here lately, which is unusual. Weird things usually happen more often. Hopefully this weekend will have more things of interest to talk about.

Oh yeah I had another weird dream last night and I forgot it again but I had another one a couple of days ago. I dreamt that my dad was warming up his voice in the stairwell here at school. That's it. I wish I remembered the dream I had this morning! Usally you only remember your dreams right when you wake up for some reason. I want to remember them all.

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