Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Decatur Children

OK normally I'd be at men's choir right now but I'm skipping it today for a few reasons:
a. It's not for credit
b. I have other things to do today
c. I was late getting back from Johns Hill tutoring with Chip

Speaking of which, the drive back was way more eventive than the drive there or the actual tutorage. After tutoring Chip ran into a lady from Ragtime which he was in last year so they chatted and then after that we couldn't get out of the parking spot because a stupid lady would NOT move her car. When we finally got out, first a kid almost ran in front of us, and then WE SAW A BOY PEEING IN THE FRONT YARD. At first I thought it was a hose, like some guy was watering the lawn, since the stream was really high. Then I thought the boy was pretending to be peeing with the hose since it was like that. Then driving by (thank God his back was to the road) I saw his pants were open. Chip was like "Tell me I didn't just see that." It was gross. Shouldn't you be in school or on the way home from school or something, kid? And regardless of that SHOULDN'T YOU BE ON A TOILET OR SOMETHING? That's just WRONG.

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