Monday, May 05, 2003

I am so exhausted and I don't know why, but tonight is NOT the night to be exhausted. I still need to write my internship journal, and type out my conducting listening things, and write out my recital observations or whatever. I wanted to stay up late tonight working on that. But that looks to be impossible given my current state. Which fucking sucks. I am so pissed off at myself for not doing this earlier in the year when I could have and should have. Why must I put crap off until the last minute? Especially when I won't know how I will feel? I mean I'm tired, and a code red mountain dew would hit the spot, so I could at least stay up and work on it, but I'm BROKE, except for the $5 I'm going to need for juries. I mean, I could take out $20 from the ATM. You know what, I'm going to do that. I have an old $5, and that will go into the change machine in the basement, and I'll get myself a code red, and that way I can stay focused on the task at hand. And that is getting all of this stupid work done. Not an all nighter. Maybe bed by three like last time. That worked out fairly well. Maybe 2:30. Yes. I WILL DO THAT!
#358 Take Five ~ Dave Brubeck

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