Tuesday, April 27, 2004


I'm looking up website about how different people relate different colors, especially those with perfect pitch like me. I'm just wondering because usually I don't associate color with pitch, and in high school someone interviewed me with what colors I see. What spurred my mind is I am listening to subdivisions by Rush, which starts off in F# major. And I close my eyes and I almost see an infrared room and someone like running. Or something. Anyways, I see a purplish pinkish magentaish color with that. With the song Big Money, I see blues and whites. With closer to the heart, I see blues and sandy browns. With Spirit of Radio, i see Reds and Yellows. With Leave That Thing Alone, I see Blues and Yellows (but that may just be from the album cover). As with Tom Sawyer. I see Reds and Blacks. Fly By Night, I see blue. Grand Designs I see Purples, Yellows, and Blues. Anthem I see greens and blues. Working Man I see pink (probably from the Rush logo on the first album). Some of those colors I see because of the album cover.

Which led me to wonder. What colors do I think of when I hear certain pitches? So I tried it. I looked it up and everyone else see different colors than I do (which proves that that "Buy Perfect Pitch for only $100" crap is crap). So here is my list.

C - yellow w/ hint of orange
Db - a really really dark and deep blue with a hint of purple
D - purple (anytime I hear baroque music in this key I think purple)
Eb - a rusty yellow
E - orange
F - darker red
F# - infrared magenta
G - blue
G# - greenish
A - brighter red
Bb - dark brown
B - light brown

Maybe someone can use this for a research paper.

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