Sunday, September 01, 2002

I found a Fanta poster on EBAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to get it!!!! It said buy now for $15.99 but that's too expensive so I hope to get it for less and I won't spend more than 11.50. I want that poster. It's old but it is cool! It's perfect for above my computer in my room. And if all goes well I'm going to have a shirt too!!! But that is it. I don't want anymore than that. Unless.... something else cool comes up!!!

Today is one of those days that I wish I had my webcam. I'll probalby get it on Tuesday, since there is no mail tomorrow because it is Labor Day. I'll probably get mom's package Tuesday as well. Hopefully both on the same day. That will be a good day. Wednesday wouldn't be good since that is my busiest day of the week (first class at 10, then another class, then either lunch or 1/2 hour of my lab, then another class, then anohter class, then lab (if he says one hour is OK then great!), then class, then it's 5:00. Then at 7:00 I have MVOP. if it comes that day I will have no time to fool around on it until after 9:00. That's why I want it on tuesday, so I can get the excitement and fooling around out of my system.

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