Friday, December 05, 2003

Vespers is taking over my life.

Seriously. All I dreamt about last night was Vespers. One dream consisted of Dr. Holmes dividing the choirs in half, and he gave one half "Dixit Maria" and the other half "Praise to the Lord." I was so happy I got Praise to the Lord I was like I FINALLY get to sing this. Then I opened the music up and it was hard as hell with like umpteen ledger lines.

The other dream I remember was a little longer. It was really late, like midnight, and we were still at rehearsal but we were still active. Me, Stephen Needham, and Eric Glawe stepped out for a sec, and when we went back in Chamber had moved and we had no idea where to. So we were running everywhere trying to find them; we ran across the stage while another group was singing. Then we found them, they were in the loges but the loges looked more like a balcony or an arena or something. Then there were people in animal costumes playing Christmas carols on instruments. I remember Jon Pessin (a percussionist in real life) was playing cello passionately on stage and Tim Weber was next to me but his animal head was off, and he was playing french horn, and Sarah Staudt was like not wanting to wear her bunny costume. And our group played Mannheim Steamroller's version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" which is weird in itself because WE ARE A CHOIR...

Well back to life, back to reality.


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