Sunday, September 14, 2003

I'm sick of politics.

OK I've seen like 4 things today about the war and how much it costs and how our president sucks and stuff. I'm sick of it. I mean, I can see why many college people are upset with it. When Clinton first became president, we were like 10. And then 8 years later, when politics DID matter in our life (when we were 10 it wasn't as important), Bush came around and changed everything. So, people focus on the bad things Bush did and put all of their emphasis on that instead of some of the good that he did. In a sense, people did that with Clinton too, although I agree with a lot more things that Bush is doing. I'm not even going to touch the war, because that's such a huge issue. But I'm going to say that I'm pro-life, and Clinton doing that crap legalizing partial-birth abortion is just bull, and I'm glad that with Bush in power that will end. I think abortion is wrong because you are killing another life. The only way abortions should happen is if the mother is in danger, and perhaps if she was raped. Although, whats to stop her from putting the child up for adoption, when so many people can't have kids.

Now being a future educator, I don't agree with some of the things bush is doing to education. I don't believe the no child left behind thing is all good, especially the enforcing of standardized tests. Tests only show how good of test takers kids are. Different people take in knowledge differently, and show they know it differently. My sister gets all As on her homework and stuff, but doesn't do well at tests. She gets reasonable grades; but bombs the ACTs. Tests I think are a load of bull (I'm saying this and I'm good at tests so I'm not saying it because I'm bad at them) and we should find another way to measure peoples knowledge.

I know I know I'm probably going to get some heat from this post but I just want to let you know that I can't take in politics very well ESPECIALLY mudslinging politics and people dissing the other. I'm more interested in deep political conversations, and more into listening rather than speaking because I'm not a good speaker. If you are going to leave a comment about politics and stuff, don't be giving me lists or reasons why Bush is so bad, or asking me to tell you what good the war is doing, or whatever, because frankly I'm sick of it and I don't want to start an arguement. I believe what I believe and people should accept that rather than trying to make me believe something else.

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