Sunday, September 08, 2002

I don't want to study. I have to finish reading this thing for methods, and then I have to study for my physics test. And I forgot I need to go to the library and watch myself conduct and then do a self evaluation on it. At least I got the reading done for survey.

Wow. We are getting the first rains since I got here. I have been here about 2 weeks, and this is the first time it has rained. And it is a small random storm - although some of the lightning has been very close. My window in Mills was a lot better at looking out to watch the rain... we are facing the train tracks in the back out here so you can't see anything. There is no light. It was funny because Garrett and I heard this random shuffling sound and it sounding like something falling and we didn't realize it was thunder. It was so unexpected, because it hasn't rained here in God knows how long.

I won the Fanta poster but someone bid over the shirt!!! I was so mad. They went up to $8.00. Had they not I would have only spent $9.50 (w/shiping) on the shirt and now I have to spend at least $13.50, if not more. That was not my plan. Oh well if I don't get the shirt at least I got the poster.

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