Sunday, May 05, 2002

**WARNING** This section has mild profanity in it. if you don't want to read it because of that don't just skip it.


Fuck papers. Whoever came up with the idea of the research paper should be forced to research something he doesn't want to do forever in eternity. Papers are the only thing I hate about college. That and loud Dave Matthews or Doors or Rap or other stupid music blaring at odd hours. But I so don't want to do this paper. I keep saying "OK I'm going to work on it now" but then I don't. Why? This is an important part of my grade. Why can't I just focus and get the piece of shit done?!? I hate this fucking paper. God! Why do I have to do it? Why is it so complicated? No wait, why isn't it complicated because my teacher wants me to complicate it. I so hate writing analysis papers, research, etc. Why can't this paper be a creative writing? That would be easy and sweet! But NOOOO!!! It has to be something that you follow strict guidelines for. I even wrote my first college paper on how I hate that. And lo and behold, a semester later, I have to do it. I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY.

I can't wait until 10 days from now when I don't have to do another paper in at least 3 months. I will love it. I never want to do a paper again. If I have to do another paper I'll scream. I still have to do another one for another class I haven't even started but that will be a little better and not as long. Easier to write by far. pooppooppooppoopppooppooppopopopopopopopopoppopopopoppooopopopopoppopop.

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