Monday, October 27, 2003

Weber did this survey and so now I have to do it.

Although, he does have a point the spelling and grammar suck.


1. Full name: Spencer Paul Lent
2. Nickname: Spence (yeah so creative)
3. Eyes: Green
4. Height: 5'7" Hair: brown
5. Siblings: Aria, 17
6. Do u like 2 sing in the shower? yes
7. Birthday: April 20, 1983 (yes that is 420, yes that's Hitler's birthday, no I am not associated with either)
8. Star sign: aries or taurus depending on the astrologer
9. Address: Hessler 212
10. Sex: male
11. Righty or lefty: righty, right-o!
12. Wut do u want in a relationship most: understanding and trust
13. Maritial status: single
14. Do u have a car? yep, and I love it.
15. Wut kinda car do u have/want? Whatever as long as it's blue


16. Movie: Misery, Matrix, Red Violin, and like lots of others
17. Song: Subdivisions by Rush or Clocks by Coldplay
18. Band/singer: Rush
19. TV Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
20. Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
21. Actress: Kathy Bates
22. Food: Italian
23. Number: 238417893287
24. Cartoon: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
25. Disney Character: Just any one that is funny
26. Color: Blue


27. Do u plan on having children: yes
28. Do u want to get married: yes
29. How old do u want to be when u have ur first child? mid to late 20s
30. How old do u want to be when ur married: mid 20s (before our first child)
31. Would u have kids before marriage: oh. I guess I should read ahead. No.
32. Do u have a b/f or g/f: no (Although I'm looking ;))


33. Music/TV: MUSIC!!!
34.Guys/Girls: GIRLS!!!
35. Green/blue: BLUE!!!
36. Pink/Purple: Purple
37.Summer/Winter: Winter
38. Night/Day: Night
39. Hangin Out/Chillin: Same thing, unless by Chillin you mean being cold so hangin out.
40. Dopey/Funny: Funny


41. Weird saying u have? Sweet/Tight/Dude/Yo
42. wut school do u go to? Millikin
43. Have u ever taken drugs? no, except ritalin and that's legal
44. Wut's a major turn on for u? sense of humor
45. How far would you go on a first date? maybe a kiss at the end
47. Which 5 people would u trust the most? God, Parents, Bobby, Garrett, Dustin
48. Do u believe in soul mates? Um.. I think so...
49. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/g/f? As long as you are flirting with your bf/g/f
50. Wut was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? I don't remember I hate sad stuff as is the state of this survey...
51. Wut's something about guys/girls you don't get? As Weber says, Guys are jerks, but girls change their mind every 2 seconds.
52. Are you happy? Yes
53. Why? Because I'm over halfway done with this survey
54. Wut's an object you can't live without? music
55. Love or lust: LOVE.
56. Silver or gold: Silver.
57. Diamond or pearl: Diamond. And yes Weber, these SHOULD be in the either or section.
58. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
59. Have u ever gone skinny-dipping: no way
60. Do u sleep with stuffed animals: no
61. Do u have any piercings: nope
62. Wut colour underwear are u wearing right now: red
63. Wut song r u listening to rite now? the hum of my computer
64. Wut are the last four digits of your phone number? 3566
65. Where would u want to go on your honeymoon? Europe like in the mountains and Germany and Austria and Italy and stuff
66. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? My wife...
67. Football/soccer: FOOTBALL. Unless you mean do you call soccer football or soccer in which case I call soccer soccer.
68. What makes you happy? Friends Family Happy stuff
69. Do u wear contacts or glasses? yep
70. What's the best advice given to you? Be who you are and be proud of it.
71. Have u ever won any special awards? National Choral Award in HS, and the Kumquat Award in HS
72. Wut are your future goals? To teach in an ideal setting
73. Worst sickness u ever had? Walking Pneumonia and Bronchitus at the same time (ew)
74. On the phone or in person? In Persona
75. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs, unless you are talking Hersheys, in which case Kisses
76. Wut song seems to reflect you the most? There are about 100 of them so I'll save you and myself the time of naming them.
77. If you died tomorrow who would u leave everything u own to? Probably you so my brain would be included so you would have the sense not to write these quizzes so long and so stupidly and so mistake-ridden.
78. Do u have any enemies? MEAN PEOPLE.
79. Wut is ur greatest fear? Dying before I'm an old man
80. Would u rather be rich or famous? Famous although both corrupts people.
81. What time is it in Alabama: 3:36 PM
82. Have u ever been in love? No
83. Have u met Santa? What that was random.
84. If E.T. knocked on ur door holdin up a peace sign askin 2 use ur phone wut would u do? Give him my sister's cell phone and tell him to go to Cellcom to activate it
85. When was da last time u talked bot how u REALLY feel wit someone u can trust? What did you just say? Anyways I REALLY trust God, yo.
86. Do u have any pets? Millie (I miss her she's at my house)
87. Wuts your email address?
89. Are u an alcoholic? Yeah I get drunk every night and puke all over you THAT'S why you are so stupid!! I get it now!
90. Who sent this to you? Weber
91. Wut do u think of this person? He's cool
92. Do u want ur friends to write back? Yes but that's probably not going to happen
93. Do u believe in love at first sight? I don't think so.
94. Which is better, League or Union? I don't know.
95. Name all ur friends? that's not really a question...soo...everyone but you (Weber's answer is too funny so it's staying)
96. Wut would u do if a person of the same sex tried to hit on you? I probably would just tell them I'm straight but if they are giving me stuff I'd keep it.
97. Wut religion are you? Christian
98. Do u agree with religions? Yes and denominations probably; I think just being Christian is good enough don't you think?
99. Are you one of those people who wait 4 thingz 2 happen, or go out &make things happen? I wait
100. Wut is da thing u look forward 2 da most in ur life? Just having a good time I guess... I don't know stop asking me these stupid questions?

Yeah and you are stupid person who wrote this quiz spell these things correctly! And I bet you are related to the girl on the domino's phone who said "Ow special is 14 dollas and 99 cen" and the telemarketer who said "Is your mother there?" "No, she's not" "K, BYE!" except bye was "BAH!"

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