Wednesday, September 04, 2002

SO yeah I thought I had totally ruined my computer last night... the loading screen wouldn't advance. I had a horrible night's sleep and right when I got up I looked for a bootdisk or a starting disk online and found one, and it didn't work, and I was all upset. Anyway, I'm about to call home and ask them to mail the recovery CD when it advanced!!!! FINALLY!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GOD. There were some problems, like no sound, but that was because my installation of DirectX was bad, so I reinstalled it and now I have sound!!! So I'm going to reinstall my webcam, and then everything will be ALL RIGHT!!!

Also, I don't feel as bad about being in Concert Choir anymore. I think today I heard why God put me there. It turns out that Millikin Men this year is really small, so Dr. Holmes and Prof. Hesse sort of combined the choirs but are retaining Millikin Men. All the men in Concert Choir are going to be in Millikin Men, and there is going to be some all women stuff too, and then there will be stuff for mixed voices. So I think it's going to be awesome, and so being in both means I will be singing more music and hopefully doing more. I believe God put me in the choir to be a leader to all the younger guys, so I am almost excited. I still wish I was in UChoir but I don't feel nearly as bad. So what started out as a stressful rough day is turning out to be a pretty good day.

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