Monday, September 16, 2002

The Clare College concert was awesome. But the bad thing is that that concert made me want to be in UChoir all the more. I mean, I see people chatting with the people from England and that makes me SOOO jealous I want to cry. I mean, here they are all awesome and I am stuck in a choir where half of them don't want to be in a choir. I want to be in UChoir so I can do stuff like that. Take tours. Meet people from around the world. It makes me so mad because we will never do any of that in Concert Choir. All we do is sit in K11 and sing the same 2 songs every rehearsal. Two songs. Whoop-de-do. I want to sing more than that, and sing something a little better. Can't we start something new? It makes me want to cry again. I know like 95% of the people in UChoir and about 10% of the people in Concert Choir. It's just not the same as even Millikin Men. In Millikin Men last year there was a spark there; a feeling, an aura. There's emptyness in Concert Choir. I don't feel a thing. That's what I love about choirs is that aura. I had it every year in the Boy Choir and last year in Millikin Men. This choir just doesn't inspire me one bit. This is the first choir (unless you count the month and a half I didn't go to boy choir because they fired Mr. Wickert) that I don't want or really enjoy going to rehearsals for. And I have been in a choir since I was 7. It's really weird. I hope to GOD that I make it next year.

On a lighter note...

Shanan looked funny while she was singing tonight. She was standing behind the podium thing where the priest preaches and it looked like she was preaching when she sang. It was so hilarious. I wanted to tell her that tonight but she had already left. So I will tell her tomorrow.

And another light note :)

ARIA MADE THE MUSICAL!!! She is "Anybody" in West Side Story. Anybody is the girl in the gang, and she is perfect for that role. She fits it naturally. She wanted that role bad. I am so proud of her and am so happy she is in it!!!

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